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Lighting in dungeon


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I'm trying to create a well lit dungeon, with all light sources coming from torches and ceiling holes.

Lights keep turning themselves off when I test the dungeon though. I am assuming this is because I have too many individual light sources.

So I was curious as to how many individual, shadow casting light sources one can have in the same radius/area, and if there is a way to increase that maximum?

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for the shadow/flicker lights, it's 4 in a cell, i do believe, BUT if you optimize your dungeon (so the game doesn't load the entireity of the dungeon at once, it might be 4 per room if you optimize perfectly..


don't take my word on it though, play about..


most light sources have no shadow varients of their more advanced siblings, those you can have as many as you wish.

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My experience is you can only have 4 shadow casting lights "in view" at any one time, which is why they can seem to go on and off rather than the same 4 always being light, as you're view changes a different 4 can be in view. The shadow caster can be a big performance hit so it's probably not a bad idea the way they've done it, but it does mean you have to think more carefully about light placement and you wont always get the atmosphere you were looking for. Edited by Naturlich68
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My experience is you can only have 4 shadow casting lights "in view" at any one time, which is why they can seem to go on and off rather than the same 4 always being light, as you're view changes a different 4 can be in view. The shadow caster can be a big performance hit so it's probably not a bad idea the way they've done it, but it does mean you have to think more carefully about light placement and you wont always get the atmosphere you were looking for.

Alright, thanks very much for the information.

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