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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Fallout 4 Machinima


Fallout: Tales from the bottle.


It's about a 30 year old detective named Jackie Ricken as he find himself doing odd cases for the various factions around the commonwealth.




Jackie Rickens

Male, Deep and clear, north american accents ONLY, sounds world weary yet alert.



Contact me for more information. This is unpaid.

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Hello all! Now I am looking for a voice actress to voice my Orc follower. I have released a mod of her already, so you can check her out here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82063/?


If you can do a gruff female voice similar to the vanilla Skyrim female orc voice, that'd be really cool, but it's not too necessary. I encourage you to think about that first though before asking to voice my character.


If you're interested, PM me about it, then I'll send you tester lines. Once you voice those tester lines, send them to me at [email protected] (I'll also remind you if you forget).

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The audition is closed.

A great thanks to all of you for your interest and sound files!

Louisharee Zan & Laurel Elliot

Hey there :D

We are looking for some voice actors for a new Skyrim Machinima Project for the Louisharee Zan Youtube channel.

The roles are presented and described in more detail in this video:

If you are interested in participating with your voice, send us your voice file (mp3 or wav) to: [email protected]

End of audition: May, 14th, 2017

All roles are unpaid! But we will gladly mention your name in the video. And set links to your other projects in the video description.

Here are some lines:


-"Lived out here all my life. It's a quiet, solitary place I can call my own and no one is here to bother me.

I'll sit out here sometimes, listening to the crickets chirp, and wonder if there's somebody out there living the same life I am.

I'm glad I get to share this moment with you, Tink."

-"I came all the way out here because I'm running from my past. I had a mother, the prettiest maiden you could ever see, and she was the best mom too.

She died in a house fire when I was young. My uncle took me in at his farm and let's just say, we didn't get along so well."

-"Lighten up, Tink. What's so wrong with having another friend come along with us?"

-"You lied to all of us, Iyanna. Was this what you were intending the whole time?

You killed all those people! Save your pity party cause I don't want to hear it. Just leave me alone."


-"Gods, what a beautiful night out tonight. Everything is just perfect. The crickets are chirping, the moon is full, the slight breeze in the trees, and you."

-"What are we waiting for? We have each other and the rest of our lives. Let's get married!"


-"Listen, let's just say I'm not your type. Believe me, your not the first guy of your kind to try and flirt with me like that."

-"I've never had anyone care about me like this before. I've never had a home or a family or any friends for that matter, but you guys took me in as one of your own. Thanks for that. I'm not sure Tink is too happy with it though."

-"Listen, I didn't mean for things to go this way. How was I suppose to know, Peter? I had to do it. I'm sorry."

Thank you for your interest. We hope to hear from you :smile:

Sunny greetings

Louisharee Zan & Laurel Elliot

End of audition: May, 14th, 2017

Edited by louishareezan
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Role Filled


Looking for someone who can do a proper Oblivion style male Dremora.

I am okay with them not sounding 100% the same, but as close as possible would be ideal.

Here are a few lines to see if your inflection is right:


- Be quick about it, mortal.

- Join my trophies, nithing!

- I banish you!


If you are interested, please pm me your audition.

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Hello everyone!


My name is Patrick, though I go by Falro online.

I'm looking for someone to give a voice to my follower/merchant Jessa Terallia, and possibly help with writing dialogue.




About her:

Race: Half Imperial, half Nord

Age: 21

Height: 160.02cm / 96SHU

Weight: 125lbs / 34SWU

Eye Color: Yellow w/ Purple

Hair Color: Black

Personality: Friendly, cunning, independent, strong-willed

Likes: Cats, flowers, sketching, the outdoors

Dislikes: Killing, arrogant people, bears, bandits, being told what to do

Fears: Insects, inadequacy

Alignment: Neutral Good



"Jessa is, above all, fiercely independent. She despises people who think too much of themselves. Having had to prove herself to her father and those around her, she strongly believes that anyone can succeed, no matter their circumstances. She is also distrustful of anyone involved in politics, much to her father’s distaste. Though she keeps it hidden from even her father, Jessa very much enjoys sketching landscapes and people. She is a natural at speechcraft, and often has the final word in arguments. Although she attributes her successes to her determination, she prays to Zenithar each night before going to bed."


Ideally her voice is that of someone who is very confident and straightforward, but also has a softer side. A few samples I'd like to hear:


“I’d have nothing if not for my father, yes. That does not mean he has given me any sort of advantage.”

“History is nothing without people to make it, and I plan on being one of those people.”

“Bears are repulsive creatures. Filthy, smelly, ill-tempered, and worst of all, everywhere.”


I'm still in the process of writing the dialogue, but it would mostly be basic vanilla follower and merchant dialogue, with her own spin. She's not marriageable, so no need for romance-style lines, nor will I make you do anything you feel uncomfortable with.


If you're interested, please PM me, or if you prefer, email me at [email protected].




-- TheGreatFalro

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Actor Stats

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Last Updated: 5/12/2017
Active Member: Maybe. I created this account today.

Playable Races:
Human, Argonian, Kajhiit

None. Currently looking for beginner work

Skills: psychotic laughter

About Me:
I am using an Audio-Technica AT2020 microphone with Audacity as my software. I'm a beginner, and looking for any kind of VA work. I'm currently working with the Skywind team on my voices, and hopefully I'll be able to be a part of that project.

If you are interested, you can email me at [email protected] or message my discord at Combustal#5954.

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Hey everyone, Circuit here. I'm part of the voice acting team behind the recently released VIGILANT Voiced addon for VIGILANT.

During development of the addon, we used a discord server to communicate and coordinate, and now that the mod is out, we realised we had a discord server full of some great voice acting talent, and we felt we could make use of that. As such, the team have decided to turn the server into a general hub for Skyrim voice acting, open to anyone!

So if you're a voice actor looking to get involved in some Skyrim projects, or a Modder looking for some Voice Artists, feel free to join and say hello! We look forward to seeing you there!

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