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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Always keep water nearby as when your throat gets dry you voice changes drastically. Also make sure you don't have anything humming in the background like refrigerators or air conditioners.


When recording in a voice it's also a good idea to record continuously and re-recorded any blunders you make right then and then to cut them out in post instead of recording a line then stopping and recording and stopping. This makes it easier to hold an accent and stay in character, or at least for me.


Those are just some of the things I think are good to know when you start. Good Luck!

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Couple more tips.


1. Do not move your head! Stand straight and still throughout the recording. Why? Because lots of noise compression will struggle with the fall off from your voice if your head is moving around a lot. (This is exactly what the "noise removal" tool for Audacity does. And this is why the start and end of a line can sound squashed).


2. As already stated, background noise. Limit it as best you can to make an engineer's job easier.


Simple ways of achieving the above:


Pop shield. Stops all those breathes from Thumping on the mic. If you can't buy one (they're cheap) you can make one with a coat hanger and a pair of tights (preferably not used).


For background shielding, basically you need to limit the sound that is hitting the mic from all directions other than your voice. Cheap trick: Use a wardrobe; open the doors to create a shield either side of the mic and cover the doors with towels. :)


Hope this helps.

Edited by skinnytecboy
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I am in the final stages of completing a mod project for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

I am attempting to make a landscape and experience of complete arctic desolation,

a view into the past of a culture displaced by ice and snow.

Expedition to Atmora

Details on Atmora:


Skyrim Nexus site: www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68189/?tab=4&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fthread_id%3D3074664%26mod_id%3D68189

Project forum site: atmora-calling.freeforums.net/

As the main scope of the project is the landscape, the cold, the dark and the snow versus you, the player,

there is no "great" need for many voice actors, but the few that are needed are absolutely essential.

For more details, feel free to contact me here via PM or on our personal forum also via PM.

Or if you prefer not to register anywhere;

At this moment there is no deadline,

this is subject to change and I will edit this post and add a comment to indicate this.

The following characters require a voice,

and if possible, please have a go at one of the lines I've added.

At this point feel free to provide the audio as you please,

this is also subject to change.

More character may be added,

but these will all be very minor roles, limited to a few lines (which does not make them less essential) and can likely be tackled later.

* Arrys Terinnius

A young Imperial male, age 25-30, blonde hair and although a little small, well built.

He always has a little smile on his face, a sign of confidence, always well dressed.

He is the third or fourth son of a wealthy non-noble Imperial family that trades across Tamriel.

When you get sent across the continent for work, you get to visit all kind of interesting areas, and he is addicted to exploring the world around him.

A good son, a fine merchant and a thrillseeker all wrapped into one.

Line1: (Very slighty drunk, curious and optimistic)

"Fame, fortune and adventure. Certainly not the food, the weather or the charming natives...

I'm Arrys Terinnius. Who might you be?"

Line2: (Very slighty drunk, nostalgic and reflective)

"I've been all over Tamriel, traveling for our family and business.

I've seen a forest filled with killer elves that don’t just kill you but eat you after.

Not one but two desserts filled with various killer creatures.

I have spent more time having leeches on my person than I care to think about."

Line3: Improvisate a little on how this person would introduce himself.

* Eirik Geirsson ( pronounced like the Fonz 'Ay' + 'rick' :) )

A veteran sailor who in the last few years got a small amount of notoriety sailing the Sea of Ghosts.

Before that he honed his skills as a smuggler all across the northern edge of the continent.

A strong Nord, with a fatal flaw like many: drinking.

At an age of about 40, he recently lost his ship in an accident on the Sea of Ghosts,

which brings him to the tavern in Windhelm where Arrys located him, feeling sorry for himself.

In essence, even while he is currently quite cynical, he is an explorer at heart and the offer to explore the Frozen north is enough to get him out of his depression and get read to brave the Sea of Ghosts.

Line1: (Slightly annoyed, half-concentrating, pensive)

"Ah.. right. Well, <INSERT A FUNNY NAME HERE>, I hope you’re ready for this.

It's going to be a long cold journey and the destination is worse.

The other ship is captained by Sorsen R'hi, his crew will be our support. You'll be sailing with me."$

Line2: Improvisate a little on how this person would introduce himself.

* Ghurar the manslayer ('goo-rar' , with the 'rar' almost sounding like 'roar')

Little is know about this mountain of muscle, except that when he takes on a contract to kill,

the target is both a challenge yet already dead.

