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[recommendations] Anything to fix setscale affecting the players age?


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Whenever you set your scale at all, be it 1.00, 0.90, 0.75, 0.50, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 your player character will be turned into a child race version of themselves:


Child players cannot:

-pick up xander root,

- take chems

- use stimpaks

- collect ingredients for use at campfires


Basically what the childrace does to your character is sets up a huge wall of restrictions. I was wondering is there a mod that REMOVES the "setchildrace" function from set scale in the console command? Cause sweet jesus is it a nightmare. I understand it modifying size and damage dealt accordingly, but the setscale activating a child race version of your race, s*** like that didn't make a lick of sense.


So is there any mod out there that fixes that? I usually use setscale for one thing: surveillance of objectives, honest hearts suffers the most in this regard because the grand canyon is a labyrinth, it took me a solid hour to find the wild wasteland yao gai (ghost of she), and when I did find it; it was out of pure luck.

Edited by ZxAsriel
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I just entered player.setscale 0.7.


It worked on my size but didn't change me into a child. I used some chems to test.


Never heard of what you are talking about.

when you setscale and let it remain there there's a percent chance of your character becoming a childrace. I made my character only a few inches tall, tried to pick some xander rot near a cayote den on a railroad, and it denied me from picking up the xander root sayingL

"Children cannot perform this action"

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I believe this is an intended feature. It registers people smaller than a 1.0 scale as being children due to the fact your size will break certain furnitures. That's why children can't use a lot of furniture in the same, because their skeleton is scaled down compared to the adult NPC's skeleton.

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I believe this is an intended feature. It registers people smaller than a 1.0 scale as being children due to the fact your size will break certain furnitures. That's why children can't use a lot of furniture in the same, because their skeleton is scaled down compared to the adult NPC's skeleton.

Is there a mod that makes it so these restrictions are lifted? Some kind of "better setscale" mod?

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I think it's hard coded into the game.


Here is an easy way to see what happens. Create a character. Once your character is created, open the console and type player.setscale 0.6. At this point, your character can still interact with things. Even though your character is reduced in height, the game still thinks that you are an adult. Now save your game and exit to the main menu, then reload your game. Since your height is reduced, the game thinks you are a child and won't let you interact with things. Again open the console and type player.setscale 1.0. Now you are full size, but the game still thinks that you are a child. Again, save your game, exit to the main menu, and reload your game. Now the game will think that you are an adult.


Using setscale by itself doesn't immediately change the game thinking that you are either a child or an adult. But once you have changed your scale, saving and reloading your game will cause the game to re-evaluate whether you are a child or an adult.


It's not random.


I don't know if teleporting (going through a door, using COC, etc) will force the game to re-evaluate your child/adult status or not. I always thought that it was based on being smaller than some value, but I haven't played around with it much. I wasn't aware that changing your height to a larger value would also mark you as a child. I thought it was only smaller values. But again, I haven't played with it much.


If you start out from a save as full scale, then do player.setscale 0.6, then later do player.setscale 1.0, and then save while the player is scaled to 1.0, you are not marked as a child. Again, I haven't played around with this much, so if you go through doors etc while you are small I'm not sure if this remains true or not.


If you set your scale small and then type showracemenu or showbarbermenu in the console, the face and hair interfaces will be looking for your face to be at whatever height your character was when you loaded the save. In other words, if you load a save while you are scaled at 1.0 and then type player.setscale 0.5 and then type showracemenu, you'll be staring at a blank screen since your head will be below the visible part of the race screen. Similarly, if you load a save where you are scaled at 0.5 and then type player.setscale 1.0 and then type showracemenu, the race screen will show a nice picture of your chest, making it rather difficult to change your face since it won't be visible.


Setscale doesn't change your race. It only changes whether the game treats you as a child or an adult, and then only after evaluating whether or not you are a child. If you want to actually change into a child race, you have to use the agerace function, and the child/adult races have to be set up properly in the GECK. There are a lot of ways that this can go wrong, so be sure to read the wiki entries for these functions before using them.

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I've never heard of this before, my player character is .98 and never has an issue. Just to check I went in game, set my character to .85 which is child size, saved, exited the game, started the game, loaded the save and I didn't have any problems collecting Xander Root, using stimpaks or anything else. Maybe it only happens with vanilla races? I use a custom one but it still has an associated child race.

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