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NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates


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In response to post #7508918.

Forgot to mention that the new NMM isn't recognizing half of the 7z files either. I'm having to rezip everything on Good Compression and test after the zip is made. They should have just stuck with ONE change to the NMM at a time. Just the readme incorporation for a bit would have been great.
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In response to post #7506526.

I have several duplicates that seemed to appear , though after going through the motions of deleting then restarting NMM they were gone , The application needs to be restated to reflect changes , atleast that how it appears now.
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No problems with the update here :)


No, I don't feel smug at all...


(Running about 80 texture mods and over 100 .esp mods)

Edited by J Allin
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Adding another voice to the multitude: If it ain't broke don't fix it...I always suggest waiting to update anything, Skyrim, NMM, mods and especially Windoze.


If it's okay I'd like to post that going back to a previous version install may help those afflicted with the "gotta update" fever....http://dev.tesnexus.com/client/releases/Nexus%20Mod%20Manager-0.43.2.exe


good gaming everyone.

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Not quite sure I understand the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" crowd; surely that applies to you, not us? If you don't think NMM is broken and you think it's perfect the way it is, why are you updating at all? Just stick with the version that works for you and only update if you absolutely have to.

Now personally I don't recommend this as this is a beta, and we need people to actually test the versions we release, but if you're going to complain about us breaking things on new releases then I'd rather you actually held back on updating and let other people, who are willing to help to test but aren't going to throw all their toys out the pram if something breaks for 24 hours, do the bug reporting. A fix is being worked on.

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You do NOT have to close & restart to see that a deleted duplicate is gone - use the change views button - the bottom one on the left side panel with the arrows pointing in opposite directions. switch to the other view and back - and they will be gone.

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Sorry bben46. That doesn't resolve the issue. My duplicates are still there. That said, near as I can tell it doesn't appear to affect the mechanics of NMM, just the way the screens are present my mods. Notably, there are two of every mod that has a readme (mods that do not have a readme were NOT duplicated). All my esp's, esm's are still showing up on the plugin list and I see the bsa's as well so nothing appears to have been deleted or moved. Haven't played and don't really need to in case the problem is more extensive that I can see so I'll wait until this is patched but switching views has no affect.
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