Whereas most orcs live in poverty with their tribe or fight, this master killer lives in wealth, wield great power yet still choose to go out and kill those who might be worthy of his death.

Line1: (Calm, tough, lighthearted)

"Sooo... this is what they pay me my weight in gold for to kill. I'm not impressed."

Line2: (Deathly calm, neutral yet concentrated)

"Let's see what you've got, dragonborn, and get this over with. I have other men to kill."

Line3: Improvise a little on how this person would introduce himself.

* Elandril of Firsthold (the character with by far the most dialog, be prepared to read for an hour or so about lore)

Elandril of Firsthold is our Altmeri scholar

A young high elf (so almosta hundred years old, Elandril was born around 4E 150.

It was nearly impossible for Elandril (who was actually a quite talented mystic) to remain on Summersets

prestigious academies.

Now he is a free-range archeologist, historian and wanderer.

Line1: (Softspoken, fast paced, exited)

"Hello, <INSERT A FUNNY NAME HERE>, did you find another of my books?

Oh you did, great, GREAT, thank you very much.

'Before the age of man' is one of my favorites, it really speaks to me."

Line2: (In awe, very soft, )

"By whatever gods that are out there,

a dragon is a sight to behold.

I had heard about them, read about them, but I'm going to be the first to document how

it stops a beating hart by it's mere sight."

Line3: Improvise a little on how this person would introduce himself.

* Jorund of Helgen

Tired of the simple hunting life, this young man left the safety of Helgen,

and stumbled into a career as a sailor, becoming a dependable second-in-command on several journeys.

A competent, normal man who goes with the flow (in both ways here).

Line1: (Quiet, sad)

"So you were there.

Even though I left my family there years ago,

the news of their deaths nearly destroyed me.

I had to leave, I knew and they knew, but part of me wishes I burned with them."

Line2: (In awe, very soft, )

"How did you get past the dragon?

We've been stuck here ever since it flew over us, petrified.

We wouldn't have lit a fire if we weren't freezing to death."

Line3: Improvise a little on how this person would introduce himself.

* Sorsen R'hi

A real ass. A dark elf that lives the stereotype of a stuck-up bastard,

hates everyone except those with the same complexion.

Line1: (Angry for no reason)

"No, NOO NOO NOOOO not here.

You get on the other boat with Eirik, we are full. Go...... JUST GO!"

Line2: Improvise a little on how this person would introduce himself.

First of all, thanks for reading,

and I hope to hear from you soon.

The Skyrim modding community is easily one of the best ones out there,

and if this project does not interest you,

please look into voice acting for other Skryim projects.

My personal favorite in dire need of voice acting is Hunting in Skyrim: A hunting Guild


The results of your coöperation will be released with full credit to you,

all members of the project,

all third-party resources used on the Skyrim Nexus free of charge.

