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A little problem with gore


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Played NV for a while 2 years ago. Now i installed it again and put on the backup to have all mods again but theres a problem with the gore. I have the bloody mess perk. So nearly everytime when i shoot the head or the limbs every limbs does explode. Thats damn unrealistic and disturbing. Is there a mod that only makes that the (for example) foot doesnt explode when i shoot the head?


But if i use any "no bloody mess" mod then the body gets undestroyable. Even when i use the shotgun i cant explode it "manually". It just shouldnt happen so often, is there any possibility?

Edited by qwasyxedc123
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It seems you've lost the point of the bloody mess perk. When you kill a guy, he IS going to explode into little gibblets. No if, ands, or buts about it. If you don't like it, don't use that perk, I'm sure you can find another perk that increases damage.

Also, sorry if this comes across as rude, I'm in a sour mood as of late.

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