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Seems peoples mod work are being stolen & sold?


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Seem to have found many various works from Skyrim Nexus/Steam Workshop/Fall Out Nexus, etc..


On this guys page here(No I don't do Second Life, I was directed there after stuff from Jaysus Swords, where found there), Noticed the Dread Knight stuff, etc.. etc..


Seems to be sold for real life cash? Just looking out for folks, if all is legit or something, don't mind me.


Folks may want to go check this out, find out if your work is there or what is up with this.





Edited by JJDrakken
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So I was correct in thinking it was theft. But it seems there is nothing the community can do? Pretty much relies on Bethesda doing something?(Which by sounds they are not).


That's a shame, but I guess it's the way of the world :(


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I suspect that if the original modder wanted to, they could contact a lawyer and have them contact the agency which is selling this material. It doesn't sound any different than an artist using a program such as Photoshop and having his or her artwork sold by someone else.


This would of course require the modder to want to pursue this AND a lawyer who would want to as well.


All that being said, quitting something you enjoy doing because someone is stealing it seems a bit extreme but I can understand being hurt.


If nothing else comes out of this I didn't know about this modders outfits and I do now and I will download them ages robes when I get home. They are truly beautiful.

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Thanks for the heads up...my khopesh swords are on the SL Marketplace by that person and I own a big shop in SL and was planning to script and sell those myself so yeah I'm issuing a cease and desist order right now and will file a DMCA with Linden Lab (the owner of Second Life) if needed.


What to do if you have items showing up on the Second Life Marketplace:


Get a Second Life account if you don't already have one...go here and sign up its free. Second Life Homepage You can download the Second Life viewer here. I would reccomend logging into Second Life itself, seaching for the offending avatar name and checking their profile for an inworld shop location and checking their shop for your meshes...if you need to file a DMCA Linden Lab will need to know where in Second Life and on the Marketplace the offending items are.


Send the offender a cease and desist note card in Second Life or you can simply skip that and go straight to a DMCA if you wish....the Linden Lab DMCA information page here.

Edited by Jennifur68
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Kia ora


Modles created in 3DS Max, Blender or like software by people and used within these game belong to the creator and he/she has

intitlement as to where how those assets are used, it is as I see it theft of interlictual property to swipe those modle and sale them

in another place, just goes to show the moral standard of people who will no dout call themselve christians, I mean no offence to

people of this faith in any way, I just get angery when people use the label at their conveniance


SL people need to make a clear direct statement (and stand by it) that assets from other sources are not to be use as revenue in that game

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I'm pretty sure anything created with the CK is property of Bethesda legally and they'd have to be the ones to hire a lawyer.


I'm fairly sure that you're right. BethSoft should be informed so that their PR staff can throw their weight behind the modders. Modded or not, those items being sold are based off of Bethesda's product, and I bet they're not seeing a dime of that profit. The modders in question and BethSoft themself are both being ripped off here, and those affected need to stand together to tear down this Second Life Marketplace.

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I'm pretty sure anything created with the CK is property of Bethesda legally and they'd have to be the ones to hire a lawyer.


I'm fairly sure that you're right. BethSoft should be informed so that their PR staff can throw their weight behind the modders. Modded or not, those items being sold are based off of Bethesda's product, and I bet they're not seeing a dime of that profit. The modders in question and BethSoft themself are both being ripped off here, and those affected need to stand together to tear down this Second Life Marketplace.


Its sad seeing people do this... This is part of the reason why modders have a bad rep.

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