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Can't select the script for my NPC.


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I guess so at least but I will find out what and where the problem is as I do have the file now. I do need to install loads of mods though to be able to even open it in TES4Edit but I do not mind at all as I do look forward to playing those anyway. Been fiddling with all requirements for an hour now. :D I make a shirt report here later but send pictures of what I find in email to dimitrisgb as it is easier to just drop the pictures there.

Edited by Pellape
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For TES4Edit to load the dependancies they don't need to be activated ... just in the Data folder with the ESP will do (from my experience anyway).

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Yes. I still need all those files to be able to open the esp in TES4Edit as it has 4 dependencies. I could also cheat, removing all dependencies with CS but I do it the hard way, still installing stuff.... ;)

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It took 3 hours to install everything :D But I did install some other stuff as well and maybethe game is broken now? Who knows... :wink:


Well I did find the topic where this is:

player.removeitem gold001 10
set VALAhdrisa.rent to 1

I have sent a report with screenies in email. :smile:


VALAdhrisa do not have any script attached and the script I suggested is not in the mod. AHHHH. It is a questscript :D


You can only attach Quest scripts to Quests

You can only attach Object Scripts to Objects and a NPC is an object


I sent the file back, edited :D

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Hmmm.. There is something that is still not right and it is the calling of the script that now calls the object, not the reference and the compiler bought it. :geek: :wacko: It will not work


If we peek at the original Oblivion Innkeeper object BogrumGroGalash, his reference in game is named BogrumGroGalashRef as we can add plenty of objects in game of BogrumGroGalash but we can only have ONE single Referencename called BogrumGroGalashRef


So when we rent his room, this is what happens when you accept it:

player.removeitem gold001 10
set BogrumgroGalashRef.rent to 1
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I do hope it will work now as I did not reflect over this first, even if I did write about it earlier. But now 3 different things are separated as they MUST be separeted:

  • The base object is VALAdhrisa
  • The scriptname she has is now VALAdhrisaSCR
  • The Reference in game is now named VALAdhrisaREF

The result is:

player.removeitem gold001 10
set VALAdhrisaRef.rent to 1

By the way, I did find the BedTapestry.disable at 2 different places:

  • In the dialogue result
  • In Adhrisa's script

It is marked ;BedTapestry.disable

I also did an extra search in case it was at a 3rd place, but it wasn't

Edited by Pellape
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