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Zahkrii Do Dovahkiin - Hidden DLC Dragonborn Sword


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Agreed:) That shouldn't be difficult to do, except with the fact that i'm trying to avoid SKSE. The vanilla game's script functions don't seem to allow a damage modifier through papyrus.


Maybe you can try a perk that modifies enchantment power, multiply by actor values (in this case, dragonsouls) and a script that stops that process?

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That would work in theory. However, i'm not entirely sure if i can call upon an actor value for a perk without scripting. I have no problem scripting the entire enchantment, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like I can modify a specific weapon's damage with papyrus, only one handed damage in general. This is the problem i'm currently facing with regards to the current enchantment. It applies to all one handed weapons for the duration of the shout.

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That would work in theory. However, i'm not entirely sure if i can call upon an actor value for a perk without scripting. I have no problem scripting the entire enchantment, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like I can modify a specific weapon's damage with papyrus, only one handed damage in general. This is the problem i'm currently facing with regards to the current enchantment. It applies to all one handed weapons for the duration of the shout.


As far as I know, only Perks can modify specific weapon damage with actor values if and only if said weapon has its own special keyword without SKSE.


This comes from my experience with making Bound Weapons scale by giving them their own special keyword and having their damage multiply corresponding to your Conjuration skill.

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Yea, since the trick is to modify this weapon only, I think this is actually the only way to go without using skse. I'm looking into the perks right now sinceive never really used or made them.


@tr1st4n0xn4m, I haven't downloaded your mod to take a look or anything, but from what it seems your mod doesn't look like anything more than what ghosu uploaded... so technically the code isn't even yours to forbid other people from using :)

Edited by Catman030
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@Karkron, any idea how to apply the perk specifcally to the weapon? Am I just using a "HasKeyword" condition?


EDIT: Nevermind, got it working perfectly :smile:


Yes and it as to apply to Subject (default setting for conditions) with a value of at least 1 or greater, any thing below that and the perk (or anything with the condition really) will refuse to apply itself to anything with said keyword.


Edit: I didn't notice your Edit until I edit my post 0o

Edited by Karkron
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Okay so the enchantment is working just about perfectly, with the exception of the bug i posted about in the comments on my mod. I wanna update asap but i'd rather pack as much as I can into this before I update. Specifically, i'm working on making the shout cancel when the weapon sheathes. The armor and enchantment is easy, but making the dragonborn go away before the wait timer is up seems almost impossible to me. Does anyone wanna take a look at them or have any ideas?

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Okay so the enchantment is working just about perfectly, with the exception of the bug i posted about in the comments on my mod. I wanna update asap but i'd rather pack as much as I can into this before I update. Specifically, i'm working on making the shout cancel when the weapon sheathes. The armor and enchantment is easy, but making the dragonborn go away before the wait timer is up seems almost impossible to me. Does anyone wanna take a look at them or have any ideas?

First a question for you, is it a custom script you used to get the army affect or is it a vanilla script?

Edited by Karkron
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