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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hello once more fellow Actors!


Again we are searching in terms for our Machinima called " Story of the Fire Heart" an Voice Actor.


He should be able to sound like a middle aged (40+) hardy true son of Skyrim.


If you are interested to join our Machinima project, please send a Voice template saying "I said NO! I will not tolerate any weak, robbed scum under my roof!" to [email protected]





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I need two voice actors for my skyrim machinima series on YouTube. I need a nord Ildas and...this is the tricky one...a Khajiit, to be voice acted. Please note that this khajiit, unlike Ildas, will need his voice actor often, for he's one of the important characters in the story. I do this with method: email script - > record - > email back

Easy, doesn't consume much time. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you.

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Hello once more fellow Actors!

Again we are searching in terms for our Machinima called " Story of the Fire Heart" an Voice Actor.

He should be able to sound like a middle aged (40+) hardy true son of Skyrim.

If you are interested to join our Machinima project, please send a Voice template saying "I said NO! I will not tolerate any weak, robbed scum under my roof!" to [email protected]



Well this is awkward..

Hi Marco. Lol!

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Hello you talented people!


Just a quick one, I need a person to voice a tiny little part for me, though I say little, it's the main activator for my quest so this really can't start without it! There aren't enough lines for an audition, as there's only 5 lines of dialogue, so have at go and PM me your lines!


Ideally I'd like a woman, accent isn't preferred but if you wanted to throw a Nord flair into it, I'd be fine with it. I'll post the conversation so that you will know how it flows (I always find it easier to voice when you know who's talking and what's going on).


You will be the voice of NPC 02


Did you hear about Eren?
No, what happened?
I heard he went to the old Ashcroft place with his friends.
That place is nothing but a haunted ruin, why would they go there?
They were drunk and stupid, that's enough reason for any kid. Anyway, one of the lads dared him to go inside, said there was treasure or somethin'. Eren got in through an open window, and was meant to come out with his hands full of gold and gems...Instead, he never came out.
Nope. A couple of 'em said they heard him screaming from inside the house, as soon as they heard that, they bolted. It scared 'em all witless.
The poor boy. Do you think there really is treasure in there?
Who knows? That place is too creepy for me, gives me chills whenever I see it.
I've heard the noises coming from that place at night...
You and me both, I say it ain't worth it.
I'll update this after the part is closed, but for now, good luck! biggrin.gif
All done, thanks!
Edited by Darkrogue21
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Since I can't figure out how to edit/delete my old post from 2013, here's a new one.

Actor Stats:

Complete the Circuit

Active: Yes
Age: 20

Gender: Male

Playable Races:

Argonians, Khajiit, Altmer, Dunmer. Probably Bosmer as well, but I'd be willing to try anything.

You can find some voice samples here: https://soundcloud.com/complete-the-circuit/sets/skyrim-voice-samples


I voice acted for both Skywind and Beyond Skyrim, and have been involved in various other non-Skyrim projects.

About Me:

I've been voice acting for a few years, and am an avid gamer. I can also do a small bit of audio editing if needs be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Age: 16
Gender: Female

Playable Races:
Willing to try anything!

I've worked on many different skyrim and fallout mods such as, more recently, The Nightmare Shard and the Shire Mod.

I've also worked on different RPGs, Video Games, Audio Plays, Animations and more.


About Me:
I've been voice acting for almost a year now and I use an AT4033 microphone to record. I also know a bit of audio editing if you need!

Voice Samples:


You can find me playing Bubbles and Blossom here:

Playing Clara in a WIP Video game "Listen to me Clara" : https://soundcloud.com/rhianneman/chapter-1-op-preview

Ai in "The Amethyst Order": https://youtu.be/Nhn4k7Z0_e4?t=1m


Auditions at:




Hopefully I'll be getting a demo reel up soon!

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Age: 16

Gender: Male


Playable races: Let's see what we can do, shall we? i'm willing to give just about anything a shot.


Experience: I have been active within the modding community for only about a month, having landed my first role in the upcoming "the shire mod".

But, i have multiple years experience outside of voice acting such as live theatre.


About me: I am an avid gamer from Middleofnowhere, Australia with a bit of experience under my belt in the realm of audio editing.


