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Do we have any modern insight into the roulette wheel causing CTDs?


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The phenomenon: Interacting with the roulette wheel puts the game in a state where a CTD is likely-to-inevitable. Typically, upon exiting the wheel, doing almost anything—interacting with something, opening the Pip-Boy, hitting start to open the save/load menu—causes the game to either freeze or CTD. Less typically, proceeding with the game will soon cause 3d assets to vanish, and the framerate to descend below 1fps. Worse, the instability instigated by whatever is wrong is something which affects any save file made after using the roulette wheel.


As attested by these earlier victims: 1, 2, 3.


I concur with the first individual linked: This happens to me on a completely vanilla, fresh installation of FNV. Not even using ENB. Not even using a mod organizer.


All I can do is narrow down the circumstances:


Merely opening up the roulette table: No crash.

Opening the table and moving the cursor around: No crash.

Opening the table and placing a chip down: No crash.

Opening the table and moving the cursor and placing chips: Crash imminent.

Opening the table and spinning the wheel: Crash imminent.


I fully acknowledge that this is some kind of rare circumstance, and that there's absolutely no reason why the same exact game files which cause no issues on most people's installations should consistently cause a handful of people problems, especially across 3+ completely different PCs.


I thought about bringing this topic up during my last playthrough, but reasoned that I only ever use the roulette wheel as the final gamble (to hit the 1-in-35 jackpot), and it's just far less effort to spin the wheel, restart the game if I lose, and cross my fingers if I win. This time, I really think I want a solution to this instead.

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Roulette seems a bit buggy. One known issue is that if you win or lose too many caps in one session and then do anything that brings up a menu, you'll crash the game. I've heard of other crashes as well but I'm a bit fuzzy on the details.


As far as I am aware, NVAC might help in some cases, but other than that, you're just screwed. The game is just buggy (it's made by Bethesda, what do you expect...).

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I thought gambling in general was known for crashing. It always has been to me.


The most consistent way for me was to interact with a game too quickly after exiting one. (Many a "f*#@" was uttered due to winning a huge jackpot, getting congratulated by the floor manager, only to crash as soon as I tried to game again.)

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Interesting. I hadn't really been aware that gambling in general had CTD issues. I've played a thousand hands of blackjack without a single problem. Never had issues with slots. Only roulette. And roulette is about a 50% guarantee of CTD for each spin of the wheel—a figure so awful that nobody could possibly shrug it off as "sometimes buggy."


NVAC doesn't seem to have an impact on this. Though I'd be tempted to wager that running the game in Windows 10 is a factor. Weird new crashes are simply a thing when it comes to this game and Win10.

Edited by Asterra
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