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Everyone is hating Fallout 4 for the bad graphics, but there is actually some odd glitch that causes textures to look very old res. I hope it it will get fixed soon. I don't know if in the screens the textures are displaying correctly, they probably are. The deathclaws I've seen in game are even more blurry.

Not everyone, only those crazies who are used to look at 8k potatoes. I personally think that Beth did great job with whole graphical stylization and textures even though they are little bit rough at a closer look seems to be a lot better than those initially released with Skyrim.

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I'm used to 1k Skyrim And I think fo4 looks bad in terms of textures. They less than 1k and oddly blurry.

But lighting, weather, meshes and world building is great. There are times when I walk around and take it all in.

Expect the godrays, they are very odd.

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Yo yo checking on mod wanna ask if you will be adding other races of khajiit/argonian again just so we can kill Drohungs computer. Again. I still wanna play as a Alfiq or Dagi Khajiit. MIDGETS RULE!!!! I am midget I am allowed to say this <.< >.> The midgets will take over Skyrim hehehehe.

You change height with race menu and be as small as a child.

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Deathclaws have always been a favorite of mine, too... well, the few occasions when I actually played a non-TES game in the past that is.


I'm a fan ever since...



Goris and the tribe of sentient Deathclaws back in Fallout... hmm, don't know which one anymore, but either 1 or 2 must've been it, of course.

That little shrouded guy was fun... as soon as he threw off his cloak and the enemy saw it's a Deathclaw jumping at their throats!

Was really sad about the loss of the tribe when they were slaughtered, too. I mean, Deathclaws who don't attack but "talk" with you? How cool was that?!


I was also excited, and not displeased, by their looks in FO3 later then, but sadly something like Goris wasn't around anymore. Sure, there may have been Deathclaw companion mods at one point even, but it's not the same, and I was playing on my brother's 360, so no mods.




So "playable" Deathclaws sure would not be a thing of impossibility. And if you then happen to encounter any rabid lore-mongers poking about how non-canon that would be, as usual reality and past games call them liars. Just refer them to

Goris and the tribe of the sentient Deathclaws

in one of the earlier games to shut them up. :thumbsup:

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