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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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reposting due to change in microphone

Actor Stats

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 09/25/2013
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Not sure. Yet. I guess maybe Nord with an accent? Some say I have childlish voice but I do I don't!! OK, maybe a little.


I can speak Polish. Some say it's one of greatest skills. BrzÄczyszczykiewicz.

About Me:
Job hunting leaves me with more free time than before and I adore quests made by nexus users... fully voiced NPC are the best.
Wish I could be a follower for Dovahkiin. And fun fun fun. Little contribution to games.

Voice Samples:

some random lines + longer line + little song for goodnight sleep (no I cannot sing)


Edited by Amczek
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Hello everyone I have been playing Skyrim often and love the game especially the modding community projects. I have been told over the years to get into voice acting so I can offer my services here. I will be posting some new samples possibly tomorrow. I can do many of the races and would love to be apart of any projects.


Age: 37

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Last Updated: 9/21/2015

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Can do most especially Khajiit. Will provide samples of each.



Starting out



Can do many different dialecs and oddly enough talk like a little girl.


About Me:

Been told for years to go into voice acting especially cartoons.


Voice Samples:



That is honestly one of the best khajiit voices I have ever heard, kudos man

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Hello everyone I have been playing Skyrim often and love the game especially the modding community projects. I have been told over the years to get into voice acting so I can offer my services here. I will be posting some new samples possibly tomorrow. I can do many of the races and would love to be apart of any projects.


Age: 37

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Last Updated: 9/21/2015

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Can do most especially Khajiit. Will provide samples of each.



Starting out



Can do many different dialecs and oddly enough talk like a little girl.


About Me:

Been told for years to go into voice acting especially cartoons.


Voice Samples:



That is honestly one of the best khajiit voices I have ever heard, kudos man


Thank you I appreciate it. I will be posting a few more sometime this weekend. I have a few other variations of Khajiit I will be doing as well as an Orc.



Here are my updated samples with a few more voices.


Edited by Epicdan1978
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Actor Stats

Age: 24
Gender: Male, for the moment.
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: No voice profile created yet.
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Willing to play any, but the one voice I have refined so far is probably best for either an Imperial, a Breton, a High Elf, or a real poncy milk-drinker of a Nord.

Amateur. Attempting to go professional.

Experienced role-player, have always had voices available for characters I've RPed.

About Me:
I've got a penchant for playing arrogant and/or psychotic characters. I could adapt for other character types, but I really like playing the heartless, haughty, high-and-mighty, and the irreversibly bonkers.

Voice Samples:

Nothing yet. I have a house full of birds, and am currently in the process of creating a room without background interference. As I intend to go full-on professional as a voice actor, I'm working on setting up a profile. Hoping to use the Nexus as a good starting place.

Side note: Willing to send/post samples if anyone's willing to put up with a little background noise.

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Actor Stats

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 10/26/2015
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Can make a posh British accent (Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer)
Spanish accent (Khajit)
Regular accents (Breton, Imperial)
Not so sure about Nord accent though, but i can gladly try, and goes the same for the Argonian accent

I am a professional musician and singer, i play Saxophone and Piano. (If it matters)
I have done some acting in musicals, while singing too.
I have been imitating TV/Movie character voices since i was a little kid.

I have a Baritone Bass type of voice, with a range of two octaves.
I know both Spanish (Native) and English (Advanced), and a little bit of French (Level 1), with very good pronunciation in everyone of them.
Can also make various accents like "Russian", "Japanese", "Latino", "Redneck", "Italian", etc.

About Me:
I am from Mexico, I am a student at a Music Conservatory, I've been singing since i was 9 years old, both in choirs and as a soloist.
I have acted many times in public, and recently got a Behringer CU-1 microphone, so i can start recording voices.
I don't have much of the proper set up to record like a pro, but i will be getting it piece by piece eventually.

Voice Samples:

My first voice acting try, raw audio for audition

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Age: 18 (Can sound older or younger)

Gender: Male

Race: Specifically, I'm Scandinavian (Icelandic/Norwegian/Finnish), Native American (Blackfoot/Cherokee), Irish, English, French, Czech, Hungarian, and probably a few other things. Overall, though, Caucasian.

Active Member: Active enough, yes.


Accents: American (My Voice, City, Deep/Resonant, Stoner, or In the Sticks), British (Cockney, Posh, or Deep/Resonant), Irish/Scottish (A wee bit like Sheogorath's voice), Congo/Jamaican (Deep and Pronounced), Nordic (Skyrim-style, like Balgruuf), Khajiit Voice, and maybe a few more that I can't think of offhand.

Experience: Some acting roles, but I have only voiceacted for recreation thus far.

