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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hello again, creator of "Beyond Reach" here. Just wanted to tell available VA that there are roles to be voiced.


If you are keen in helping with my project, then contact me through here or my email: [email protected]


The roles are:


King Sigmayne https://pastebin.com/Pm3WuKwf


Griffon: https://pastebin.com/G2TvUQfE


Merosa https://pastebin.com/GGtNDk0s


Denize https://pastebin.com/THt05Ldi


Mortifayne https://pastebin.com/FeH4C7Cf


Both male and female voices needed, anyone that is interested is free to contact me.

Edited by razorkid
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So I thought why not give this a try! I have a voice. I have a microphone. Love to do people a favor. So here's something about me:


Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: caucasian


Playable Races:

Been mostly a Nord, kajit/wood elf in VERY early playtroughs. The i thought: Dragonborn is a Nord legend, hence a Nord it shall be :smile:



None in voice acting (yet). Do accasionaly sing - or at least make an attempt.



Got some neat equipment (simple Samsing microphone but it does the trick) and can add whatever effect you want. Got some skill with editing vocals on Adobe Audition.


About Me:

Real name: Linda. 26 yo Dutchie, speak English as a second language my entire life. Love metal music, fantasy stuff, pretty much everytime I see a dragon somewhere it lifts my spirits. Been playing Skyrim for about 4 and a half years now. First ''real'' game i got addicted to. I don't pretend to be a gaming nerd, got a handfull of games that i enjoy. nothing more. Discovered nexus mods about a year or two ago. Been overloading my game with mods eversince. I REALLY respect modders who create huge worlds almost better than Bethesda can. There were mods that made my jaw drop a lot more than the actual game, and i can only say; kudos to that! Would love to be a part of that. And with no programming/mod creating skills whatsoever, (mostly, technical stuff frightens me), i thought i could always lend you my voice.



I have a youtube channel which is kinda a metal vlog-thing. If you wanna hear what my jabbering sounds like, this is what i have for you. If you happen to be into melodic/sympho/power metal, feel free to stick around and subscribe. Appreciate! :smile: â https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLHupUBBMU8Y9wmszb2GqNg


Got any questions? Feel free to ask them!






Let me update this while i'm at it.


In the meantime, my voice can be heard in the Expanded Towns and Cities mod now! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13608 as Isgerdr of Riverwood. I've also recorded lines for yet to be released mods, so the experiance bar is filling up!


Also, the equipment has changed. Now i'm eqquippend with a much mire pro sounding MXL 990 condensator mic with pop filter *whooo!*


I'm still available for VA, so if annyone needs one, lemme know :)

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Name: Sebastian (you can call me Gabre though)

Age: 21

Gender: male

Race: caucasian

voice: higher


Nord, maybe Khajit



Haven't voiced anything since I was 15/16 (I think)


Yeti Stereo Micrphone, Pop Shield



German (first), English (fluent)


Basics of AudaCity

can do a german accent in english


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Hello! I am thinking of creating a voiced Skyrim Follower, and, of course, I am looking for a voice actress for her!




The Character is named Sorai (pronounced "SO-RYE")




Images of the character are posted on my Nexus Account (Here:https://www.nexusmods.com/users/myaccount?tab=images ) Images of the Character are named "Sorai (number)"




The character Sorai, is a Goddess. Of what nature? Still working on that.




The Dragonborn will meet her by finding an ancient statue found in Bleak Falls Barrow (or somewhere else, still working out the details)




The Statue will transport the Dragonborn to another realm, where he will meet Sorai.






For the moment, all Im looking for is sample voice acting. I would like her Voice to sound... angelic, speaking elegantly (saying things like "You are" instead of "You're", "I am" instead of "i'm" etc.) However, she




cannot be emotionless, as Sorai is a goddess who cares about the world. She is a very concerned God, focused on nothing but Human's well being rather than gaining "Power" or turning the Dragonborn into their




champions (like what the daedric Princes do)






I unfortunately, cannot pay anyone who is willing to help me. I am working a small job currently with very little pay, so, for anyone willing to help, I really appreciate you!




If you are interested, PM me (or whatever other method there is) some sample sound clips. For starters, let's start out with some very basic lines.




"Welcome, Dragonborn. My name is Sorai"




"Tell me, Dragonborn. What is it that you fight for?"




"Bandits are... such dreadful beings."




"How Can I assist you?"




"What is it?"




and other Generic skyrim lines.




