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Urgh! I gotta get off of nexus for a bit. I just got blocked/banned from a mod page, and my post was deleted, for very politely pointing out that the spiders in their mod looked blue. That is ridiculous, I really don't get this site sometimes! You guys are lovely, thanks tons for talking to me about the black widows! If you like I can update when it's dealt with.

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Bethesda, is that you? You finally learned how to make animations? (Kind of).

Can't wait! Well... As long they won't turn it into a shallow fps without any rpg mechanics.

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Urgh! I gotta get off of nexus for a bit. I just got blocked/banned from a mod page, and my post was deleted, for very politely pointing out that the spiders in their mod looked blue. That is ridiculous, I really don't get this site sometimes! You guys are lovely, thanks tons for talking to me about the black widows! If you like I can update when it's dealt with.


That is rediculous and if what you say is true I think you may have grounds for a formal report. The modderators can see the origional post so tell them to look for that.

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Urgh! I gotta get off of nexus for a bit. I just got blocked/banned from a mod page, and my post was deleted, for very politely pointing out that the spiders in their mod looked blue. That is ridiculous, I really don't get this site sometimes! You guys are lovely, thanks tons for talking to me about the black widows! If you like I can update when it's dealt with.


That is rediculous and if what you say is true I think you may have grounds for a formal report. The modderators can see the origional post so tell them to look for that.


Thank you! But.. the page has big bold red text that says:

"The author of this mod has blocked your access to this file. This is not an error with the site and the Nexus staff will not get involved with unblocking your access, so do not contact the moderation team for help. Accessing an author's mod page is a privilege, not your right.


You can try to amicably resolve this issue with the mod author, if they'll let you, but be warned: if you are rude or break our terms of service when contacting the mod author and they report you it's extremely likely you will be banned completely from these sites. Is it worth it? You decide."


That really shook me up. It's like the page is taunting me. ^,^; I've been watch Tobuscus (spell?) play Minecraft and that has relaxed me quite a bit. I think it's ridiculous how this is set up, but there isn't anything I can do. I'm sorry for complaining about it here. Again you guys are awesome. I want to try and draw something in paint for you. Any Ideas? :smile:

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Ugh I hate spiders I hope you can get rid of them. Just alert your grandmother and try to keep the dogs out of the room. I have never actually seen a black widow though I know I live in their habitat range.


PS: on the other page what the heck is that thing some kind of meme? I am a dunce when it comes to that stuff.




Nyte: i recall you saying you drew your avatar looks like a lot of detail went into it, I could never do that. I may check out the rest of your art later today.

Most of the detail was added with the color, the drawing itself was actually quite simple. Its posing them thats difficult. I've been using a Cell Shading style to give my more recent work a "Animation" look. Alot of the work I have posted on FA is unfinished, as I haven't added color to a lot of them yet because I play video games too much, lol. I may pick up some drawing supplies soon though as I want to put together a portfolio for this years "Rainfurrest 2015" here in Seattle and maybe try to sell some artwork, which would mean I need to draw something other than my Fursona.


While I'm there (Assuming I can get that week off) I may even do a few commissions if folks like my artwork, had a few earlier pieces on my phone the one day I attended last year and quite a few of the other artists there with booths complimented me, so I think I might be able to get a few commissions in. I just need to look into hhow much It'll cost me to make prints of completed work then decide on how much to charge... luckily, I'm not too greedy so I doubt I'd sell a print for more than 25-50, I love my work, but I love sharing it more. One of my best pieces sold to a buddy of mine for 150$ (A dragon, chinese style) which was the only dragon that I ever drew that turned out the way I wanted it to, he used it for a tattoo, wish I'd made a copy of it, but I gave him the original.

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Sleek snakey lizard torso'd argonians being feral and awesome, says the one who hasn't helped at all yet.

I spent forever looking for armor or clothes that make my character like that. I now use UNP skinny for a smaller chest, and here is a list of armors I've used that make it less prominent.




(I use the fur collar with the armor below for a knights watch look)

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52013/? (knights watch FTW)

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59202/? (what I'm using now to show off her scales)

Steel armor and blades armor can also work well with a smaller chest.

Don't know why she has a giraffe neck o.o;


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The EotW journeyman armor looks great, I don't think anything else does though. I'm using UNP Skinny right now too, only out of animation compatibility necessity and because it sounded like the least inflated mesh, but now I've seen a few people comment that CBBE bodies have Racemenu sliders that can shrink breasts down to nothing. I haven't tested this yet.


Rowing the boooooat.

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