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So...Dealing with the Thalmor. Expansion, or next game?


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My hope is that if they do only one more dlc it will take place in Hammerfell and revolve around a new attempt by the Thalmor to subjugate the province and use it as a jumping point for an invasion of either Skyrim or Cyrodil. Ever since the Second Treaty of Stros M'kai the former Imperial province has been an indpendent nation, not unlike what Skyrim could become if one chose to follow Ulfric Stormcloak. If the Thalmor were to invade the place anew then technically they would not be breaking their treaty with the Empire, the White-Gold Concordant. That means the whole affair could take place during the main campaign of Skyrim (the game).


This invasion will be the Thalmor's first big attempt to conquer Tamriel since the Great War, and they will therefore devote a considerable force to the task. It would even include Khajiit and Bosmer auxilary, something we have not seen in the main game. The defeat of this force, with the assistance of the Dragonborn of course, would deal a swift blow to the dreams of world domination that the Thalmor leadership may hold. The Thalmor claim to power lies in their dogma of leading elvenkind to a better tomorrow and of course their standing military force. Besmirch the first and remove the second and the Dominion will fall before the end of the century. That atleast is how I imagine it can all be rationalized.


And consider this - if the Civil War is resolved in Skyrim, would not either Ulfric or General Tullius consider it in their best interest to see the Thalmor fail, especially when victory is assured if they wade into the fight? Imagine for a moment, the final battle after countless Thalmor have fallen and onto the beach comes Legate Rikke or Galmar Stonefist with an army at their back yelling "Death to the Thalmor, for Talos!"


Of course how this DLC could be started without overly muddling with the main vanilla campaign is simple in my opinion: The Moot


A gathering of Jarls to nominate the new High King or High Queen, which could only be started once Skyrim is safe from both dragons and the civil war. Once the new High King or Queen is crowned then we shall receive the "bad news" about the new Thalmor invasion.


On the side, in order for this DLC to work the Thalmor army will need to be led by a smug bastard with a goatee who talks smack to us... you know, make it personal. Or maybe just Lady Arannelya, who led the first invasion of Hammerfell.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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I personally hope it's dealt with in another DLC, but I honestly wouldn't want it to be the main theme of the DLC. I guess I actually wish it was dealt with in the main game. although, I'd be willing to have it dealt with in a DLC IF it meant going to Cyrodil and not just some tiny town with a bunch of dull caves, I'd like to explore a large part of it. Though I remember someone mentioning that it's in ruins at this point? If that's true, then that sucks. I guess as long as theres some new cities to go to then it'd be nice.


Idoubt it'd be solved in another game since none of the other games had things start in one and resolve in another. It'll probably take placein between games/behind the scenes since wars and politics never resolve quickly.

Edited by Jinxxed0
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There were talk about trouble brewing at Summerset Isle way back in Oblivion, and the Thalmor spends all of Skyrim being a bunch of jackbooted faschist jerks yet never get any comeuppance, which I think speaks volumes about how patiently Bethesda is handling this. They are clearly going out of their way to establish the Thalmor as major bad guys, and considering that everyone hates them and insist something should be done about them and keep bringing it up in threads like this one, I'd say they're doing a good job.


I seriously doubt this gets resolved in a mere DLC. This is some long term machinations we are talking about. This plan has phases. I mean, forget world conquest, there are implications that that Thalmor may be planning to undo all of Nirn. I say they are being built up as the villains in, like, Elder Scrolls: Summerset Isles or something.

Edited by Relativelybest
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I'm hoping that the next installment (meaning full game, not DLC) will be in Redguard, with the Dominion either fighting to finish their invasion or, having already succeeded, they're fighting against a local resistance in a sort of Nazi vs. French Loyalists style of warfare. And to keep that epic "S##T, I can't fight that yet!" feel, the big threat can be an invasion by Akavir or something. But maybe they should leave that for Elder Scrolls VII... Edited by Jaradin
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Considering they spent four games killing off the emperor (which was a relatively light matter), I would be surprised if they killed off their current villains in such a wasteful way as a DLC. At least take us to the Isle and role play some intrigues, first. That would make a lot more sense.


My guess is that when they do kill off the Thalmor, the entire Elder Scrolls series will be basically dead. I mean, think about it. What else are you going to use to drive the drama in this game? Who do you get to replace them as the villains? Anyone else would just be a vast disappointment, especially if they turn out to be some race we've never heard of or some daedra or something cliche like that.

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Considering they spent four games killing off the emperor (which was a relatively light matter), I would be surprised if they killed off their current villains in such a wasteful way as a DLC. At least take us to the Isle and role play some intrigues, first. That would make a lot more sense.


My guess is that when they do kill off the Thalmor, the entire Elder Scrolls series will be basically dead. I mean, think about it. What else are you going to use to drive the drama in this game? Who do you get to replace them as the villains? Anyone else would just be a vast disappointment, especially if they turn out to be some race we've never heard of or some daedra or something cliche like that.


Oh, that's simple: Elder Scrolls X: AKAVIR.


Seriously, how many of us have wanted the clash with the other continent since we first learned about it in the lore? Vampiric serpent-men? A tiger race led by a tiger-dragon? A race of men inspired/influenced by Japanese culture? A long history of conflict with our present continent? Sounds plenty awesome to me!


And I think you're being rather simplistic about the epic size of The Elder Scrolls. There are SEVENTEEN Daedric Princes. That's just the Daedra. There are other, older gods, which are threats, and there's STILL the suggestion of other realms of existence beyond our present understanding. This game has plenty of opportunities, and the Thalmor are just the latest presented threat. But that doesn't mean we should toss them out - oh no, it's time to milk this Men versus Mer fight that we've wanted since the very beginning! Let's GET IT ON.

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