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Vortex unable to detect Fallout 4


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Yesterday while I was modding fallout. I ran into few issues where mods didn't seem to be working correctly. So I decided to reinstall fallout 4 alongside all of the mods. I did all this while Vortex was still open. But when I closed and reopened Vortex again fallout 4 had been removed as a managed game and didn't even appear as I searched it up or when I looked over it manually in the unmanaged selection. I can find Fallout 4 VR, but not Vanilla Fallout 4. Pls help...
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One more thing, some future advice/hint

Hopefully, from this experience, if you have any other problem in the future, ALWAYS look for the simplest solution FIRST.

You automatically went and uninstalled the entire game and all of your mods, (which must've taken quite a while), instead of just checking to see if something was 'turned off or on' in Vortex, which must've taken about 10 seconds.

Believe it or not, my Electronics Teachers, waaaaaaay back in Highschool, did a stint as a TV Repairman while working on his Education to become a Teacher, and he said his first question when people called him saying their TV was broken was "Have you checked to see if it's plugged in?"
He said it saved him a lot of TIME and GAS because 80% of the calls were exactly because the TV wasn't plugged in.

I guess that was my long, meandering "Pepperidge farm remembers" type monologue to say, "Save uninstalling/Reinstalling for the very last step" :laugh:


Also, to join Augusta, THANK YOU for coming back and posting how you fixed it, it helps other people in the future who will be searching for the very same problem.

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