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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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Rebooted and logged back into nexus. Just reattempted all previous file downloads with Google Chrome, Firefox and (eew) IE. As of this message... no regular servers are available for any of the previous downloads. even tried Dawnguard Rewritten Arvak and TWM Dawnguard Armory. Sigh. Even tried to get the unofficial Skyrim, DG, DB n HF patches. Error message is this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Error/?err=download_down&hr


It's ok Dark. Whoever DID this needs to be caught and fully punished by the full extent of ANY countries law.


My suggestion would be to take Nexus offline...and YES.. i know this hurts but...take nexus offline for a LONG while (I KNOW how many terrabytes of files you host cause I haven't even downloaded a smidgen of em and filled up 8tb's of hard drive space), clean the drives and reboot nexus.


Have you investigated the site involved with the Tribunal Robes and masks author yet? I've seen a few more Nexus mods pop up there. I can't believe they're tryin to steal modders work and get paid for the theft.


Anyhow. I'm stuck atm as I deleted my dawnguard tex's n mods so until nexus is up in gear again i get to take a vacation. LoL.


Many blessings and good wishes to the whole team.



Edited by Thorne67
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what if authors posted md5s of their files on the website and the mod manager calculates and compares the md5 of the mod before installing. that would give some protecting against file being tampered with.


i suppose a hacker could change the md5 on the website,so maybe put the md5s on all your servers and have the mod manager check all the servers (downloaded file matches server A,B and C so it must be legit).with the idea being 1 server might get hacked but it's unlikely ALL servers will get hacked.if the mod manager doesn't get 3 matches it sends a message back to you guys saying file abc.zip downloaded from server B is not validating then all you guys have to do is check the logs for these field reports to know what's affected

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Is this who fiasco over with yet? Can I go back to downloading mods or is it still not safe and risky? I realize it's probably not a threat to me so long as I don't run the .exe -- but i'm just so gosh darn paranoid and don't wanna take the chance.
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In response to post #7729206.

I'm on 56k using Internet Download Manager. They've ALL been saying server is busy...even though they aren't. Simple way for "ME" to bypass it is to click on the download server, IDM pops up with the "server busy" on top so I click on the "Download Later" then the server is "saved" in the IDM request set. I can either immediatley highlight the file to be DLed and resume of just do my batch file que 1 at a time for me. No biggie.

Servers aren't actually "busy" I think links just aren't responding quick enough on the pages.

Without IDM I just kept clicking on the SAME server link till it caught up and allowed the DL to start. On 56k it took about 5 tries each time. Still no biggie.

Haven't had the virus flag here for about a week now and I've been download small texture packages all day.

Hope this helps everyone.

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In response to post #7757811.

I've downloaded about 60 mods (tiny ones) just to check on the hack breach and all files were successfully qued and downloaded with utterly NO Nexus Downloader.exe or any other renamed or invalid file redirects.Blessings and many thanks to the nexus team for all the hard work in fighting the hack.44.3 if I remember correctly was the really BAD bug version that stripped the readme files from the mods and then installed them rather than leaving them intact.I am using version 44.5 of NMM and saw NMM jump from 44.6 to 7 in like LESS than a 72 hour period so I personally do NOT know what changes have been made as of 44.7Many people have complained about slow response times from the Skyrim server itself. My grandkids and great ones play dragonage, oblivion and a few of the other nexus supported games and report very quick responses from those servers so my opinion is that as skyrim is so HEAVILY modded at current time that there is always going to be network congestions. Oblivion and the rest ARE pretty much retired with skyrim after allJust be patient with your downloads. Don't click from one server to another. Just use ONE server and reclick until it responds. Very rarely have I encountered any ACTUAL slow or sluggish DL speeds. Just in queing it up. Then again I AM on 56k so I can't test that theory past v96 speeds. Edited by Thorne67
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In response to post #7757811. #7758068 is also a reply to the same post.

Thanks Thorne67. Only seeing the usual download issues (weekends = crunch time) but no real trouble there. Some downloading issues may be sourced elsewhere (DNS attacks slowing down the entire Net have grown recently)

Glad you were able to DL a bunch without bugs... progress appears to have been made or you ducked the bullet. Am hoping for a status from Nexus if they have that period behind them. Haven't detected a virus since 4-2 so am hoping its behind them now. Also expunging a software gremlin (source unverified) so plan to reinstall Skyrim from the ground up including Nexus and am hoping the cleansing is now completed (such as that can be done)

I'm using 44.1 now and spent a lot of time getting back to zero. Took Dark0ne's advice and decided to hold on upgrades until there is a good reason so hope we can get a list of the changes similar to that which was given on the open of this article.
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In response to post #7757811. #7758068, #7761190 are all replies on the same post.

Still using 44.5 and don't know if I should upgrade to 44.7 as I've seen no posts regarding the updates yet, especially why there was an immediate jump from 6 to 7. So far the only thing with 44.5 is a constant CTD after installing about 4 or 5 mods right after each other. Same thing with downloading. Immediate CTD when downloading large (at least 40mb) files. Even though they've successfully downloaded (close NMM or NOT message box. I close normally)
Generally when i restart NMM and the "offensive" download shows up, I just redownload the same file and NMM doesn't crash. Dunno if the 44.7 update fixed that issue.

Personally I think the NMM program itself should have its own download page with a BUG forum and a SUGGESTIONS forum attached. As we've gotten accustomed to THIS forum here I'd leave this one running as a general discussions/biaatching page.

I'm sure it exists SOMEWHERE on Nexus here but...I can't find it so..on my earlier comment on NMM having it's own DL page like all the other mods I'd suggest the "main" info page contain all the info pertaining to the release (44.0, 44.3, 44.7...yadda yadda...) and on down the line and the download page contain JUST a few previous STABLE beta downloads.

So.. how's THAT for some ideas?

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