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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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Thanks for your quick alert, honesty and hard work!

Whenever I get a virus or a trojan, I wonder if I had my gun at their head, would I pull the trigger?


I found several trojans on my rig today. Not sure if they are related, but I scan everyday. Someone also tried to access my gmail today ... an ip address from china.

Here are the two trojans I found:






Also found Java/CVE-2013-0422.C


For some good news, they actually caught some of these guys but the virus lives on:


On November 9, 2011 the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York announced charges against 6 Estonian nationals and 1 Russian national in conjunction with Operation GhostClick. The U.S. is currently seeking to extradite them for running a sophisticated operation that used Alureon to infect millions of computers worldwide.

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You know, I started using Nexus the Day after Skyrim came out, and never had problem one-- until lately. It seems that lots of bad things have been happening recently. I think you guys are becoming a victim of your own success. Robin, I truly appreciate the amount of work you and your crew have done to provide an excellent product that 5 million+ people use.... most without contributing a dime, which really disgusts me. F*****g freeloaders. Perhaps it is time to think about splitting The Nexus, providing very basic services for people who never have any intention of contributing, and actually offering a true "Premium" service for people who realize that quality of this level doesn't just happen. By having a mandatory fee for top-shelf services, you can then hire the staff necessary, and purchase the equipment necessary, to continue to develop an outstanding site. As for cheapskates who refuse to pay a pittance for an incredible service-- well the old saying of 'You get what you pay for" needs to be put back in effect for them.


I know that no one can prevent viruses and/or hacking 100%, but imagine what COULD be done if Nexus were a for-profit venture. And before a bunch of slugs start bitching about how that goes against everything Nexus is about, I say this-- hang a "Premium" tag next to your name, showing that you put your money where your mouth is, or otherwise shut the Hell up.


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In response to post #7653202.

Apparently you missed the part where they mentioned all the big companies who have just as many craptons of problems as them? Even antivirus companies have even been hacked in the past. As it stands, I think the nexus is doing fine. Many of the artists on here post their work with the full intention of keeping their work free-to-use, change that and they'll move on as well. Besides, modding sites which are pay-to-use, have a BAD history. I understand where you're coming from, but I think you're overreacting a little.

Also, gaming sites are considered a security risk outright by computer security professionals I've gotten help from before, along with: porn sites, pirated software (warez), cracking tools, and keygens. You take a risk by running a place like this. Why? Because you're a target. It's not a question of how much more difficult it is for you to get hacked, you WILL get hacked, it's a question of how quickly you respond to the problem and how you deal with it.
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In response to post #7653202. #7653386 is also a reply to the same post.

If everyone was like you, there would be no mods here... Do you know why? It's because the community makes the mods (it's really hard to wrap your head around hmm?). Instead, there wouldn't be enough people to spread the mods popularity... no testing before investing would be a good rhyme. They give premium services you twit... changing the amount of files displayed on each page for convenience, and premium servers. Do you even know how many times the download servers didn't even work for me?...well... alot. That could all be solved by going premium instead of being... oh yeah, a "f*****g freeloader". Buuuuut, I don't, because I have other stuff I need to be saving my money for. if there was a up-front fee, no one would've even known the service was good hmm? That's right... you wouldn't be here... complaining or not. There are tons of good modders on this site that don't have a premium membership... and you just spit in each and every one of their faces. Learn your place intolerable trash, as I know mine as a Nexus user
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In response to post #7653202. #7653386, #7653470 are all replies on the same post.

@KensaiTonada I haven't paid a dime for being on the Nexus so I'm "a cheapskate" by your definition. I'm not a premium member, I'm not a supporter, I'm just a simple guy who filled out a form and made an account. I didn't give money to the site at all.However, I've been a member for over 2 years now and in that time I have uploaded nearly 50 mods to the Nexus database with over 30 000 downloads in total. I also contributed to various mods with my work and/or knowledge and I have worked with a few mod authors on their mods.Craft Pack (NV), Beyond Boulder Dome (NV), Arkansas Arsenal V2 (FO3), More Evil Enclave (FO3), WWII D Day Mod (FO3), WWII Guadalcanal (FO3), all mods I contributed to, and there are more.So, even though I didn't "put my money where my mouth is" cause I don't have money, a mod I upload and the work I do may be a reason enough for someone to become a member here and eventually give money to this site. I may contribute more to this community than you ever will because of that.If I had to pay for membership, I wouldn't have uploaded anything here and a lot of mods you use in your game wouldn't be shared with you, or anyone else, because the authors would be forced to pay for their accounts. I believe many would refuse, being forced to pay in order to share your work for free is the very definition of idiocy. No one would benefit from their work or their knowledge and some of the most popular mods wouldn't even exist.On the Nexus, being a Premium member is a privilege, nothing more, it just shows some people have enough money to throw around for a few extra perks. The same rules apply to all, everyone is treated equally, be it Premium/Supporter or a free member. And that is why I respect this site and Dark0ne. Edited by Werne
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