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Skyrim Crashes Upon Loading Saved Games


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Played all last year without this problem. Did a fresh update of ENB and all my mods (about 120) staring from a vanilla profile (using Mod Organizer). First load went without a hitch. Subsequent loads - CTD more than half the time. This year I'm trying Skyrim Realistic Texture Overhaul, which may be increasing the amount of data to load on startup.


What seems to work ATM is hitting shift+F12 to disable the ENB at the menu, load the save, then re-enable the ENB.


The CTDs only occur on loading saves. Once in the game, I run mostly very smoothly (see below) without crashes.


I've found that occasionally, especially after using showracemenu, I'll go from a usual 59fps down to about 10-15. Only thing that seems to fix that is save, exit to desktop and reload. I'm still trying to figure that one out. I may try disabling ENB before doing the racemenu thing and see if it helps.


EDIT: Went into my Users\...\AppData\Local\Skyrim folder - even though I didn't think I had any duplicate listings in the loadorder or plugins.txt files. Surprise!! The only plugins listed were for the base game and DLCs that were dated last May when I first installed the game on this rig. Copied the files from my ModOrganizer profile into this folder and have had no trouble loading saved games. Yes!


Regarding the drop to 10 fps - unloading ENB prior to showracemenu seems to fix it, while not doing so results in a severe framedrop. Still testing that.

Worked for me too (i'm not using ENB)

Updated my video driver (you should too if its the case) and restarted PC

went to start button >>>> type in search: %appdata% >>>> Clicked on Appdata >>>> clicked on local >>>> clicked on Skyrim >>>> opened plug-ins >>>> and copied my load order from Mod organizer into the plug-ins text folder from Appdata/local/Skyrim.

Works like a charm.... loaded my games 4-5 times (2 diff saves) with no crashes so far.

Also i cleaned them with save tool (Yes its named Save Tool , google it)

NOTE: I am using mod organizer, i dont know if this will work for users who use other mod managing tools or do it manually, but give it a try, and good luck

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I was having similar issues to some in this thread and thought I'd post my findings as I see quite a few people are using PDT to clean saves and having similar issues to what I was experiencing. I came to the forums specifically to see if anyone else was having the same issues.


Rather than re-post everything I already posted in the comments section for PDT (Savegame Script Scalpel), I'll simply direct you to the comments section there where you will find a recent post by myself that explains the problem I was having, and the FIX. Please do not take this as me disparaging Savegame Script Scalpel in any way--I think it is a fantastic tool and I highly recommend it.



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Just summarising it all into the solution that should help everyone with detailed instructions from others and a TLDR.



I found that my Skyrim.esm had actually been deleted somehow.


Find your plugins file in the directory below:



AppData is hidden by default so make sure you have "show hidden files and folders" ON see last quote (NFI how to do anchors within text)


Just add skyrim.esm at the top, delete any extra skyrim.esm's or move skyrim.esm to the top!


Helpful Sources below:

Was having this problem too. What fixed it for me was after getting everything setup and loaded correctly I closed the program I was using to manage the mods (wyre, nmm, whatever) and then opened the plugin file and moved the unofficial patches (eps files) to below the last esm (boss jumps them to middle of esm load order which can mess things up) and then I added in skyrim.esm as the first item in the load order (I was also not having skyrim.esm show up due to both wyrebash and nmm not putting it into plugin file). Then loading the game with a desktop shortcut to skse (as trying to run with either nmm or wyrebash just resets the changes you make to the plugin file) This has fixed the problem completely for me. Hope it helps.



Hi guys! A solution I've found for this problem is here:

I've made this video for the community to show you how to solve this! I had the same problems for days but this seems actually to work for me!

If it works for you too, please comment, and share the video so all can see how to solve this!





I don't have anything called appdata on mine

AppData is hidden. To show hidden files and folders, do this (source: http://cybertext.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/cant-see-the-appdata-folder/ )

  1. Go to Windows Explorer.
  2. Open the C: drive.
  3. Click Organize on the menu bar.
  4. Select Folder and Search options.
  5. Select the View tab.
  6. Under Files and Folders > Hidden files and folders, select the option toShow hidden files, folders and drives.
  7. Click OK.




okay, yeah this is an old thread but god i can't thank everyone on here more for this, i tried everything for hours endlessly trying to fix this and this was finally the thing to work. i laughed so hard at how simple the solution was to my problem that i spent at least 6+ hours straight trying reinstall of the game trying to uninstall every mod everything and it was as simple as my skyrim.esm was not in the load order some how and it didn't affect me until today like idk how that is even possible but yeah if you guys haven't tried this at least make sure its all there :)

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Played all last year without this problem. Did a fresh update of ENB and all my mods (about 120) staring from a vanilla profile (using Mod Organizer). First load went without a hitch. Subsequent loads - CTD more than half the time. This year I'm trying Skyrim Realistic Texture Overhaul, which may be increasing the amount of data to load on startup.


What seems to work ATM is hitting shift+F12 to disable the ENB at the menu, load the save, then re-enable the ENB.


The CTDs only occur on loading saves. Once in the game, I run mostly very smoothly (see below) without crashes.


I've found that occasionally, especially after using showracemenu, I'll go from a usual 59fps down to about 10-15. Only thing that seems to fix that is save, exit to desktop and reload. I'm still trying to figure that one out. I may try disabling ENB before doing the racemenu thing and see if it helps.


EDIT: Went into my Users\...\AppData\Local\Skyrim folder - even though I didn't think I had any duplicate listings in the loadorder or plugins.txt files. Surprise!! The only plugins listed were for the base game and DLCs that were dated last May when I first installed the game on this rig. Copied the files from my ModOrganizer profile into this folder and have had no trouble loading saved games. Yes!


Regarding the drop to 10 fps - unloading ENB prior to showracemenu seems to fix it, while not doing so results in a severe framedrop. Still testing that.

Worked for me too (i'm not using ENB)

Updated my video driver (you should too if its the case) and restarted PC

went to start button >>>> type in search: %appdata% >>>> Clicked on Appdata >>>> clicked on local >>>> clicked on Skyrim >>>> opened plug-ins >>>> and copied my load order from Mod organizer into the plug-ins text folder from Appdata/local/Skyrim.

Works like a charm.... loaded my games 4-5 times (2 diff saves) with no crashes so far.

Also i cleaned them with save tool (Yes its named Save Tool , google it)

NOTE: I am using mod organizer, i dont know if this will work for users who use other mod managing tools or do it manually, but give it a try, and good luck



Just chiming in that this totally fixed the issue for me as well.

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