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Skyrim's Screensaver


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I think that's one of those ini things. You open Skyrim.ini and add:




In the [Display] section. I'm not sure, though. Haven't tried that in a while.

It created a folder with the name "TestCameraPath001" but still doesn't allow me

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You can also hit "F12" to take a screenshot via steam, unless you've changed the button for it. I personally like using steam's button because you won't end up capturing the screenshot confirmation, so you'll have a nice clean image. Oh and if it's not F12, then it's F11 or F10. I'm sure it's F12, though.

Edited by Elsarian
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You can also hit "F12" to take a screenshot via steam, unless you've changed the button for it. I personally like using steam's button because you won't end up capturing the screenshot confirmation, so you'll have a nice clean image. Oh and if it's not F12, then it's F11 or F10. I'm sure it's F12, though.

Yep, F12.


The screenshots are stored at Steam\userdata\*numbers of which I'm not sure vary*\760\remote\72850\screenshots

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Actually i couldn't get my screenshots to work too (well, until this morning), i was checking "wyre bash" earlier and it seems that it can fix the binary -allow the screenshots-

Anyway i just used fraps (and will continue to use it btw), just made it auto-start with system and start minimized to system tray.

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