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Simple mod...


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I agree that making gold in the game becomes a pointless enterprise very quickly. With my current character I tried to counter the gold falling like mana from heaven aspect of the game by using Enhanced Economy and Basic Primary Needs


Yes, I have my own way of doing this too. I think you would agree to it being more enjoyable as well.

I remove the level training cap on trainers, and also increase the training costs by 3 or 4x.. quite expensive.

but also, i reduce the global rate of experience gained, so that it takes longer to level up. i reduce this by about -60% of vanilla. so that training is more viable.

but also this actually has its own benefit, because the increased enemy spawns (game feels too primitive and empty without them) also increases the EXP you earn, so slowing down the EXP rate actually works.

but also i feel the EXP rate of vanilla is too fast as is. the vanilla EXP rate is not really designed for someone who wants to put several hundred hours into the game by exploring 100% of the map and 100% of indoor locations.

its made for a more typical consumer with a 60hr-80hr playthrough. i honestly think it feels much better with the reduced EXP rate, im not always looking for the instant gratification of leveling up like i was in the year 2006.


Also, the increased training costs doesnt feel out of place. The cost to level up is not an astronomical amount to where it feels broken. Though it is quite expensive. But this is good as you actually need to make money to buy skills. It's not anywhere as trivial as vanilla.



My current character is at 5135 hours of gameplay. My two characters before him were over 1500 hours gametime each. I don't think that many people would accuse me of being anything remotely similar to "typical".


I understand your rational on the training subject, but it would have little utility for me as I very seldom use trainers. I use the vanilla leveling system and have skills that are less frequently used in regular gameplay for my major skills (so this slows down leveling on those skills I do use automatically). I'll use a trainer on one of my major skills on the rare occassion that I've earned enough points in the minors I've been using to get my +5s and have neglected to keep my majors in step to be ready for the level up.


I enjoy thinking about the big picture while I'm playing, sort of the antithesis of how "typical" players wish to play. It's not an onerous task for me, as the majors I've picked are for the most part skills that I could use, they just aren't my primary tool for job (e.g. Conjuration is a major, Destruction a minor). Most of the time Destruction magic is the "go to", but I'll use Conjuration during a fight with a Conjurer, not so much to balance the fight as to gain some points in my major, but doing so is totally optional for me.


In the same way, in light of more thought, I'm not so sure how much use I would get out of a crafting system.


When my current guy wears armor it is still the same quality leather armor he acquired way back at level 1 outside of Anvil (alternate start). Yes it has enchantments these days (after completing the Main quest and closing 61 gates ... thanks to Arthmoor's Vergayun I got one more than the usual 60 gates). I use a mod that ensures that lower level gear never disappears as you level higher so it's not hard to find a replacement set when it gets destroyed (Maskar's Unequip Broken Armor). My houses are all the vanilla game houses plus a few from Emma. There are plenty of campsites in the wilderness, so I'd have little incentive to build remote cabins.


I do plan on using Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul in my next character's load order, so that may change the dynamic when sleeping rough in the wilderness ... maybe I'll start sleeping with a sword close at hand rather than just the Dark Brotherhood Blade of Woe (only in inventory when sleeping because it is still a quest item). I still think that even if MOO generated enemies jumped me while sleeping I'd more likely toast them than start slashing (early game MOO makes the wilderness too much of an adventure for sleeping rough from what I have learned about the mod).


So much of making this game "your own" depends on your own individual peculiarities.

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I understand your rational on the training subject, but it would have little utility for me as I very seldom use trainers. I use the vanilla leveling system and have skills that are less frequently used in regular gameplay for my major skills (so this slows down leveling on those skills I do use automatically).


yes, of course i have considered this,

but the way I mod my game is typically with additional difficulty.. additional number of enemies, with additional damage received and given. so that main skills typically need to be leveled to keep up with the hazard of it all

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When my current guy wears armor it is still the same quality leather armor he acquired way back at level 1 outside of Anvil (alternate start).


do you really use alternate start? The tutorial dungeon runs a load of quests/scripts and I dont trust that mod to properly complete them all, at least for the oblivion version. Too many users complain of bugs with that mod, though I have never taken the time to investigate any of those complaints so i really am unsure of their credibility. but generally, any "complex" mod for oblivion tends to be very poorly done. specifically with this game and not other bethesda ones.

but on the otherhand, you have the ultra rare highly compitent modder such as maskar who does fabulous work. one of the best modders of all TES and exclusively (to my knowledge) for oblivion

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I understand your rational on the training subject, but it would have little utility for me as I very seldom use trainers. I use the vanilla leveling system and have skills that are less frequently used in regular gameplay for my major skills (so this slows down leveling on those skills I do use automatically).


yes, of course i have considered this,

but the way I mod my game is typically with additional difficulty.. additional number of enemies, with additional damage received and given. so that main skills typically need to be leveled to keep up with the hazard of it all



Whereas I typically don't quest, have mostly vanilla for enemies, use SPAWN to make it unpredicatable but less likely for enemy spawns. My "Striker's mini-games" occupy most of my time. When I have something I want to do stopping every few minutes to kill the next spawn is just tedious for me. I know where paractically every single spawn point on the major and minor roads are located, so it's not like I get surprised much.


MOO will change that for my next character, but who knows when that will come to pass (after all, 5135 hours and I still can say "who knows when that will come to pass" doesn't make it sound like tomorrow is a very likely possibility).

