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Help: NPCs sinking into bar stools? (Screenshot and load order)


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I'm not sure when it started, but a lot of the time when entering taverns, people are sitting halfway down sunk into the bar stool. Wondering if it is a vanilla issue or caused by my mods. Check out this screenshot:




Here is my load order:




Has anyone else seen this before? Other times they're ok. When I sit, it is ok too.

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Darn, unless I'm removing it incorrectly, that's not it. Tried disabling as well as totally removing the mod. Maybe the place needs to reset with the mod inactive? Any other ideas? No one else has seen this before?

As a test, I used the console to select that NPC, get its refid and then I used the moveto player command to get him to stand up. The NPC went back to sit down on the stool and he sat down properly. Guess its just an issue when the area loads or something.

Edit: I also disabled every mod and loaded up a game and he was still sitting like that. Oh well, no biggie. Not like its game breaking or anything.

Edited by KenG10
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If it's not caused by custom skeleton (and you should check your data folder to make sure there are no orphan skeleton loose files), then it's likely animation files. I've seen this once, from a mod that altered default sitting animations (but that mod only affected female characters, not males). I'd ask you to post a BOSS log but it probably won't help identify the culprit (unless you are using FNIS), since animation replacers normally don't come with plugins and will not show up in the BOSS log.

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Thanks for your input. Let me see if there are any left over files when I remove some of the mods in question. I'm looking for NIF files right? Specifically in the actors/character folder?


Yes. '.../Meshes/Actors/Character/CharacterAssets/'

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I also have this issue, don't know why or when it started to happen...never did it before. It looks like someone have edited the nif file for the stool, but I'm not sure or know what mod in that case.

Edited by ceano
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