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Tamriel Map - drawn by hand


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A hand crafted map



Elder Scrolls got me since Morrowind and ever since I've joined each following game and add-on (except the horse armor DLC). A year ago I had the Idea of drawing my own map. After deciding what direction it will take, I went for a mixture of official maps, fandom maps and some personal ideas.

During that time till today, I had to abandon it many times, continued and stoped again for a long time. But in the last week I've managed to invest enourmous ammounts of time to finish this piece of "art" ? (Can be called arts?)








Many of you will recognize the original map contures, ingame maps or some new parts.

Some of you probably will love it. Some might hate it because " OMG, Hey dude, so much work but why not kept to TES Lore? *facepalm*"

I had my reasons, why some locations are not labeled or why other unimportant are or why I had this drawing style.

For your information, it is signed - so no changes will be made whatsoever :wink: despite this map beeing full of flaws.


The map meassures about 100x66cm, can be folded down to somewhat close to a DIN A4 paper and is fully drawn - nothing is printed on this piece of paper.


Of course it will be framed and placed somewhere in the house.


Tell me what you think about it?







I have let someone digitize the image today (92mp | 300dpi) and like to release it as modder ressource. That image comes with a resolution of 950x660px.

Feel free to use it in any mods but please mention my name and website in the credits. Thanks and have fun with it.



Brian Heath - heatherman-creatives.com






I have made print calculations for high quality poster & photo prints and international shipping.

As I can't post that into the forum, I'd like you to contact me for requests and information on


cheers Brian

Edited by darthmop1
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Absolutely stunning! Seriously, the detail at which you go into is phenomenal. Great work!



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Thanks very much, glad you like it,


well, of course I'm not going to sell it so easily - it's work that got accompanied with pain in the fingers and in the back(sometimes), took a lot of patience and concentration.


I already had the Idea of making a small limited set of prints but I think it won't be very reasonable - not for me and not for you. Good quality poster prints(or any kind) cost a lot, shipping international (if) sometimes does as well. Perhaps I will find a reasonable solution soon and then we can talk about that again :thumbsup:

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