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Alrighty guys, tomorrow is Easter. I am finally off work again. I am hoping to FINALLY get this released! If anyone wants some out-of-game screenshots to know that I'm not f*#@ing with you guys and that I'm legitimately having schedule issues, I can totally provide!

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i think the evidence of the mod being released will be sufficient when it's finally done :tongue:



I know the feeling Dro, though I don't make mod's, I am an artist, and I find working on things people have asked me to draw for them takes a considerable amount of time, considering work, sleeping and of course.. Me time, I mean I love to draw, but really now, if that's all I did, I'd go crazy.

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Okay, so, my Nifskope STILL isn't working right. Could someone go and grab the old files from Damian and clean them for me so I can package them? Specifically, check the female feet. They seem to be where the texture missing problems keep coming from.


EDIT: Once this is resolved, the page should be totally complete, and this is an entire week of work off for me. If I don't get this s*** done this week, I'll trade the mod off to another person who will be able to get it to you guys. I swear this to you all. You deserve to have this finally released.


EDIT EDIT: I also apparently managed to miss placing all of the Thieves guild stuff? Ugh. Well, I'll get on that right away too. If anyone wants to do the clothing, Damian didn't do any of that or the Nightingale armor, and until I get the new PC that's in the mail finally, I can't get that done, due to the impossibly difficult Nifskope problems I'm having. Don't worry, I'm still publishing this when done, it's just slightly WIP still, but you guys will have version 1.


Once the mod is released, while I don't give permission for re-release, the community will have full access to the product to make it better and better, until it's done for all armor and clothes!


EDIT EDIT EDIT: Damn, I'm busy on this tonight. Just posting a reminder for myself on the thread that I was up to checking Orc armor for completion status.

Edited by Drohung
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Sick now, can't help with anything, (not that I am ever useful) but you're doing fantastically and I really wouldn't like the mod to be handed off to anyone else. Hearing exactly what you're doing is really exciting, full power!

Edited by Voldearag
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