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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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NMM duplicates entries at launch and tries to update mods which is half baked. do you understand the process of beta testing?

Did you bother to read the download page for NMM? This is the beta testing - by downloading and using the NMM, you actually agreed to be a beta tester. Unlike many beta tests, we do not require all testers to fill out a bug report - that is entirely optional on your part. But another part of the agreement is to hold the Nexus blameless for any problems you encounter. (We would prefer you let us know though.) :thumbsup:


NMM is not required to download mods, and before mod managers manual was the only way to install mods - NMM does not supplant the manual method, in fact many people still use it - there is no penalty for doing it that way and we do not intend to remove manual methods of using mods. If you choose to not use NMM, or choose to use a different mod manager, we will not hold that against you. You are still welcome to use mods from the Nexus. And still welcome to use NMM even if you don't bother to report the bugs like we ask you to. :wink:

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That antivirus thing wasn't a very good trick - Nexus_Downloader.exe when you manually download a mod? Yo dawg I herd you like downloads so I put a downloader in your download -_- how is finding out about it unfortunate though? Edited by ScottLaRock
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In response to post #7653202. #7653386, #7653470, #7653702, #7653807, #7654579, #7654588 are all replies on the same post.

@KensaiTonada I do have a premium tag, and I create things for a living. Since this is what you seem to value, I thought I'd chime in and explain a few things for you. :-)

You seem to lack a very basic grasp of the economic models behind the Internet. Very few web sites can survive based on premium membership fees alone. Those who don't pay cash *do* pay for their access through ads. McDonald's makes most of their money from beverages, but that doesn't make you a freeloader if you just buy a hamburger. McDonald's set up the terms of the transaction. Similarly, choosing one proffer of access over another online doesn't make you a freeloader.

The only freeloaders on the Internet are the ones who use ad blockers. (It's not clear whether ad blocking online is legal, but it's certainly unethical.) Save your scorn for them. Everyone else pays their fair share—whether they know it or not.

Even setting aside the issues of revenue, a site like Nexus benefits tremendously from network effects: more users means a better experience for everybody. Even if Nexus would be viable behind a paywall—and it's pretty safe to say it wouldn't be—the experience would be a lot worse than the current model.
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In response to post #7655925.

even betas are tested for atleast a couple of times before release, these bugs should have been noticed. betas are for ironing out "hidden" bugs not obvious bugs.


Clearly you are ascribing the developers with God-Like prescience to find even quite obvious bugs... I used to program many moons ago.

You tend to get a little transfixed by getting the damn thing to work in the first place on your own rig, its more problematic to get it to work on an entirely different set of hardware/drivers combos... What may seem an Glaringly Obvious Bug to you, on your rig, may not even be an issue on theirs....


That is what Beta testing is for.... RTFM...NMM is still in Beta, although I suspect we are closing on the "official" release, now.



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