To anyone who is willing to help, once again, thank you for your assistance. You are greatly appreciated!




(As one final note, I have next to no experience with Skyrim modding. For now, i would like to get a few lines voiced, and see if I like the way it sounds. If I recieve any good lines, I will definitely will figure out




how to get a follower into the game, working and with custom voices!)




Thank you all!





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Name: Jeremy

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

Playable: Imperial, High Elf, Dunmer, Altmer, Bosmer, possible Nord


Not much in VA, but definitely wanting to get more into it. More than willing to thoroughly audition and take advice.

AT2050 w/Pop Filter

Akai EIE Pro Audio Interface



Experienced in Adobe Audition and Ableton Live.

Musician and Audio Engineer.

Video Editor.

PM me for Discord or other means of communication!

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Hello! I am thinking of creating a voiced Skyrim Follower, and, of course, I am looking for a voice actress for her! The Character is named Sorai (pronounced "SO-RYE")


Images of the character are posted on my Nexus Account (Here:https://www.nexusmods.com/users/myaccount?tab=images ) Images of the Character are named "Sorai (number)"


The character Sorai, is a Goddess. Of what nature? Still working on that. The Dragonborn will meet her by finding an ancient statue found in Bleak Falls Barrow (or somewhere else, still working out the details)

The Statue will transport the Dragonborn to another realm, where he will meet Sorai.


For the moment, all Im looking for is sample voice acting. I would like her Voice to sound... angelic, speaking elegantly (saying things like "You are" instead of "You're", "I am" instead of "i'm" etc.) However, she cannot be emotionless, as Sorai is a goddess who cares about the world. She is a very concerned God, focused on nothing but Human's well being rather than gaining "Power" or turning the Dragonborn into their champions (like what the daedric Princes do)


I unfortunately, cannot pay anyone who is willing to help me. I am working a small job currently with very little pay, so, for anyone willing to help, I really appreciate you! If you are interested, PM me (or whatever other method there is) some sample sound clips. For starters, let's start out with some very basic lines.


"Welcome, Dragonborn. My name is Sorai"

"Tell me, Dragonborn. What is it that you fight for?"

"Bandits are... such dreadful beings."

"How Can I assist you?"

"What is it?"


and other Generic skyrim lines.


To anyone who is willing to help, once again, thank you for your assistance. You are greatly appreciated! (As one final note, I have next to no experience with Skyrim modding. For now, i would like to get a few lines voiced, and see if I like the way it sounds. If I recieve any good lines, I will definitely will figure outhow to get a follower into the game, working and with custom voices!)


Thank you all!




Hi there :) I thought I'd drop in and leave some advice for you.


First off, your post contains a lot of unnecessary spaces, which makes it kinda hard to read. In my quote I removed them for you, so you might want to edit it in the same way.


Secondly, the link you provided does not lead to your own image gallery if others click on it, but instead to each user's individual page (i.e. when I click on it, it will bring me to my gallery). The correct link would be this: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/33449845?tab=user+images (so you might want to edit your post accordingly as well)


And finally, I don't think it's a good idea to look for a voice actor before you even figured out how to do the basics of follower modding. Let's say you run into some difficulties and are stuck, which would throw back development for a few weeks or even months. People have lives and other stuff to do, so your voice actor or actress may or may not be willing to stick with you for such a long time. It would be quite the commitment. So in essence, I think the very least you should make sure prior to looking for a voice is having a stable framework which allows your follower to be placed in the world and hired as a basic companion.


Of course that's just my 2 cents, but I hope that you'll consider at least the first two things... that is, updating your post with a working link and editing proper line breaks. ;)

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​ hey there, i am looking to become a voice actor within the modding community but I have little experience. If there is anyone who is making a mod with a male character I would be more than happy to help you out by voicing a couple of characters. Contact me through Discord Sadon_the_Fair#3421

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Recruiting voice actors a new worldspace mod for Skyrim (not special edition). It adds a darkness themed world with quests Npc's easter eggs and lots of secret stuff. I have put my all into this mod and it is the sum of all my years of modding experience. i hope to find some good voice actors to fill the roles. All roles are unpaid but you will be credited on the mod page. If anyones intersted please send auditons to [email protected] and please record in .wav format.



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I have been working on a follower and am in need of an actress to voice her in her upcoming quest. I need someone who can do a more stern and serious voice. Pm me if interested and I will give you my email and discord so I can send you some lines for your audition. This is a volunteer part You will, of course, be credited accordingly. The link to the follower https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91053

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