See you

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I am in the final stages of completing a mod project for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
I am attempting to make a landscape and experience of complete arctic desolation,
a view into the past of a culture displaced by ice and snow.
Expedition to Atmora
Details on Atmora:
Skyrim Nexus site: www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68189/?tab=4&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fthread_id%3D3074664%26mod_id%3D68189
Project forum site: atmora-calling.freeforums.net/
As the main scope of the project is the landscape, the cold, the dark and the snow versus you, the player,
there is no "great" need for many voice actors, but the few that are needed are absolutely essential.
For more details, feel free to contact me here via PM or on our personal forum also via PM.
Or if you prefer not to register anywhere;
At this moment there is no deadline,
this is subject to change and I will edit this post and add a comment to indicate this.
The following characters require a voice,
and if possible, please have a go at one of the lines I've added.
At this point feel free to provide the audio as you please,
this is also subject to change.
More character may be added,
but these will all be very minor roles, limited to a few lines (which does not make them less essential) and can likely be tackled later.
* Arrys Terinnius
A young Imperial male, age 25-30, blonde hair and although a little small, well built.
He always has a little smile on his face, a sign of confidence, always well dressed.
He is the third or fourth son of a wealthy non-noble Imperial family that trades across Tamriel.
When you get sent across the continent for work, you get to visit all kind of interesting areas, and he is addicted to exploring the world around him.
A good son, a fine merchant and a thrillseeker all wrapped into one.
Line1: (Very slighty drunk, curious and optimistic)
"Fame, fortune and adventure. Certainly not the food, the weather or the charming natives...
I'm Arrys Terinnius. Who might you be?"
Line2: (Very slighty drunk, nostalgic and reflective)
"I've been all over Tamriel, traveling for our family and business.
I've seen a forest filled with killer elves that don’t just kill you but eat you after.
Not one but two desserts filled with various killer creatures.
I have spent more time having leeches on my person than I care to think about."
Line3: Improvisate a little on how this person would introduce himself.
* Eirik Geirsson ( pronounced like the Fonz 'Ay' + 'rick' :smile: )
A veteran sailor who in the last few years got a small amount of notoriety sailing the Sea of Ghosts.
Before that he honed his skills as a smuggler all across the northern edge of the continent.
A strong Nord, with a fatal flaw like many: drinking.
At an age of about 40, he recently lost his ship in an accident on the Sea of Ghosts,
which brings him to the tavern in Windhelm where Arrys located him, feeling sorry for himself.
In essence, even while he is currently quite cynical, he is an explorer at heart and the offer to explore the Frozen north is enough to get him out of his depression and get read to brave the Sea of Ghosts.
Line1: (Slightly annoyed, half-concentrating, pensive)
"Ah.. right. Well, <INSERT A FUNNY NAME HERE>, I hope you’re ready for this.
It's going to be a long cold journey and the destination is worse.
The other ship is captained by Sorsen R'hi, his crew will be our support. You'll be sailing with me."$
Line2: Improvisate a little on how this person would introduce himself.
* Ghurar the manslayer ('goo-rar' , with the 'rar' almost sounding like 'roar')
Little is know about this mountain of muscle, except that when he takes on a contract to kill,
the target is both a challenge yet already dead.
Whereas most orcs live in poverty with their tribe or fight, this master killer lives in wealth, wield great power yet still choose to go out and kill those who might be worthy of his death.
Line1: (Calm, tough, lighthearted)
"Sooo... this is what they pay me my weight in gold for to kill. I'm not impressed."
Line2: (Deathly calm, neutral yet concentrated)
"Let's see what you've got, dragonborn, and get this over with. I have other men to kill."
Line3: Improvise a little on how this person would introduce himself.
* Elandril of Firsthold (the character with by far the most dialog, be prepared to read for an hour or so about lore)
Elandril of Firsthold is our Altmeri scholar
A young high elf (so almosta hundred years old, Elandril was born around 4E 150.
It was nearly impossible for Elandril (who was actually a quite talented mystic) to remain on Summersets
prestigious academies.
Now he is a free-range archeologist, historian and wanderer.
Line1: (Softspoken, fast paced, exited)
"Hello, <INSERT A FUNNY NAME HERE>, did you find another of my books?
Oh you did, great, GREAT, thank you very much.
'Before the age of man' is one of my favorites, it really speaks to me."
Line2: (In awe, very soft, )
"By whatever gods that are out there,
a dragon is a sight to behold.
I had heard about them, read about them, but I'm going to be the first to document how
it stops a beating hart by it's mere sight."
Line3: Improvise a little on how this person would introduce himself.
* Jorund of Helgen
Tired of the simple hunting life, this young man left the safety of Helgen,
and stumbled into a career as a sailor, becoming a dependable second-in-command on several journeys.
A competent, normal man who goes with the flow (in both ways here).
Line1: (Quiet, sad)
"So you were there.
Even though I left my family there years ago,
the news of their deaths nearly destroyed me.
I had to leave, I knew and they knew, but part of me wishes I burned with them."
Line2: (In awe, very soft, )
"How did you get past the dragon?
We've been stuck here ever since it flew over us, petrified.
We wouldn't have lit a fire if we weren't freezing to death."
Line3: Improvise a little on how this person would introduce himself.
* Sorsen R'hi
A real ass. A dark elf that lives the stereotype of a stuck-up bastard,
hates everyone except those with the same complexion.
Line1: (Angry for no reason)
"No, NOO NOO NOOOO not here.
You get on the other boat with Eirik, we are full. Go...... JUST GO!"
Line2: Improvise a little on how this person would introduce himself.
First of all, thanks for reading,
and I hope to hear from you soon.
The Skyrim modding community is easily one of the best ones out there,
and if this project does not interest you,
please look into voice acting for other Skryim projects.
My personal favorite in dire need of voice acting is Hunting in Skyrim: A hunting Guild
The results of your coöperation will be released with full credit to you,
all members of the project,
all third-party resources used on the Skyrim Nexus free of charge.
See you



wow, I have a voice for all these interesting characters. I will be sending you an email soon :O)

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