Skills: I can replicate accents by simply listening to them. Usually. No guarantees on EVERY voice, though.

About Me: Well, I used to be an adventurer like you...


Voice Samples: Coming soon, I honestly wasn't even thinking about that until now. They will be added to this post, in every accent I have mentioned thus far, all saying their own set of lines. It might take awhile, though - I'm kinda sick today, so let me rest my voice...

Edited by Thunderfist12
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Hello once again VA forum! I've got several roles open for an in-progress mod and I'm sure you lovelies could help me out <3 This is also posted on Buford Casting Call if anyone would find that more convenient for auditions

As most of these quests are still in the infantile stages of development, many are subject to change, and I may be adding or removing certain characters. On the plus side, if you have any interest in writing, then I welcome VAs to pitch their own ideas involving the characters, story, and general direction of the mod. You will have a HUGE say in what happens with your character. Even if they end up cut, or potential VAs are not picked for the role, you can still contact me if you'd like to offer some help. Writers are always needed and if you have any modding experience, that would be a huge plus, but obviously not necessary.

Preferred method of contact is skype, but private messages are also cool. This endeavor might take awhile and I would very much appreciate being able to get a hold of you easily, I've lost contact with several voice actors before that just ceased to speak to me and there is nothing more infuriating.





A poet with an inflated ego large enough to eclipse the sun, despite the fact most of his poetry is absolute rubbish. He is an inherently dramatic person and says most of his lines like he's on stage, addressing a captive audience. This role currently has several possible choices so I am not in a dire need to fill it, you're still more than welcome to try out.

(speaking of his crush, wistful) My muse of course! My light, my very soul. A lovely songbird who picked up the shattered remains of my heart with beautifully spun ballads.
(slightly irked and accusatory). It's the least you could do after dumping me at the fire festival, in front of everyone.
So you understand my vexation. Please, companion of my companion, aid a poor soul in his quest to achieve his heart's desire?









Gerard's muse that wants less than nothing to do with him. Somewhat snooty tone through most of his dialogue. Fairly small role but no less important.


Did he send you here? (exasperated noise) I've told him a thousand times, I've no interest in sitting around while he vomits banal soliloquies and preens in the nearest reflective surface.

(impressed and a little surprised) Are those truly his words? I must admit... I did not think he was capable of real poetry.

That might be the most disgraceful sonnet yet.










She's on the older side, but is a little more light hearted compared to her old friend Okan-Za. It's fine if the VA doesn't have the traditional 'Argonian' voice, i.e. the 'century old smoker gargling rocks' voice type. Still should sound gruff as she's middle aged.


Look at you, the baby moonbeam all grown up. Still a bit of a runt, aren't you?

Oh shut it, Eutei, I haven't made a mistake, you stick out like tits on a bull. And you haven't exactly kept your presence quiet, following around one of the most famous people on the continent.

I hardly expect you to remember old Meesei. You were still in diapers the last I saw you, hardly off the teet.













One of the most integral characters in the mod apart from the main character. A shadowscale who believes strongly in the traditional values of Blackmarsh. While he's not an 'old man' per say, he should have a mature sounding voice.


(a father to his estranged son, weary) I was foolish, prideful. I've spent nights beyond counting alone with nothing but my thoughts... and I know what I did was beyond cruel.

(recieving news that his wife passed away) Ah... I suspected as much. I'm sorry you had to go through that alone, I should have been there...

If you cannot find it in your heart to forgive me, I would understand. Just know that I loved you both very dearly.








A seemingly unassuming farmgirl, though this is just a cover for her real work as a bounty hunter. Young but somewhat rough sounding.


(meeting an old friend) It's so good to see you again! I feared your lucky streak had finally run its course and landed you in a jail cell.

It's a family treasure. An artifact of the Oblivion Crisis. The fools don't know the importance of what they've got.

(cocky, chuckling) You did much of the work for me, your help was invaluable. Without you, I would have had to kill all those bandits myself.




Edited by robberfox
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Hey everyone, Patrick, (AKA) Nomad818 here! Just wanted to update you all on the status of the mod I was involved in.... It's out! The Forgotten City was... is.... It's Epic to say the very least!

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Hey everyone, Patrick, (AKA) Nomad818 here! Just wanted to update you all on the status of the mod I was involved in.... It's out! The Forgotten City was... is.... It's Epic to say the very least!

I saw that. Great job and glad it's out. :) Did you voice the main voice guy who was all threatening sounding or...?

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"I saw that. Great job and glad it's out. :smile: Did you voice the main voice guy who was all threatening sounding or...?"


That would be James McLauchlan, someone I had the pleasure of voicing this mod alongside.

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