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The Epic Playstation 4 event live streams,


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Here is some of the websites offering live streams of the playstation event, gamespot stood out the most, because its a real time live stream.



gamespot stream

http://www.computerandvideogames.com/390731/live-blog/live-countdown-to-playstation-4/ actually functioning one at this time

geekosystem stream


IGN is streaming it live. i can't find the actual link though



Enjoy :thumbsup:


Its not going to be a 30 minute blip, but a 24hour long event that will be "very" long as mentioned on one of the live streams, so stock up if your planning on watching the entire thing.

Edited by Thor.
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9M left until it starts, Finally we'll get some real answers..



It looks like its a beast of a system, maybe even rival my crossfire rig, still it has lots of potential. Not to mention 8gb of ddr5 wow


here is a working stream, the last ones has been erroring out.




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The streams are getting back logged with the amount of viewers, its getting to the point its not watchable. May have to settle with the youtube streams when they come out :blink:


take it back, found one :D



LoL blizzard wen't console with Diablo 3,

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Same here. Still no real reason to own a PS4 from what I can tell; exclusives and the social aspect just doesn't cut it anymore, really. I mean, really - Why are we still using exclusives? With targeted audiences so scattered across platforms and devices these days, all exclusives do is entrap a developer into creating a game that won't have much of an impact on players thanks to the interested parties barred access due to not having the right or compatible device. For instance, after hearing about all the talk about Journey, I'd like to try it out, but I'm not going to buy a $200 machine (plus $15 for the game) just to play it. I think that in such a situation, thatgamecompany needs to urge Sony to return product control to them so that it can truly reach the audience it deserves instead of being limited to PSN.

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Things like playstation and console is great for the person who doesn't like to go technical and make his own rig. I haven't got that much against consoles, i have a playstation myself wich i use whenever i just do some casual, relaxing gaming :cool: But consoles are overrated. Alot of my friends think their xbox and/or playstation is the greatest machine ever created to play games on. But their arguments for it, is for example; the controller is alot better and more realistic then the mouse and keyboard. That may be the case, but actually console controllers are supported on alot of the new games and also on many of the old ones. I personally won't buy the new Playstation 4 but i am curious about how the gaming experience is going to be on this new system :happy:

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Joy, we're going to spend the rest of this year hearing about how "PC gaming is dying" again in another console fuelled propaganda campaign to try and scare people in to leaving the PC platform. Thankfully because Sony, MS et al have been so slow to get their next generation out PC gaming is absolutely storming at the moment. With the rise of casual gaming, independent studios and eSports consoles are actually becoming less relevant rather than more relevant. Thank god.


Just look at League of Legends. One game that has more users than XBox Live and at 32 million monthly players, it almost has as many monthly players as Xbox live has total subscribers from the past 6 years (40 million). Consoles; you're not what you used to be. And I'm thankful for it.

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