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Where is "great rainbow sweetroll" from?


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Anyone know by chance?


It's a very cheap (6 gold) sweet roll that restores health, magicka and stamina 200 points each, it is OP.


I recently did a new load order for VR and I used a mod to put my modded items into vendor leveled lists. It works great, but once in a while I'll find ridiculous OP stuff like this. I'd like to find this one item "rainbow sweetroll" in XEdit to change its values but for the life of me I cannot find it in any of my mods. I'm going crosseyed here.

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Open the console while facing the sweetroll. Then click on the sweetroll. Note the first 2 digits of it's Ref-ID.


The first 2 digits denote the plugin number (in hexadecimal) in your load order, so open up whichever mod manager you use and find the plugin that corresponds with those 2 digits. (In Vortex it's shown as "mod index")

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