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"You've Exceeded The Plugin Limit For Your Game"


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Vortex is showing me this error right now, out of nowhere. I've never seen this prior to the latest update.






I can ignore this, right? Most of the Light plugins were marked as light through Vortex itself, and that message only just popped up, after I deployed 3 armor mods. Warning still persists after clicking "Check Again", as well as after marking the new plugins as light and sorting them...


Fallout 4 is the game, btw...




-For good measure, the plugins marked as Light in Vortex also show up as such in xEdit


-It only seems to be allowing me to have 260 plugins enabled before throwing the error, including the 7 main+DLC files. Doesn't not seem to care whether they are Masters, Light Masters, ESPs, or ESPFEs in it's count

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I am also getting the above notifications with the new version. My plugins are Active: 178 Light: 111. My last entry in the index column prior to the FE(xx) light plugins is B1. I am currently ignoring this.

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