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The mod page will be made soon.


Also, scratch me working on UBR today. I suffered my first character death in two years of DnD a few hours ago, and all because of pure BS. My mind is too focussed on seeking revival for my precious character (or vengeance/severing friendships with my killer, if that fails), so UBR has kinda moved to the back of my mind for a few days.


Sorry for that, everyone, but I hurt too much to spend time modding. I hope you all don't mind me delaying a few days to resolve my pain.

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It's a shame Bethesda is apparently going away from the beastly beast races. Morrowind had backwards bending legs and the like; proper beast races. Now they all look human with different heads. I wonder if Bethesda is just getting lazy or if they honestly think it's better the way they're doing it now. I think they're getting lazy. They just don't want to make separate skeletons and animations for different races; just deform the face a bit and slap on a tail and POOF! Beast race... And Zenimax is continuing with this in TESO. Don't get me wrong; I still love the Elder Scrolls and will be playing TESO as well. I just hate when things get dumbed down over time. I wouldn't be surprised if future Elder Scrolls games took away their tails as well, and made their faces even more human so they wouldn't have to design different helmet shapes...

Actually, there is a legitimate reason for the beast races (the Khajiit, at least) looking more human-like in the newer Elder Scrolls titles--


The Khajiit are subject to a birth cycle based on the position of Nirn's two moons, Masser and Secunda. The body type of the individual Khajiit is determined by the position of the moons at the time of their birth. There are seventeen known variations of Khajiit, but there are apparently more than twenty. There are four main groups of appearance, determined by the position of the largest moon, Masser, and more variations depending on the position of the smaller moon, Secunda. They can be quadrupeds or bipeds (bipeds can be either digitigrade or plantigrade). Some are barely distinguishable from Bosmer, while others look like large tigers that other Khajiit ride on as war beasts (apparently voluntarily). Still others look like house cats (these are commonly used as spies as they can blend in as pets and can not speak, but are still sentient). All are sentient beings.


Don't believe me? Here is a link to the wiki page: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Khajiit


The breed seen in Morrowind is known as the Suthay-raht, a digitigrade biped slightly shorter in stature than a man. The breed seen in Skyrim and Cyrodil is Cathay, a plantigrade biped roughly the height of a man. It is not a matter of Bethesda being lazy, but rather of the Khajiit being of different breeds.


Although, who am I to say? Maybe Bethesda made up these stories to facilitate their laziness. No way of knowing. It is, however, an awfully elaborate excuse.

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Just discovered this mod and was wondering if anyone here had tried it




It specifies that it's for Khajiit, but I don't see why it wouldn't be perfect for Argonians as well. Has anyone here used this? Will it be compatible with UBR? Setting up a test profile and will see if I can get it running and if it works with my current digitigrade/raptor feet mods (saw some comments that made it sound like there might be a conflict).

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It's a shame Bethesda is apparently going away from the beastly beast races. Morrowind had backwards bending legs and the like; proper beast races. Now they all look human with different heads. I wonder if Bethesda is just getting lazy or if they honestly think it's better the way they're doing it now. I think they're getting lazy. They just don't want to make separate skeletons and animations for different races; just deform the face a bit and slap on a tail and POOF! Beast race... And Zenimax is continuing with this in TESO. Don't get me wrong; I still love the Elder Scrolls and will be playing TESO as well. I just hate when things get dumbed down over time. I wouldn't be surprised if future Elder Scrolls games took away their tails as well, and made their faces even more human so they wouldn't have to design different helmet shapes...

plantigrade biped roughly the height of a man. It is not a matter of Bethesda being lazy, but rather of the Khajiit being of different breeds.


Although, who am I to say? Maybe Bethesda made up these stories to facilitate their laziness. No way of knowing. It is, however, an awfully elaborate excuse.

I actually like the new head shapes, hairs, eyes etc of the beast races of skyrim. Many people didn't like them in the older games for being ugly. But many people like the new skyrim looks. I have read about many older players at last picking them for that reason. I in fact, spent more time picking colors for my argonian than in other race in the game, I have never been happy. It just more fun and free than the other races.


For the legs. Feet meshes of female and male will not be the same, thus, remodeling all armors in the game for human and elves both F and M, and then beasts, for both the khajiit and argonians, each for female and male will cost time and money. At least, it easier to mod this way.


The only thing bothers me about skyrim beasts, is two:


1- the voice acting:

In oblivion, Jonathan Bryce did a great job in voicing Argonian, Khajiit, Nord, and Orc males ( mad skillz.)

The argonians sounds snake-ky and cool, expect females they sounded scary. They were well voiced and sounded really expressive.


In skyrim, the male argonians voice acting is charming and refined. There is a faint hint of snake in it, but very faint. It so odd for them sound like romance tv male leads. I don't mind it that much if they didn't sounded so dull most of the time. The Khajiit new voice is very nice though. But the best voice for them is Gnives from 3d npcs. Dame that voice!


And females still sounds scary. Also, if you played as one, the pain sound is so odd, it a very human ahhh! it so soft and girlish is sounds so fake.


2- colors:

I want mint green and bright red back! Also black claws and horns!

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