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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hey there community! That's my first post here so please be gentle :D


I just began to make my first mod, a short quest which hopefully will be enjoyable... I really would like one of the experienced members here take a look at my dialogues and tell me, if it is any good. if so, I#d be veeery happy if there were some peeps who would give my chars their voice :) when it's done, you will indeed be mentioned in the credits.


If you are interested in my dialogue and want to give a proffesional opinion, feel free to pm me. I then shall send you the script ;)


Thnaks alot in advance!

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Actor Stats

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 4/30/2014
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
I would imagine I could do any of them.

Starting out


Accents, all of them. If I can hear a sample of an accent I can generally do it pretty well.

I can mimic voices decently.

A good range, I can do low gravely voices and high, young, clean sounding voices, some lower female voices, or at least very androgynous sounding. I can do the standard heroic sounding voices fairly well.

I'm good at sounding crazy, think Cicero, or the Darkness from The Darkness.

I can do creature sounds.

I'm basically a poor man's Mike Patton without the musical ability.

I'm fairly handy with audio editing software.

About Me:

I've been interested in voice acting for a while, basically since I figured out I could do voices. I've alway enjoyed the Elderscrolls, espcially the modding community, and figured I could try to give something back by possibly helping out with some voice work.


I should be able to get a demo reel up some time tomorrow. Never really made one before so I'm not sure what I'm going to end up doing but it should be interesting.

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Josh G.


Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: White
Last Updated: 5/19/2014
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

I can play any race/class.

-War Trash FNV: Edmond, Ian Black, Zala

-Sickle Cell 3 FNV: Willco

-Stranger Abroad Chapter 3 FNV: Featherstone, Wiley

-Audiobooks Skyrim



I have a good range. I can do many different types of voices, especially the mentally broken down/scared, the psychotic villain, the sane “just doing my job” type of villain, the sly thief, and monsters with creepy and/or deep voices.


I’m very good at writing, I’m currently attending college specifically for my degree in Liberal Arts. I’ve studied writing for the last five years and I received high praise for my dialogue and characters in War Trash. If you need editing or just someone to look over the script, I have the experience as a writer and actor to help.


I also edit all of my own audio.

About Me:

I have a lot of interests, and one of them is voice acting. I used to want to be a big Hollywood actor when I got out of high school, but I hated that lifestyle. I realize now that writing and voice acting is where I belong.


Voice Sample:


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Heya guys.
I've been lurking around the Fallout part of Nexus for quite some time now & I figured I should along to the Skyrim part noaw~
I'm a voice actor, 15 years of age, don't let the age fool you, I'm pretty good at acting, mostly yelling or angry tones, but I can be quiet if needed.
Not really good with English accents, but I can try.
Here's my work:


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Thanks for this Post Emma, I see your post all the time on Youtube mod videos. I played Romeo in Highschool and I've been a vocalist in various musical genres from screamo to hiphop to folk. I'm new but very confident and looking to level up so please send me your scripts and desired voices or personalities so that I may gaze upon the stars and expand my skill tree. Can provide male and female voices aswell as young and old (cannot do mid puberty voices though) Please message me a script and desired talent and I shall email you a wav or mp3 file. Thank you.



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Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: White
Last Updated: 13/05/14
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Dark Elves, Nords, imperials, Kha'jits, Probably argonians,

Had some minor work before, but that was a while ago.

I have my own redording gear, all is well, I'm British by birth, and I've had Acting and voice lessons through out my life.

About Me:
I've always been one for accents, and a few years of smoking has given me the ability to get the Kha'jit growl down or sound like a COG :P

I'll upload an example later, If you wanna chat, just message me at [email protected]

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Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: White

Last Updated: 13/05/14

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Dark Elves, Nords, imperials, Kha'jits, Probably argonians,



Had some minor work before, but that was a while ago.



I have my own redording gear, all is well, I'm British by birth, and I've had Acting and voice lessons through out my life.


About Me:

I've always been one for accents, and a few years of smoking has given me the ability to get the Kha'jit growl down or sound like a COG :tongue:


I'll upload an example later, If you wanna chat, just message me at [email protected]



post an example of your khajit, if you don't mind please.. i'm currently in the midst of making a Draugr follower with my own voice:




Basically, i want to make the mod multiple custom voiced followers but my khajit is.err.. not the best - thinking of making him always speak in the third person, be interesting and more than likely annoying but a funny quirk as well.

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Actor Stats

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Filipino/Asian
Last Updated: 05/17/2014
Active Member: Just started posting pretty much

Starting out

Some acting

About Me:

Call me either Sulfur or Happy. I'm fine with either names


Love Skyrim, but at the moment can't play it due to apparent computer problems. I love drawing and I love to play TF2.


Always wanted to try out voiceacting, so why not just start here on my favorite game?

Voice Samples:


https://soundcloud.com/sulfurtf2 (Working on making more, but don't really have an idea on what to add)


My email is [email protected]

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