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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hello friends, I'll be buying a new mic in the near future but I don't want to make a mistake so I wanted to ask here first.


I have this one now, and while it isn't bad at all, I had some problems with echo etc. (all the sounds in my soundcloud were recorded using samson, take a look to see (or hear) what I'm talking about)


I heard Blue Snowball is alright, but if anyone could contact me here or through PM and give me some detailed information about it I'd be very happy.


Got a few replies, thanks everyone ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted on here several times so you can find most of my stuff in here or visit my youtube and soundcloud.

Just posting a few of my updated daedric prince impressions here for anyone to view/find.



Hermaeous Mora


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Closed, roles have been casted.




It's when I come across these little corners of the internet that I realize how many gems are hidden from my sight until I look for them. There is so much talent here I got a tingle in my spine. Not to disrespect the wonderfull original voice actor of Hermaeus Mora in any way, but the way the dialogue tended to fall into a *yawn* always made listening to him slightly annoying. Not only do you have a great rendition DanielHodge, but I found it really pleasant to hear!



Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked, this is my request for two (or three) voice actors. Long term for female breton follower, a few lines for a male thalmor villain but can hopefully help me again in future work, and... something else.


- Voice Actress for a potential follower with a small quest:

Follower development and testing thread. Please take a quick look at the character, Hana, seen in the first three screenshots. An image is worth a thousand words. It should let you know if it's the sort of character you'd like to project your voice onto.

Character age: 21 years old.
Short summary of her character type: a youthfull tomboy noble with a soft spot for adorable things.

Proper description: consult attached document.

Request criteria: I'm looking for someone willing to voice the quest and a character voice type. And that might be able to come back into the project again on rare occasion, once I have time to expand upon the character and add further quests. I am not one to go for dialogue heavy in foul language but I might need a couple of slightly suggestive lines as I'd like to connect the follower with other mods that might range from dancing to intimate romance. But it wouldn't go further than something like "Well, I am in the mood." so nothing extreme on that end either.

Preferably clear audio, no noise. Or little enough noise that I could clean without loss of voice quality.


- Voice Actor for a thalmor villain having a very bad day:

Just four lines at the moment.

There is plenty of freedom for his tone, the keywords here are excentric or histerical, or both. A unique tone of voice, maybe haughty befitting a Thalmor, would suffice.

Proper description: consult attached document.


- Voice Actor for an additional character, Branch:
A customized dwarf Spriggan summoned by Hana as her base summon. Only has a few lines spoken when idle or during combat. Different tones for "I am Branch". Am I basing this on Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy? "I am Branch".

A modulated "tiny" sounding voice works ok, I gave it a shot and left some placeholders in my current testing release but clearly my equipment is bad enough that even a modulated voice sounds too unnatural (in the wrong way).



The document attached contains the quest related dialogue but hasn't been revised and is not the final script. But should only get small changes and be a good sample. The flow of dialogue shouldn't be too difficult to follow and I tried to make it entertaining, let me know if something isn't clear from a glance.
My experience: This is actually my first personal release of a Creation Kit dependant mod, so I'm a bit rough around the edges. The only CK related mod I've worked on before this was building the base release for this follower which is now in the reliable hands of idle (preset creator) and JRCosta. Besides that you can see other "modding" work from me in my signature within the first link I posted.
Thank you for indulging me and reading through all of this! Feel free to PM me.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Actor Stats

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian (Canadian/English, dual national)
Last Updated: 1/5/2017
Active Member: Semi-active

Playable Races:
Imperial, Breton, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, probably Khajiit and Argonian

Recreational voice actor, 5 years of experience doing comedy voice overs.

Can record in MP3 among other formats, can sing (Played the title character in a student production of Sweeney Todd), has lived in England and is an English citizen and so can almost flawlessly imitate multiple English dialects (among them cockney and received pronunciation), can replicate a convincing Scottish accent and an exaggerated Irish one, has decent vocal range [ex. shrill Cicero-type voice, calm/condescending elvish voice, or just a comically deep one (Prefers the lower-mid to high range)], is proficient with Sony Vegas and voice modulation for monster voices and the like, can read and accurately pronounce German and Spanish.

About Me:
Grew up with a knack for imitating voices I heard on the television or radio and made a point of doing so for fun. Began voice acting 4-or-so years ago after being introduced to abridged anime on YouTube. Has been continuously pumping out my own abridged episodes for private enjoyment ever since. Been a huge fan of TES for at least 10 years.