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Whereas I typically don't quest, have mostly vanilla for enemies, use SPAWN to make it unpredicatable but less likely for enemy spawns. My "Striker's mini-games" occupy most of my time. When I have something I want to do stopping every few minutes to kill the next spawn is just tedious for me.


Then im not sure what you are doing playing this game in the first place if combat is too tedious for you. Thats kind of a major part of this game.

Though vanilla combat does get stale quick, no denying that.

My method of improving this is to increase the damage done to enemies, so that it doesnt take forever to kill them. but also increasing damage received to add challenge. and also increasing their numbers.

But one potential benefit oblivion has is the ability to spice things up with monster mods, but these mods are implemented so poorly here for this game. i wish somebody could make a proper edited version of these mods.

With a proper mod, there is always a bit of wonder when exploring a dark dungeon (ambient lighting removed) and never knowing what you are going to encounter, especially if you purposely prevent yourself from knowing what monsters are installed before playing the game.

the current monster mods are such piles of s#*! though. ontop of their buggy behavior, so many of the monsters are such disgraceful and ugly trash, its sad.

the talented maskar has been the closest one to properly implement new monsters, but even his mod is not exactly perfect. my main complaint is that there is not much diversity added. ive gone far into playing his mod with several hundred hours in, and remember not being impressed by the diversity of his inclusions. but the rest of his mod is great

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Think of how many thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of bandits etc I have killed just in my current guy's 5135 hours (and then there is about 3000 hours or more to tack onto that from his two predecessors). More enemies doesn't make the game less the same old, it makes it more for me.


Actually I rarely kill NPC enemies any more. I have other more interesting uses for them, that are best suited to them remaining alive.

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I'm not sure how serious you're being, since you're specifically targeting mod-makers and being openly rude to them, but if this is so simple, do it yourself.


It's not simple, FYI, but if you believe it'd be easy to do, and that you have ideas on how to do it, then go for it. People certainly aren't going to make a mod for you if, when presenting you with the complications of your idea, you simply belittle them. Again, if you're knowledge of the CS and game design outstrips theirs, go and make the mod yourself. I'm not trying to be rude, but, well, you are being quite abrasive.

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  • 2 months later...


But no one did say that they would do it??


Maskar's crafting system is so good that it would work perfect for this for sure. I am debating some stuff with him about crafting at the moment so lets see what he comes with in a future release.


The game have loads of level lists used by merchants and all bloody NPC's in the game so to make this possible, we must remove them all and then it is a risk to break something. I am not a fan of this idea as I am a bit lazy and if I really want something and cant find it right away at a merchant, I add it to my own merchants, who are loaded with useful stuff and spells now, as I do not really wanna cheat by adding it in game.


Maskar have solved this with lvl lists by scripting, removing loads of stuff when the game and mod initiates and then he adds new stuff to the lists, all with scripts so MOO do not touch the game world much at all. It is brilliant made.


We do have other brilliant crafting mods like Crafty Bits but it requires you to be extremely into crafting and it is very time consuming and I had to stop using it when I failed to make a bloody bed, because of havoc and it got into my nerves - I do have limits of what I can put up with ;) but I have also debated this with the current developer of that otherwise extremely well made mod and havoc is what it is as solving this is not easy. MOO has a line in one ini that activates Crafty Bits and removes his own system if the player prefer Crafty Bits and it is very custom able if you wanna use it.


So why has no one started with this idea?

It is because everyone is working on their own projects and ideas and I guess the purpose with this forum at all is in case a modder do not have more ideas of their own and time over to spend on others requests. I do what pops up in my mind right now and I do blog what I am gonna do and my ideas and thoughts, in case I do forget so I can go back in the WIP and see what I will do next in case I do not get new crazy ideas. If I do not write it down, my head will explode as I can put the thoughts a side as soon as I wrote them down, not before... Very odd really but this is how I work at least...


Another reason might be like it will get very complicated to make some of the requests, like this one as one example and there is more requests that are not easy to make. Ideas are always fun to peek at, no doubt so keep making them anyway.


What drives a modder at all? Well when I get ideas, I feel happy and fine making them work... ;) A modder must really feel positive for the project at all - If not, then it will drain you in the long run as we do mod and play this game because we enjoy and have fun doing it as if we do not, then we flush it and do something else. I do remember 2008 when I suddenly felt Oblivion was completely waste of time and I was so damn bored and also drained so I went elsewhere - WoW I think it was... Then I had changed everything in game as I can remember... Gave all NPC new clothes and armor, edited every monster to make them more challenging and so on, exchanged all paintings - If someone has my old painting exchanger, send it to me by the way as that bloody file is missing... ;) ... I do remember the last dungeon I visited 2008 with 5 companions before I flushed it... It was a big battle with a couple of lvl 50 goblins in an Ayleid ruin that felt like it would never end...

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I also must add - Do all modders really ignore requests??


I do not think so and I do have at least one example... ;)


Someone called Elynda requested some washroom items 15 years ago and she is a very good texturer herself by the way but she wasn't able to make the 3D meshes so I made the stuff suitable for her washroom with Blender as I liked the idea. We ended up doing a couple of projects together as I did made that request and we also tried to retexture Anvil together a year after that. :) We also tried to make an ancient toilet together, that was a bit complicated for sure, so I think we did some stuff together during 2 years, from Morrowind to Oblivion.

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