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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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In response to post #7653202. #7653386, #7653470, #7653702, #7653807, #7654579, #7654588, #7656278 are all replies on the same post.

I feel sorry for you KensaiTonada, I am a premium member & have no problem with helping to keep a site like Nexus going by doing my little part, it makes everyone’s life a little bit easier & more enjoyable, It makes me feel good that people that can’t afford it are still able to enjoy & experience the same things I can, you calling people freeloaders shows your ignorance & your nature towards others, Try having a little more time for others less fortunate them you.
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In response to post #7653202. #7653386, #7653470, #7653702, #7653807, #7654579, #7654588, #7656278, #7657258 are all replies on the same post.

well, imagine if one day, the site becomes fully premium, million of users will be kicked out, and there will be a few of them try to go to premium to hang with this site. so, the number of the users will go down terribly, and there are just a few ones with this site, do you think the site will survive after all? If you are the master of this site and just do as you want, i will tell you that you have just kill a community, no one will come here to download, test, comment on, cheer,... even pay for your mods, one day the premium users will leave the site. and so what's going on?surely there will be another free site for free,...you are the premium, we appreciate you, you have better benefits, we dont envy. that's all. i'm just a poor student. Edited by protttt
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hi want to make clear a couple of thing:

- beta testing: is not something that you do without control, especially with an app that have millions user... millions beta tester users means millions of problems, that could never be resolved.

- about the NMM and the 4.x problems:

a) cache: the cache system for renaming file is bad and getting worse -> it will be less painfull change directly the real name file.

b) the overwrite-restore functionality is lost (if i uninstall an'update that was track under uninstall, doesn't restore the previous files -> this is bad, becouse is the reason that i use a mod manager.

c) category: after this implementation NMM stability (that was solid before 0.4) gone: it is unusefull for users that play with few 100s mods.

d) readme files: this make more problem and is useless with the great site you have: you cannot plane to work with archive that almost have more than 200 mega just to keep the read me that you have on line.

e) LoadOrder: never run right.



1) a task that show the tracked files that you never download: here it will be fine a category implementation, not on the real file): you already done in the site that you just need to make avaible a link in NMM

2) with the right click mouse open the archive: this is really what i need.

3) renaming the real file in NMM, so you can add your code, category, whatever and i'll never be bored with the cache that just becose is a cache is going to clean for some reasons.

4) toggles (check field) for disable the optional (category, readme, load order and whatever)



i mean, the site is wanderfull, i spent lot of time on it, so why to ruin the users experience for a bad way of the NMM take: roll back to simple previous 4 with in mind that most ot the millions users want to enjoy the best of the skyrim experience and not your programming skill over a Nexus Mod Manager

why play with the database and query with an app that have to manage few HUNDREDS mods.. put that SKILL on the site, that i never stop to say is the best... i was quering oracle and mysql with millions records and tables with 100s fields, with all kind of function and joint...

i would like to see NMM SIMPLE, like OBMM AND FOMM, becouse i know the way you take is going worse and worse and worse

Anybody can make a mistake, sometimes we try something, but if it doesn't work we have to listen the friends, may be was just not the right time to do that.





Edited by BurtFreeman
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In response to post #7653202. #7653386, #7653470, #7653702, #7653807, #7654579, #7654588, #7656278, #7657258, #7657350 are all replies on the same post.

I went Premium to help the site and because there was no pressure to do it. If I had felt coerced into it by some "mandatory" fee I would not have sent in a dime. I am not rich, nor am I an elitist, and I don't feel any animosity to members who decide not to donate. I was a member for 2 years before I did.

The Nexus is a community of modders and players who love modding, and your nasty comments have no place here.
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In response to post #7657560.

Wow, you seem really angry. It seems that the Nexus site is not giving you all that you are entitled to, after...I'm sorry, what exactly did you do?

Here's a question: the Nexus is free, and came with a very detailed explanation of what you could expect from it, if you read it, saying that you were using explicitly as a tester if you agreed to use it at all. (I'm also pretty sure it was implied that they were not required to personally tailor their development to your individual tastes.) Steam, on the other hand, was required if you decided to buy Skyrim. I assume you are here because the Steam workshop did not meet your needs. So how much time do you spend ranting at Steam, or Bethesda, for forcing you to use Steam and their inadequate modding support? I'm guessing, very little if any. I'm also guessing that the reason is that you know Steam will summarily dismiss you, because they could really care less. The fact that the administrators of the Nexus DO care is a rare and wonderful thing. Maybe you could think twice before attacking them for that.
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Is it just me, or is NMM getting more and more awkward to use every few releases? I remember it being nice and simple UI wise, nothing frivolous (Categories in classic view, I'm looking at you!) and it just worked without annoying issues cropping up (duplication of mod entries since the intro of "readmes" into NMM, I'm looking at you!).

Same goes for the site itself. It's great that it exists, but it doesn't feel quite as user friendly as it once did. It honestly feels like it was a change for the sake of change.


If there was one change I would make in NMM if I could, I would add the ability to control what columns are displayed in the different views, so if I didn't want to see "install date" or "Category" in either view I would simply need to go into options, un-tick the relevant box and bang, it's done.

That's my number one issue with NMM at the moment, column management. It is a pain in the proverbial backside!


[not_quite_serious]But In the interests of those annoyingly cheerful "glass half full" types, [/not_quite_serious] I shall be grateful that this site even exists. You know, the fact that the site is around is the reason I even play Skyrim anymore!

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In response to post #7657560. #7658385 is also a reply to the same post.

@ Georgiegril: sorry but you don't get the point. i always says that NEXUS IS THE BEST but is nmm that is doesn't work anymore, and i'm not angry but i'll like to see the deserve glorius of this app, like OBMM and FOMM. If i can say my opinion and my suggestion after the test i'll do, otherwise what are we doing here? wasting time? i don't really understand your talking about steam, how can you fit it in my post? Edited by BurtFreeman
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