Voice Samples:

https://soundcloud.com/user-335480478/tracks (Keeping in mind that these have nothing to do with TES. They're mostly comedy. That's why I'm here. Broadening my horizons to the realm of non-comedic voicing and whatnot.)

If you want samples of actual Skyrim race voices, just send me trial lines and I'll record them. Keeping in mind that I have a new mic coming on the 9th. It will be, like, a bajillion times better.


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Hey guys! My name is DJ_Voicebox and I love doing voices!

Actor Stats

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 1/8/2017
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Nords and Imperials. Haven't dabbled in anything else as of yet. But am willing to try anything.

Starting out


  • I am very adept at recording and editing sound files (.wav, .mp3, etc.) in Audacity.
  • I can do the following impressions: Donald duck, a stoner surfer dude, Herbert, Mort Goldman, greased up deaf guy, Consuela, Mario, Yoshi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Batman, Joker (Mark Hamill's), Epic movie trailer/game announcer voice, and I am sure their is more...
  • I can also do the following accents: American (great, as it is my natural accent), German (good), Nazi German (great), Irish (decent) Russian (could be better), British (good), Pirate (good), Sailor (Modified British, Good), Southern/cowboy (decent), and a fairly offensive Asian accent (good)...


About Me:
I have been that my voice could land me a very good career in the future. But for now I think I'll just voice mods. Gaming is a HUGE part of my life, and I would love to be a part of the community that holds my second most played game (My Skyrim play time is at 954 hours recorded)!

Although I can do, or at least try to do, any voice, my favorite voices are the psychopathic... I can do anything from the calm and unsettling, to the energetic and insane. Witch is why my favorite voice by far is my Joker Impression.

On top of voices I can sing, fairly decently if I say so myself. And I do. On my free time I beatbox and rap. I don't know what use that would have though... Just wanted to put it here I guess...

I look forward to working with the mod creators of the nexus to make something cool.

Contact me:


Voice Examples:
Sadly as I haven't done anything as of yet, I have no examples as of yet. But I will put a link here when I have some examples.

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Actor Stats:

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: White
Last Updated: 1/8/2017
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Nords, Imperials, and most likely the elven races, as well. I'm always willing to try others, though I can't promise anything for non-humanoid characters.

I'm just starting out as far as actually looking for voice-acting gigs, but I've been voice-acting as a hobby for as long as I can remember.


  • I have expansive knowledge on the art of singing; I've been in multiple advanced choral programs since the age of 14. My vocal range is Soprano I to Tenor II, although with more vocal training, I'm sure I could lower it even farther (at least to a Baritone I). However, my natural singing voice is Soprano II to Alto I.
  • As far as accents go, the one I have naturally is General American, however I can also do a broad range of other accents around the US. A couple of others outside of the states are Australian and British (several different types).
  • Even though the natural pitch of my voice is already a bit on the higher side, I can alter the pitch to be either higher or lower, depending on what is requested.

About Me:
Hi, my name is Eliot! I'm just a queer transguy looking to get my voice out there. I'm pre-T, so I'm not expecting to voice many male characters (if any at all), but if you would like for me to try, I certainly will. Voicing females (or especially effeminate people) is perfectly fine with me and I'll be happy to do so!
If you have a queer or otherwise LGBT+ character, I would be honoured to lend them my voice. This is not to say I won't voice other characters, of course, but I feel like I can very much relate to those who share an identity with me.

I would prefer to work with someone who respects me and who I am. My pronouns are he/him/his and I need the other person to at least refer to me as such (I don't care about your views behind closed doors, but at least show me respect to my face). I hope you understand; this is simply to prevent myself from feeling uncomfortable around a potential coworker.
I want to voice-act for this community in particular because gaming has been a huge part of my life and, as such, so has Skyrim. It's my way of coping with pretty much everything because it gives me a way of escaping and it also provides as a distraction from whatever is causing me emotional distress. Being able to become apart of a video game, especially one that I have become so emotionally attached to such as Skyrim, would be absolutely amazing.

The equipment I'm currently using to record is a Yeti Microphone with a foam windscreen/popfilter. The program I use is Audacity, although I am pretty new to it.

Contact me:

I might not be checking this thread too often, but please feel free to email me at any time!

Voice Examples:
I haven't been involved in any projects yet nor do I have any video links, but I'm currently working on recording samples and I would be happy to send them to anyone who is interested via email!

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