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Nested commenting, sticky posts, latest versions, drag n dropping and


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I dig it...sticky notes will be awesome...they will help me specifically with the required files sections...as the required files link button is so obscured and hidden, I've noticed that not even other mod authors take full advantage of it...hooray for more user-friendliness...in a way it's kinda sad that some of this was even necessary...but really handy for those of us who take advantage of it...


I liked this, it was a polite way of saying what a lot of us mod authors think...


"percentage of users who seem to suffer from a form of attention deficit disorder and can’t spend the time reading the file description"


...ADD is a myth, just like Fibromyalgia (which is a just combination of laziness and depression)...ADD is just plain mental laziness, or poor parenting, or laziness stemming from poor parenting...do the world a favor people, provide structure and discipline for your kids...or do the world a real solid, get sterilized before you unleash any...you may just save Dark0ne the effort of having to further reduce everything to the level of the dumbest person in the room like this is an American public school...

Edited by Satanabusjones
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@Dark0ne - There is an issue that's come up in my thread re: the Nested Commenting. It's working fine in the mod thread itself on the mod description, but the nested comments don't retain their nesting in the thread in the forum; the comments, when viewed in the forums, are no longer tethered to the original comments in any way unless the commenter bothered to do an @previouscommenter and the new nesting style in the mod thread makes that seem unnecessary. Anyway, As you can imagine, this is confusing for players who read the thread in the forum (a fair number of players do), as there are now many comments with no context to explain what they mean or why they've been made.


:) llama

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All is ask is please provide an option to disable nesting. Personally I find that all it does is make people post the same stuff even MORE often, unless threads can be sorted by "most active shown first". Another thing that would help enormously is a tweak to the search function. When you go into search, the locations it scans by default could include the level of the forum you're currently in and any child levels. This may actually be the default at certain levels, but I wish it was universal. Being able to manually select multiple forum areas to search is great, but most of the time "here and below" is where most people are trying to search anyway. Thanks again for all the hard work you guys put into the site...hope you don't run into any major problems :thumbsup:

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@ Dark0ne

> we upgraded the forums (which was done within the last fortnight).


Notwithstanding and appreciating all the new features added, here is the problem.


Since the upgrade, text formatting became more buggy than it was before:

1. The main problem: text that looks OK on the forum thread may look terrible on the mod description thread, or - less frequently - vice versa.

2. When creating post on the forum thread, I use links, different fonts and font colors. When pressing Edit after posting, you see the text in a different format (most often in UBB); edit it second time -- and you see HTML code. And original post is irreversibly damaged...



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I think nested comments was a mistake and should have been just allowing quoting in the comment section. nested comment in most comment sections have the last comment on the bottom of the list and always become a confused mess when someone replies in a new post and you have a running conversation in 2+ posts. then you have to go back an unknown number of pages to comment on a nested discussion. nested for mod author only would work but not everyone because people will start a thread inside a thread and on popular mods there could be many.


The better solution would have just been add a quote button in the comment section so people dont need to do @username or type the code and paste the text snippet. each reply is a new post so you only have to go back to the last read post and be up to date.

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I lol'd at the comment "Author’s sticky post


The inherent problem with the internet is there’s a percentage of users who seem to suffer from a form of attention deficit disorder and can’t spend the time reading the file description, readmes, FAQs and author warnings in big glaring multi-coloured fonts before they try to install a mod...If someone is really that dumb that they don’t read anything before asking for help then no amount of warnings, pop-up notifications and forced reading will solve the issue."



I think Dark0ne has been reading too many of my pm's or posts...starting to sound cynical like me. :P

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