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NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates


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In response to post #7509351. #7509719 is also a reply to the same post.

I agree with what ChronoTrigger77 said.

That's how it should be done. The stable version not listed as beta, and a beta as an optional, for those that want to help test.

That's reasonable, and definitely worth it to do.
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In response to post #7509351. #7509719, #7510109 are all replies on the same post.

My comment was meant for "users" whom are happily playing Skyrim to keep on playing. And not to rush to update everything.i.e opting in for beta 1.9 Skyrim & finding mods are now broken & being upset. Breathe people.
I appreciate the worker bees behind the curtain making improvements though! kudos to all dem bees.
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In response to post #7510192.

I followed your recommendation to uninstall NMM 0.44.0 before installing NMM 0.44.1 and what a fine mess you have created! First NMM couldn't find the mods which turned out that I had pointed NMM to the wrong directory. Then it showed all mods as uninstalled, so I changed the install info to the correct directory. Now it wants to uninstall all of my mods!
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In response to post #7510207. #7510229 is also a reply to the same post.

Did that too, but to no avail. Even cleared the cookies from one of my browser to be extra sure. Now that browser can't login as well, saying my username and password are incorrect.(using a different browser at the moment)If it's on my part, I'll probably get to fix it later. Edited by eSoDian
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In response to post #7506473. #7506591, #7506846, #7507227, #7509329 are all replies on the same post.

@Volek Mod authors can also upload optional readme files that can be downloaded separately at the same time as downloading the actual mod file, which would eliminate this problem for you and be super fast since usually it's just a simple text file. The fact is that these files and other crap just clutter up my folders, and I do not like that. I have no trouble finding mods I use on the Nexus to read their comments, descriptions, etc. Tracking is very useful, and if the mod author names their archives differently than the name displayed on the Nexus site, that's bad form on the author, lol.
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In response to post #7509351. #7509719, #7510109, #7510214 are all replies on the same post.

for beta to have meaning, there needs to be a non-beta version as well

Er, what? How does that make any sense at all? So in order for a beta to be a beta you also need to produce a version of your program that isn't a beta? That doesn't make sense.

The program is very much still in beta, we make absolutely no allusions to it being anything other than in beta, and people are told, when installing, that this is a beta. It's a beta. It's nothing else BUT a beta, and we can't really make that much clearer.

Aiming towards a full release is exactly what we're doing, and exactly why we don't have a "stable release candidate" and a "beta release candidate"...because the program is still in beta, and while it remains in beta we won't be doing a stable release. You can, however, do your down release candidate versioning by simply choosing when you decide to update your version of NMM. The onus does not need to be on us to hold your hand through the process; you have the choice to not install the latest versions and wait for things to be more stable. What and how you install things is completely your prerogative, and you have many choices when it comes to NMM including not using it (and modding is still possible and the sites still work fine without NMM, of course).
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