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What is your most memorable Dragon fight?


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Most of my favorite dragon battles have come from mods. There are some experiences if you're patient enough to let the reptiles come to you.


Now I tend to judge the effectiveness of a dragon raid by how many guards they manage to kill. Usually, they manage to kill one guard. I'll tell you, as annoying as they are Skyrim's finest really know how to fight.


My favorite battle ever in Skyrim was in Solitude. Well I had been out hunting hawks by the harbor so all I had was my bow and street clothes. I look up at the windmill in Solitude and see the most ferocious looking undead dragon circling the city. I rush in and I didn't even have enough time to go back for my followers and gear. I set up in the courtyard and keep it occupied while the guards help me bring it down. But every guard it killed it was able to resurrect so while my sminions are fighting the dragon I'm stuck warding off undead soldiers with nothing but a bound battleaxe and a mage armor spell. In the end it took Odahviing, three heroes from Sovngarde, and a couple of Storm atronachs to bring the monster down. The fight took something like twenty minutes in real time and when I looked down every guard in Solitude was strewn about in the courtyard. Where most dragons, even the highest level dragons, rarely kill more than two guards, this one had slaughtered the entire garrison!


Another time I was a vampire who had the misfortune to be caught in broad daylight with a dragon from the dragons Diversified mod that could summon a horde of sentient fireballs. I'll let you figure that one out.

Edited by LordSarcasm
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I use Deadly Dragons on Insane settings and Ultimate Follower Overhaul. I was outside Fort Dawnguard with Serana, J'zargo and Jordis when a Magma Dragon and a Storm Dragon attacked. I called Odahviing and ran frantically around to dodge the meteors and lightning strikes (it's not fun being on the business end of Storm Call) until my Shouts recovered and I could use Clear Skies and make some headway. The fight took over an hour.

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I was like level 4 and was chased by a dragon to the imperial camp at the far western edge of The Rift, near that shack where that ghost skeever spirit quest-giver dude adopts that kid from Helgen you see in the intro movie.


The dragon in a horrific battle eventually killed every last imperial and, in its injured "wing-walking grounded" state, had me pinned in the camp. As we've all learned by now dragons are at their most terrifying when they stop flying.


So the camp is sheltered by rock with openings on two sides, like a crescent. I couldn't hit the dragon from behind -- peek my head out either side and I get a blast of dragon breath. Anyone who might've distracted the dragon was already dead. I had a couple of vials of lingering poison and it turned out to be barely enough to finish the beast off. I was pretty quick on my feet but I got frosted pretty good all the same. I mean Level 4, y'know? Even a light frosting is pretty traumatic.


After the dragon dies some dude in like a Centurion outfit or something shows up 2 minutes later while I'm picking through the wreckage and starts talking about the Legion. No witness to the fight lived to make any of the usual "Dragonborn!" commentary. It was surreal.

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Heh, I think I have a new one. Esbern, Delphine, Aranea, and me versus a camp filled with Forsworn in the middle of the night ... and a dragon.


It was total chaos. 3 on our side and who knows how many Forsworn summoned atronachs, and most of us on both sides used destruction magic. My allies pathed around the "high road", some stairs and a bridge above the river, while I crept up from the river below, and the Forsworn just kind of swarmed over everything, attacking willy-nilly in all directions.


I didn't mention the Hagraven. Yeah, they had one, but she didn't last long because she wasn't near any friendlies, she just kind of popped out like a Halloween spookhouse witch and I shot fireballs at her ankles until she burned up. The briarheart was half-in, half-out of a tent, couldn't dodge fireballs and wasn't near friendlies, so no hope for him either. Those two-axe guys messed me up pretty good, though. I might've used paralysis but I'd just bought it and forgot I had it.


Flame Cloak doesn't affect allies, isn't that cool? And when you're surrounded by enemies you can spam fireballs at the ground to speed things along.


But everything was happening so fast I couldn't always tell if there were friendlies in the area or not, and there were so many atronachs running around there'd be no way to know which were yours. I haven't seen an atronach stampede like that since the final battle in Oblivion. You had to look before taking your shots.


There were dudes with twin axes running around everywhere, chicks with crazy feathers in their hair, hagravens, briarhearts, atronachs, friendlies, and a dragon. And it was pitch dark, which means it was easy to see the Forsworn -- just look for the glowing, burning, sparkling madness -- but impossible to see things like rocks or stairs.


Fun times!


The dragon ended its chaos-sewing career ignominiously grounded in a river with rock on one side and wooden dockworks on the other. He couldn't find his way out and, being injured too badly to fly, met his fate most harmlessly. This was still one of the most memorable dragon battles, ever.

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I use both Dragons Hunt in Swarms and Dragon Combat Overhaul and I was attacked by 3 dragons near Whiterun. Apparently they all did a flyover from different directions and collided above me. They did not sound happy about it. It gets really fun when you have 4-5 dragons attacking at once.

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  • 3 months later...

I know I'm giving CPR to a dying thread, but I just had another epic dragon fight ... epically hilarious. Maybe you'll think this was worth it.


I was a squishy Level 6, headed to Fastred's place for Mara's quest. Well why not provoke that dragon south of Ivy into attacking the Imperials while I'm in the neighborhood?


