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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Actor Stats


Real Name: Paul-William Mawhinney


Age: 33


Gender: Male


Race: White/Caucasian


Last Updated: 8th Oct 2015


Active Member: Yes


Playable Races: All. I love exploring different character voice types


Experience: 12+ years of being a professional stage & screen actor. Professional voice performer for TV, Radio, Internet & E-Learning. Looking to branch into game character voices.


Skills: I have professional quality sound recording & editing equipment, but still teaching myself the sound engineering/editing side of things. 3 years of training at Australia's national theatre school (NIDA).


About Me: Australian born, London based. I love learning new accents and dialects, and happy to experiment with new ones if you have any specific requests. I’ve spent way too much time playing Oblivion, Fallout & Skyrim and I thought it was time to combine two of my biggest loves, acting and gaming :thumbsup: I’m also interested in script writing, so if any mod developers want to collaborate in scripting narratives & dialogue, let me know!


Voice Samples: My voice demos can be found at the bottom of this page of my website. My website will be regularly updated with new character voice samples, check back often for updates!


I'm happy to send you a demo or sample if you'd like to test my voice for any characters you're looking to cast if you send me a sample script.


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Real Name: Chester Hernandez.

Age: 17.

Gender: Male.

Race: Hispanic/Italian.

Experience: About 4 years of experience of VAing, been in many projects before. I'm currently VAing for Brainbread 2, an Half-Life 2 Modification.

Skills: I am able to manipulate my voice to many tones, I'm a very comedic Voice Actor - But I can surely play a serious role for a "Brute" or "Violent Marauder"!

About Me: I grew up in California, still living in California. From what people have said about me, I can be a very out-going person! I'm mostly open minded about things & very honest. I also love being a Comedian, making people laugh is a great achievement for me!

Voice Acting Reel:

Please do consider me! I know I'm young, but I will not disappoint you. Very flexible, negotiable, and nice!

PS: Contact me via Steam/Skype! :D

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FirestreakOfficial/

Skype: Firestreak♥

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Real name: Melody J Muzljakovich


Ethnicity: Caucasian


Age: 20


Experience: Zip. No experience here. :(


About: Even though I've no experience to offer, I love voice-acting. Cartoons and anime, omg, are my freaking life. It is just so much fun to help bring characters to life and if I can contribute to that, I would be super grateful and happy! I really love singing, playing with my voice and drawing. I do believe I can change my singing voice appropriately to suit some of my voices if need be.




This is what I have recorded so far. I will be adding singing tracks and what-not too and more "voices". But for now this is all I have. Only the Stella track was recorded in my brother's home studio but the rest were on the spot using my headset (yuck) so I'm sorry for that.


Please contact me at your convenience. My skype is caffinatedkookees and my email is are [email protected]. I am often online on http://caffinatedsugar.deviantart.com/ as well. Thank you!!

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Hey everyone, I cut together and uploaded some of my samples from The Forgotten City, and I do just mean some, as in a few... i know, almost 30 mins long.... I did a LOT of voices... let me know what you think!



EDIT: I re-uploaded it for a slightly better audio quality, hope this inspires you guys!

Edited by 818studios
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Very nice sir :smile:

First voice reminds me of Patrick Stewart

I'm glad you liked it, but the reason i didn't put a label on that one is because... That wasn't me! Hahaha, that's James Mclauchlin (sorry if i butchered the name)

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Looking for a bunch of thieves and thugs for this mod...





I think two or three will do it. Different voices/or voice actors. These are filler NPCs with probably minimal dialog, however they are part of scenes. They are thieves, and thugs, so generally pretty tough.


Please note: I really need the dialog within a week after getting you the script, as time to release is short.


Audition Lines:


- Get lost!

- You callin' me a liar?!

- Say that again, to my fist!

- You lookin' to get your face flattened!

- I was just sayin' what I heard.

- Uh no, no Ragnok I wasn't saying you is a liar! [scared]

- Apologize quick, before he hits us!

- Yes Ragnok, sorry 'bout that. [Meek]


Please pm me your audition. Thanks! :smile:

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Actor Stats

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 10/20/2015
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Imperial and Wood Elves. Willing to try others but I don't know how good they'll be.

Starting out.

Can do child voices, male and female. Also can do southern accents. :laugh:

About Me:
People say I can really control my voice, put emotion into it and such, so I thought I could try voice acting for this kind of thing.



No example right now, sorry. If you want one, PM me and I can upload it.

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Posting up a little inquiry here because I am conceiving a role that is very specific.


I'll admit, this is not even started yet (it's Fallout 4 based, or at least going to be). I'm just probing this thread and the talent it has to offer. The role I list will definitely be a major character, but I'm hoping that you may be interested in playing additional characters. This one however is most important to get right.



Male, Young Adult, United States accent. MUST be able to accurately imitate (not parody) the voice of another video game character, Francis York Morgan from the game Deadly Premonition. Here are several reference videos.


  1. Neutral Tone
  2. Serious tone Example scene (note that when he goes into describing the victim, it goes a little softer)
  3. Contemplating tone example scene (talking to himself is an important aspect of his character that will also be a part of this role)

This is obviously in ultra early stages. If and when I get serious with this, I may put up some money towards this and I will also make sure to edit showcase videos of the voice and tone I am looking to emulate.


As of now, I'm just interested in seeing what this thread can offer. You don't need to provide me samples, just tell me if you're confident in your ability and would like to be considered in the future.


Also, if anyone can tell me what exactly his accent is, please!

Edited by Machienzo
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