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Is a DLC called Redguard actually confirmed now?


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Its really sad that people keep frogeting about this game: The Elder Scrolls Adventures: REDGUARD


Because the company owns a game already called REDGUARD, surely that means that when they go to refile the trademark for that name, they are going to make a DLC with it.

Obvious Sarcasam Is Obvious



"there are 2 more paid DLC expansions planned - both of them true expansions like Dragonborn (one is a bit smaller, one is larger). Without giving a lot away, the next DLC will explore the beginnings of the Nords and Skyrim's culture, as well as the Snow Elves and yes, even the Dwarves. The last DLC will involve the choosing of a new King of Skyrim and the war against the elves."


What I infer from that: Next DLC will most likely feature Atmora of Old, The place where all the human races are belived to dreive from, well the nords that led to all the other human races. The last one would probably have the dragonborn attend the moot as an arbiter to prevent another war of succession from happening. When the King/Queen is choosen, either, a Talmor ambassidor will apporach the high king and deliver an ultimatium, or an Imperial Messenger will deliver news that the thalmor have invaded,(depending on what side you choose during the MQ) Bringng about the Second Great War. This would also set up the story for TES VI, Since ESO is taking place before the third era.


who knows, maybe if the dragonborn hasn't wiped out all the dragons, they could join in the conflict and help destroy the evil elves.

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Well, the new King/Queen is going to fight against the elves then... but what if you sided with the Empire? How would that work?


Honestly, any rumour of a DLC where you get to fight the Thalmor head on just sounds like wishful thinking to me. It's something everyone wants to do since the Thalmor are so universially loathed, which makes everyone more likely to buy into a rumor like that. (See: the Wizard's First Rule, most people stop being rational about stuff they really want to believe in.) When something sounds a bit too gratifying, I become suspicous of it.


It just doesn't seem like something Bethesda would do. The Thalmor aren't main villains, they're the shady guys pulling the strings in the background and their seat of power is very far from Skyrim. You can't really do anything about them at this point. I've said this before, but if we ever get to actually deal with them, there will probably be a whole game devoted to that because they are really that big a deal.


As for the High King/Queen deal... well, that only makes sense if a Stormcloak victory is entirely interchangable with an Imperial victory, which kinda makes the whole civil war utterly pointless. If Elisif is as likely to kick the elves out as Ulfric, then what the heck were they even fighting over? The alternative is a DLC that is actually two DLC with separate questlines, and I don't really see that happening.


Plus, a DLC dealing with the post civil war succession would force you to pick a side and play the civil war questline before you could get your moneys worth. It would effectively be the same thing as targeting the product at only those who are actually interested in the civil war, as opposed to everyone. That really doesn't seem like Bethesda's style - basically all their DLC in the past have been standalones, most being available from the very start of the game.


What I infer from that: Next DLC will most likely feature Atmora of Old, The place where all the human races are belived to dreive from, well the nords that led to all the other human races.


You did read the part where a Bethesda developer called BS on all of that, right?


Anyway, isn't Atmora basically a lifeless wasteland covered in ice these days? They'd need some serious time traveling shenanigans to make something out of that place. Though, I admit exploring a vast landscape of glaciers and icebergs dotted by ancient frozen ruins does kinda appeal to me.



The last one would probably have the dragonborn attend the moot as an arbiter to prevent another war of succession from happening. When the King/Queen is choosen, either, a Talmor ambassidor will apporach the high king and deliver an ultimatium, or an Imperial Messenger will deliver news that the thalmor have invaded,(depending on what side you choose during the MQ) Bringng about the Second Great War.


Aside from the stuff I mentioned above, do you really see them giving us the Second Great War in a DLC? They didn't even feature the first one in an actual game. Heck, they could barely give us a half-decent civil war.


These games simply aren't built for large-scale conflicts. They're built for exploration and freedom of choice, which is why their DLCs tend to focus on new content with self-contained questlines rather than expanding on anything that's already in the game.

Edited by Relativelybest
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I think it's assumed that the Hero of Kvatch said yes to everything. In other words, became the Listener, became the Mad God, became the Gray Fox, became the Divine Crusader, and gave Umbra to Clavicus Vile (that's why the novels exists). That's why Sheogorath in Skyrim refers to severed heads and Foxes and probably why he is insane.

Edited by MidbossVyers
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Anyway, isn't Atmora basically a lifeless wasteland covered in ice these days? They'd need some serious time traveling shenanigans to make something out of that place. Though, I admit exploring a vast landscape of glaciers and icebergs dotted by ancient frozen ruins does kinda appeal to me.


The 36 Lessons of Vivec, sermon 17



Soon they were walking across the eastern sea to the land of snakes and snow demons. Vivec wanted to show the Hortator the fighting styles of foreign tongues. They learned the idiom stroke from the pillow book of the Tsaesci king. It is shaped like the insight of this page. The Tsaesci serpents vowed to have their vengeance on the west at least three times.

They walked farther and saw the spiked waters at the edge of the map. Here the spirit of limitation gifted them with a spoke and bade them find the rest of the wheel.

The Hortator said, 'The edge of the world is made of swords.'

Vivec corrected him. 'They are the bottom row of the world's teeth.'

They walked to the north to the Elder Wood and found nothing but frozen bearded kings.

They came to the west where the black men dwelt. For a year they studied under their sword saints and then for another Vivec taught them the virtue of the little reward. Vivec chose a king for a wife and made another race of monsters which ended up destroying the west completely. To a warrior chief Vivec said:

'We must not act and speak as if asleep.'

Nerevar wondered if there was anything to learn in the south but Vivec remained silent and only led them back to Red Mountain.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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I think it's assumed that the Hero of Kvatch said yes to everything. In other words, became the Listener, became the Mad God, became the Gray Fox, became the Divine Crusader, and gave Umbra to Clavicus Vile (that's why the novels exists). That's why Sheogorath in Skyrim refers to severed heads and Foxes and probably why he is insane.

I think it's quite the contrary. Nothing is assumed about all those people being one and the same. At least not ingame (books, dialogue and such). That would mean invalidating a player's personal canon, and so far I don't remember in happening in TES.


Edit: Not that I noticed, I mean. I would be very disappointed if there are ingame things that force a story upon a character you made in the past.

Edited by sisterof
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I believe that the Redguard filing by Zenimax isn't for a DLC, but for the next ES game. The earliest filing for it that wasn't meant for 'handheld devices' was back in march 2011 (http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4005:n5mvmd.2.1). About the time they started development for the game, perhaps? A bit like how they did with Oblivion (http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4005:n5mvmd.3.30) and Skyrim (http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4005:n5mvmd.4.8). All well beyond their release years. So yeah, that's my take on it.

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