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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Actor Stats

Age: 17, almost 18
Gender: Female
Race: White
Last Updated: 11-29-2013
Active Member: Generally

Playable Races:
I'll try whatever, but I believe the human races are likely my strongest.

I've played as Kasia from Maids II Deception (Sexy Maids of Skyrim


I will be Eneril Lachance in Battle Against Doben


I am both Katherine and Jessie from Mojave Heavyweight


Maren from Interesting NPCs


and Talking Knife from Rusell


I have a few others I might be in soon, but that's all for now.

I can change my voice rather quickly and I can work at fabricating accents so long as I hear an example of them.

About Me:
I have always been attached to the computer and video games. I love Skyrim, Fallouts, Tomb Raider, Sims, Bioshock...I love a lot of games. I also sing (http://soundcloud.com/mcr3127 / http://youtube.com/mcrcrazyfan1992) and I'm also an artist and photographer (http://givemeallyourpoison3.deviantart.com). I'd love if you'd check out some of my stuff related to those. :tongue:

Voice Samples:

All of the samples I can find are up in the experience section.


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Actor Stats

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 11/30/2013
Active Member: I think I spend more time surfing the Nexus than actually playing Skyrim

Playable Races:

I have a home studio, I have been writing and recording music (mostly hip-hop) for 10+ years. No voice acting experience aside from skits I put on albums.

I am capable of mixing and mastering all vocals I may record for anyone's mod, I have a few different voices I could use but looking to expand this with experience.

Voice Samples:

All I really have is my music for samples. Help me gain some experience so I can expand my samples with actual voice acting!



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Sarin Glave (Dustin Guest)
Actor Stats

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Willing to try any and all.

Professional Commercial V.O.

Various accents and character voices, impressions.

About Me:
Started (non-professional) Voice Acting when I was 12, spent 5 years at Columbia College as an actor/improviser. Studied accents and dialects for two years. Used to go to bars and convince people I was off-the-boat Irish to get free drinks. (It worked. A lot.) The equipment I have at my disposal is NOT professional quality, but it IS decent. If I could go to a studio and record for free, I would. Also, I feel I should add, I do not charge for my voice over work here. This is strictly for fun.





Outside Skyrim Work: http://vimeo.com/69426557 (All voices done by me)



Mod work: The Return of Thorald Greymane- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38534//?

Black Magic: (as Gandalf) Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TJ92o8MdA Part 2:

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I guess I can offer my voice to anyone that needs voice actors for their mod:

Ranger Boo:

Actor Stats

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: White/Cacasian
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Human and elf characters. Nothing against beast races its just I can't do accents well, sorry.


I have voice acted for several mods for FNV. I voiced Maria Hall and Lysa Aldis in Saxxon Quest Collection, Liz in Factions Reloaded - Followers of the Apocalypse, Illana Kutskova in tolbox2 Youtube series Sickle Cell and several others that are still in progress.

Well I'm new to Skyrim modding so not much unlike with FNV but if you need help writing dialogue, characters or quest I'll be more then happy to help. I wrote twelve pages worth of dialogue for a friends mod after he got into writers block so if you need any help besides I'll be more then happy to lend a hand.

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Howdy-My names Travis.

I like Skyrim, and over the past year have been doing some voice acting (Just some web cartoons here and there)


Im Male, 28, Caucasian, and new member to the nexus, but enjoy it.


I have yet to VA in any mods, but I've done voice acting for several lead actors in the webseries "Spy Guy," where I recorded lines in my studio with direction over skype and sent them in, and have been acting on stage for years in Chicago, I've played Chef Louis in Little Mermaid, the March Hare in Alice in Wonderland, Mayor Shinn in the Music Man, and many more. I've done some independent film acting, supporting, lead, and small roles, but nothing worth noting.

I have a very wide range of accents, voices, and characters I can portray, however I can't really do little kids so well I'll admit.

I'm very flexible, and love the idea of playing the game with a character with my voice in it. email me at [email protected] or DM if you're looking for some one and wanna try me auditioning or reading sides or whatever, Thanks!

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Howdy guys, I'm looking for a few voice actors! I need people to play the following:
Nord Male Elder
Nord Female Elder
Nord Male Middle-Aged
Bosmer Female Young

It's not many lines, but please PM me if intrested!

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Lasur Arkinshade/Linton Ineson:

Actor Stats

Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Male human races, Khajiit, Dark Elves, Altmer, potentially Orcs, though I'm kinda shaky there. You can see an example of these in my demo reel.


Not very much, though I am on the Beyond Skyrim team and will potentially be doing voice work for it. I do aspire to be a professional voice actor, however. Then again, don't we all?


Other than acting, I have a fairly solid grasp of game/mod development practices and workflow. I'm no professional sound engineer or anything like that, however.

Voice Samples:


Hopefully that demo reel is safisfactory. :)

Contact: I am lasurarkinshade on Skype. You can reach me via email at [email protected] (long story, don't ask). I'm also fine with PMs through the Nexus forums as well.

Hope at least some of you found my VA bearable,

-Linton/Lasur Arkinshade

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Actor Stats

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Mixed, Spanish (native born, no accent, don't worry)
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Any race.

Besides voicing Okapi in the Interesting NPCs mod for Skyrim, I have an extensive amount of professional experience. I'm listed on IMDB for an upcoming action RPG called Rival Threads: Last Class Heroes . I've also done two paid professional episodes of an audio-drama based on 1001 Arabian Nights, in which I voiced a number of characters, both lead and secondary.

Here's a full list of my major voice acting roles:

Randall Oliver - Rival Threads: Last Class Heroes
The Prince, Captain, Monocular, Sailor, Court Member - 1001 Arabian Nights Audioplay
Fireman voice - Paranormal
John Doe - Clarity
Narrator - Pixel Boy
Dakk'rian Emperor - Selatria
Takashi Kou - Kendo Crush
AWAC Dragon's Eye - Project Nimbus
Lea, Kyte, Yidakna - Juggernaut 2
Lead in unannounced PS4/PC horror game

Besides acting, I'm an avid writer, both fictional and journalistic. I also have experience with audio editing.

About Me:
I'm a voice actor in New York, been voice acting for 3 years and writing professionally for about 5! I love modding Bethesda games, and I'd love to be able to be a part of more mods as well!

Voice Samples:



https://dl.dropboxus...o Reel 2013.wav

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AKA: Liam Styles Chang

Actor Stats

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Half Chinese/White
Last Updated: 31/07/14
Active Member: Yes
Playable Races:

Any, though I have trouble with the Nordic accent. The one Ralof of Riverwood uses.
A Moonlit Night (Currently in alpha) by Manjarowolf (Sormer, Berdon)

Skyrim Read Books Aloud by bosky2102 (Calcelmo, Akatosh Dichotomy, others)

Frontman in a band called Aivia (https://www.facebook.com/weareaivia) so I am very comfortable with any kind of voices, vocals, singing or sounds. I have a nice condenser mic and know quite a bit about recording and mixing music, voicework and also Elder Scrolls lore. I like doing accents, and I have a North American accent myself.

About Me:
I've always wanted to voice a bard character and sing the Skyrim music as well as write some new lore-friendly material. I also make art for Facebook games, and here is my portfolio (http://lschang.daportfolio.com/).

Voice Clips: https://soundcloud.com/t0nkatsu

Email: [email protected]

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