The plan goes about as expected: of the bear, bandits, and saber cat that guard the path the Imperials deal with the first two and I jump the rocks to skip the cat. The dragon always takes care of the cat anyway. The dragon takes an arrow, wakes up intensely irritated, kills the cat, and chases me to the Imperials. I throw some Frostbite at it, being very careful to avoid hitting any of the soldiers, when a HORSE runs past me intercepting the stream.


All Oblivion breaks loose. The soldiers immediately go hostile. The dragon lifts off and half the soldiers attack Lydia, the other half me. After trying in vain to calm them by drawing and sheathing weapons I run north toward Ivy a little way and look behind me. There's just one soldier giving chase, so I try to parlay with him alone. No luck.


The dragon lands and scorches the poor fool. I could heal him but don't. The horse, which appeared to have run off, finds its courage and attacks. Even on Legendary it's barely a scratch. The soldier turns to me, barely alive, and attacks. I try one more time to parley, but the angry horse was driving the soldiers into a killing frenzy, so it had no chance of working. Well, I tried.


Lydia put up a good fight, but inevitably she yielded and the soldiers came for me. I drew them toward Ivy hoping the 'Cloaks would engage; I'd have to go back and search for Lydia later. She had a hold order and would end up who-knows-where, standing there waiting to be found.


I have a great deal of experience at running from game-ending threats. Bears, saber cats, bandits; soldiers can't even frost you, so a couple of stamina potions and a few jumps over some jagged rocks and you're okay. The dragon kept attacking but no one really seemed to care. Up ahead Ivarstead seemed quiet.


Then before I saw him I heard him: "Talos, freedom, Skyrim, Imperial dogs, your mother!" A lone 'Cloak charged in. The dragon landed between him and the Imperials, just past the bridge, and they all finally lit into the dragon. They were barely leaving scratches, but it was a start.


At last the real dragon fight begins! Except the horse which went for me. "Stupid horse! Your time has come!" The dragon coughed up a gout of frost at me, and I figured I'd let the horse take it. That worked remarkably well, horses being bigger than people, but although the horse glowed white it didn't seem to be hurt.


"Now you'll pay!" Lydia! She was out there, nearby! Somehow this running battle had carried her along with the tide. I had to heal my favorite protector. Side by side we fought to quickly dispatch the horse and get down to business. Except that wasn't going to happen -- at our level the horse was practically invincible.


Still it made a great obstacle to dragon attacks. Then Legate Massengil (yes, he is a douchebag, why do you ask?) decides Lydia and I are Public Enemy #1. By this time the battle is swarming with 'Cloaks and the legion soldiers are ignoring us, except Massengil who keeps getting beaten down then gets back up and attacks us. He must've really loved that horse.


At some point the dragon goes down -- it spent most of its time on the ground fighting, actually, rather than flying around harassing us. I was so absorbed with fighting the horse and Massengil I only knew the dragon died when the Dragon Priest Tabernacle Choir started singing. The Imperials must've been brutally mauled by the dragon because the 'Cloaks didn't take a single casualty. After the dragon died by the time I paid any attention I didn't see a single Legion soldier standing. The 'Cloaks surrounded Massengil and would beat him down every time he tried to stand up. Punk deserved it.


I couldn't talk to Lydia because she was engaged in battle with the horse. Massengil's flagged essential, so he wasn't going anywhere. Finally I decided if the horse couldn't be beaten maybe it could be ridden. Ride the horse into some impassible terrain feature and I could go back, wait for Massengil to stagger, then tell Lydia to get moving.


Then I got arrested by the Stormcloaks ... for stealing a horse. The battle ended with me paying a fine of 40 gold at the door of the Riften jail.


Returning to Ivy there was Lydia, standing on the bridge, and a dragon I just remembered I hadn't looted yet and which being a frost type I should've used fire on. Massengil must've had that not-so-fresh feeling and returned to his camp. With a pack full of dragon scales I hear Fastred say, "Are you the one sent by Mara?" It was Fastred's lucky day.

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I have to say that I just had my most memorable fight.


Started a new game on legendary difficulty with a noob mage. Was just out exploring and collecting ingredients. There was a dragon circling around, but was busy with creatures or something and I kept sneaking away. Found myself near Eldersblood Peak. Ah Ha! That 's the dragon down the hill. I figured I'd get a free word and loot an easy treasure.


I snuck around and sure enough, no dragon. Got the treasure and crept around to the word wall. In the midst of learning the word (couldn't see anything), everything hit the fan. Felt the rumble and heard the shout and watched my health bar shrink like crazy. I was fumbling around, drinking hot-keyed potions, trying to find a place to hide.


Finally got to a place I could re-group. Readied a ward and my only offensive spell; firebolt. With a 120 points of magicka and no perks, the battle began. Every time it attacked, my ward saved me, but left only enough magicka for one firebolt. That frickin dragon chased me around the mountaintop for 15 minutes.


I was back-pedalling and got off a shot as he flew in. It did the "damage" and he crashed into the slope, barreling right at me in a cloud of dust. BOOM! Right over me. Found myself in a dirt burrow with a dragon butt only inches away. Running and jumping like a maniac, I found a place he couldn't get to and finally finished him off.


I've had near misses before. But I won't forget the sight of that dragon plowing up the slope right at me.

Edited by Lord Garon
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