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Does your characters become mass murderers?


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This happened to me on most of my characters.

They start as civilized folks, good, but then circmustances change them.

Kelly (Nord-Thief) was also a Listener but she never killed someone that wasn't on contract so when her new husband Vorstag was killed by falmers, and previous husband Marcurio who robed her couple of gold
that she gave to him to keep so that when Elisif alows her to buy house that she has full money & when Samuel & Runa became such a iritating brats especially Runa which ofc both were for some unknown
reason up all night outside & on top of that Mirrak started screwing her around by mocking her and stealing her dragon souls, she snapped and became a total evil *censored* who slaughters everybody.

Life changed her she wasn't like that, Idolaf changed her, Braith changed her, Heimskir etc.

Edited by ShannonRutherford
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Very few of my characters are true mass murderers, though all have killed their fair share.

If you count the slaying of stormcloaks/imperials when you're with the opposing army, as murder, then over half of my characters qualify.

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I normally play the game the same. I get quests and go do them, killing whomever either attacks or is the target of the quest. Otherwise people are left alone.


But I had one character who was so upset that someone had killed yet another horse, she went on a murderous rampage attacking and killing anything. She had forsworn after her, stormcloaks after her, random bandits after her, Thalmor agents after her, even a giant or two. The forsworn were who killed her horse. The stormcloaks were who she stole a new horse from. The bandits were stumbled across. The Thalmor were stumbled across. If it weren't for the Thalmor she would have died. They saw the stormcloaks and killed them first giving her time to clear out the others. But she lost the new horse, it wandered away during the fight. Being further upset she ran across the wilderness and stumbled into a giant camp. I do believe things ended when she smashed into Skyputnik and got a brief glimpse of Apollorim landing on one of the moons. :P

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This happened to me on most of my characters.


They start as civilized folks, good, but then circmustances change them.


Kelly (Nord-Thief) was also a Listener but she never killed someone that wasn't on contract so when her new husband Vorstag was killed by falmers, and previous husband Marcurio who robed her couple of gold

that she gave to him to keep so that when Elisif alows her to buy house that she has full money & when Samuel & Runa became such a iritating brats especially Runa which ofc both were for some unknown

reason up all night outside & on top of that Mirrak started screwing her around by mocking her and stealing her dragon souls, she snapped and became a total evil *censored* who slaughters everybody.


Life changed her she wasn't like that, Idolaf changed her, Braith changed her, Heimskir etc.



You ever having dreams about killing animals or drinking blood? Just curious.

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Every character I have ever played in Skyrim (good or evil or in-between) always murders the Thalmor, I find it really hard to be passive with them.

Normally I don't mass murder people for the sake of it but I will assassinate the characters who are the opposite end of the 'scale' to me regardless if I'm good or evil.


I generally murder hunters too only when they make me think there is an epic fight to be had and I find them chasing after a bunny rabbit....

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The Thalmor don't count, because they are usually starting it. They really don't have to attack and insult me right away, just because I honestly told them that I worship Talos, do they?


My characters don't turn into mass murderers, many of them are notorious thieves though. My Thief - who apart from being, well, a criminal is a rather friendly fellow otherwise - has little tolerance for bandits and necromancers though. They turn the roads unsafe for decent folk and the trading caravans, which is bad for the Guild's business in the towns and apart from that you really don't have to murder someone to get their stuff.

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my characters have a long kill list, but generally only attacks if attacked first. i don't go out of my way to pacify others, however. sometimes i feel bad sneak-attacking npcs unless i'm sure they're baddies.


however, i will admit sometimes they do go overboard and go on a killing spree/guard attack fit on occassion, but those never make it into permanent saves :)

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I prefer not to kill anyone or anything unless I have no choice.


Though I do sometimes use the fact that "it's just a game" to help relieve stress ...

Edited by SpockST
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I can't play a wanton Murderer myself....I don't find any joy or fun in it....but what I don't understand is why my Dovahkin sometimes gathers 'assault' counts for ambush stealth killing Forsworn and Outlaws (Bandits, Necromancers, etc...)...Though he does get a Murder count though he gets no bounties to go with it when he wipes out the TG. I console the TG's essential tags off and console the Cistern door open and my Dovahkin proceeds to clean the filth out of Riften, akin to wiping out any other outlaw in Skyrim...they fall outside the realm of Innocent or Civilian.

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