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Intresting thought of new gameplay?


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My friend and I were talking the other day while playing Assasins Creed 3 and we both had an idea, what if the next Oblivon game and the same physics and gameplay and etc as AC3? Obvisouly the graphics would be upped alittle and they would make it for the next generation so that it could support Unreal engine 4. Now alot of people disagree with me, I know i posted this same idea on another fourm, but I was wondering what the people on this fourm think. Assasination would be more fun and dynamic, you could have a huge battle up to twenty people just using the block and dodge buttons to survive and you could interact more with the land running through the trees and building and moutains etc. I just thought it would make more sence then the creation engine.

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Firstly, how old are you? That makes absolutely no sense.

Secondly, it's not "Oblivion game", the series is called "The Elder Scrolls". There's five of them.

Thirdly, it wouldn't be an Elder Scrolls game if it was like Assassins Creed. Certain games have certain styles, and we play The Elder Scrolls because we like a certain style.

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Ok first off I don't see how my age matters, secondly sorry for confusing Oblivion for Elder Scrolls my bad, thirdly inovation is what lead to the style of the game, fouthly this was a suggestion, and lastly but not least but your a dick.


Have a nice day!

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Firstly, how old are you? That makes absolutely no sense.

Secondly, it's not "Oblivion game", the series is called "The Elder Scrolls". There's five of them.

Thirdly, it wouldn't be an Elder Scrolls game if it was like Assassins Creed. Certain games have certain styles, and we play The Elder Scrolls because we like a certain style.

Your age is relevant because I would understand your thought process if you're under 13 years old.

You proposed an idea, and I thought it was awful. If you can't handle criticism, keep your thoughts to yourself.

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The physics of TES are a little wack. Bumping against a plate can send it flying across the room like a frisbee. Dropping a pack of arrows in certain places in Oblivion would send them bouncing off the walls. And we've all had that moment where we walk into a room we previously arranged things in (so physics was switched "on" for most of the objects) and stuff gets thrown around like there was a tornado in the room.


The jiggly corpse is always a favorite. Whatever happened to friction slowing things down?


I wouldn't mind a little attention given to better physics. The AC3 reference may be a little random, but he does have a point.

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The physics of TES are a little wack. Bumping against a plate can send it flying across the room like a frisbee. Dropping a pack of arrows in certain places in Oblivion would send them bouncing off the walls. And we've all had that moment where we walk into a room we previously arranged things in (so physics was switched "on" for most of the objects) and stuff gets thrown around like there was a tornado in the room.


The jiggly corpse is always a favorite. Whatever happened to friction slowing things down?


I wouldn't mind a little attention given to better physics. The AC3 reference may be a little random, but he does have a point.


I haven't played any of the AC games, but I agree that the game physics could be a bit better. I just keep telling myself that I'm on a different planet where the laws of physics are a trifle....skewed, for lack of a better word. Flying household objects? Perhaps there's a poltergeist in the house? :ohmy:

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