Voice Samples: BTVA Auditions can be foundhere: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/Nasafo/casting-call/auditions/

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playable races: Breton, Nord, High Elf, Khajiit, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Orc, Imperial, and it seems even bethesda and zenimax are lose with what an Argonian sounds like so, Argonian. I would love to play an antagonist, they're always fun. I'm also really enthusiastic about my Khajiit accent, I've been learning from Razum Dar and the NPCs from ESO's Reaper's March. As for the others i.e: Altmer, Breton etc. I can do virtually any UK accent, aside from welsh (still not sure what the distinguishing features of welsh are compared to Irish or what race it could be used for) Australian is a little tricky but I can accomplish it if I practice (ha would be interesting for a Bosmer but it would be a stretch). Altmer and Breton would be easiest though posh English accents all day!


Haven't worked on any mods yet, but i have a firm grasp of accents and I would estimate that i can probably produce at least 50 unique voices if the need arises.


I use a Blue Snowball, and Sonar Cakewalk X3, i can also edit audio and regularly use this program for audio on YouTube, and for music.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73BHgnjc7SE Is a video where I do several accents, but that doesn't start until at around 7:00. I have impoved some things since then as it has been a half a year since that was recorded.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgffKpPmp1c This is a video I worked on that is a Skyrim based machinima . I do the voice of the nord Henthir, However in this my voice was dubbed over someone else''s work who used a neutral American accent for the character, therefore in the interest of making my voice match the animations that had already been rendered, the writer and I decided on using the same neutral accent for this episode. We are currently working on an Episode 5 for SOTFH in which I will employ a Nord accent.

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playable races: Breton, Nord, High Elf, Khajiit, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Orc, Imperial, and it seems even bethesda and zenimax are lose with what an Argonian sounds like so, Argonian. I would love to play an antagonist, they're always fun. I'm also really enthusiastic about my Khajiit accent, I've been learning from Razum Dar and the NPCs from ESO's Reaper's March. As for the others i.e: Altmer, Breton etc. I can do virtually any UK accent, aside from welsh (still not sure what the distinguishing features of welsh are compared to Irish or what race it could be used for) Australian is a little tricky but I can accomplish it if I practice (ha would be interesting for a Bosmer but it would be a stretch). Altmer and Breton would be easiest though posh English accents all day!


Haven't worked on any mods yet, but i have a firm grasp of accents and I would estimate that i can probably produce at least 50 unique voices if the need arises.


I would like to add Uncle Sheo to the list if anyone one is ambitious enough to try and make a mod with the mad god


I use a Blue Snowball, and Sonar Cakewalk X3, i can also edit audio and regularly use this program for audio on youtube, and for music

Samples please sir, especially old uncle Sheograph. ;)

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Hello! :smile:

This post is addressed to all gifted male voiceactors.

I´m looking for one or more male voice actors for my fully voiced

follower mod including a quest . Alle female voice-parts have been spoken.

Now I need the male voices.

The persons:

- an evil Thalmor-Lord (major role)

"Come with me Ambriel. Together we could rule Tamriel, unify the Empire and Dominion and

end this conflict. That is your real destiny."

- God Talos/Tiber Septim (major role)

"As the evil intervened directly for the first time, I was also tempted to do this.

It was the moment when I gave you your immortality."

- the Kahjiit Neetrano (minor role)

"Neetrano heard about you and the princess. Thalmors talked about you."

- a Thalmor ambassador (minor role)

"On the other hand Lord Naarifin will be very pleased about this development.

You both are under arrest!"

- an older imperial senator (minor role)

"The political situation is complicated. The Dominion has severed all diplomatic relations.

The last demand was that the Empire declares itself to a protectorate of the Dominion."

- a Thalmor general (minor role)

"Milord, sooner or later, we will find her. I promise you. She cannot hide forever or escape."

- the dragon Toorsil (minor role)

"Dir Oblaan Aaz Drem. By thy mercy the death will bring the peace I haven´t had in life."

Perhaps you are interested in one or more roles? Then contact me

and send me a sample according to the text above ->PM.

Thank you for your attention! :happy:

Stage closed / thank you very much for your replies!

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