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You're best godlike death moments, but not so god like in games of


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Ran out of space' of course" end of tape,


Yup the title says it all lol, i still gotta think of a moment, at the this time my mind is a blank :confused:

Edited by Thor.
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Gears Of War: Judgement.


It's Overrun and it's almost over, the defender's final objective is at 5% and I'm a ticker(suicide bomber space-gerbil) BUT there's only 14 seconds left on the clock. I rush in, faster than any ticker has ever ticked before, zoom up the stairs, run between the feet of the medic that tries to kill me, the defenders are all chasing me, "crapcrapcrapcrapcrap.jpg) but I make it to the generator, and, KABOOOM!!! I die, but we win the game, total time remaining on the clock, 2 seconds. FOR HORDE! DIE GROUND-WALKERS!



Halo 4.


In the Halo games, if a Plasma Grenade hits you, it sticks. In this particular situation I had the misfortune on getting on stuck to my face, but my killer's glee turned to horror, as rather than simply die gracelessly, I charged like a rhino, and when I exploded, I took him with me. In Halo, dropped grenades are quite dangerous, and there were a few on the ground, my explosion causes a chain reaction, and 3 of his teammates also die, BOOOOM!



Gears Judgement again.


Some genius Grenade Tagged me, I was up on a bridge, about to snipe some of his broskis, but when I was tagged, I came up with a much better plan. Instead I simply leapt off the bridge, the grenade stuck to my head, and into the midst of the blues down below, I exploded, and got 6 kills. I don't think the tagger was very popular after that.

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Well i had an odd yet awesome game death experience lol, it was at the beginning of the game in ultimate mode, the ai in that mode really upped their game.. During the fight with boom dawn i successfully destroyed him with several grenades, after the job was done i had to shoot claptrap with the canon, so i did as usual, after i figured it was clear sailing from here on, sense that usually is the easiest part of the game. It turned out not to be so easy this time around and couldn't keep up with the hordes of bandits charging straight at the canon while dodging my shots. After a few attempts i gave up dismounted the canon and started fight them on the ground as they keep coming, i ran out of grenades and started using some Etech smg's the conference call and several lower level gold weapons. they can be effective depending on the npc immunity, i died 5 minutes later.


That is how good the ai is in borderlands, they actually dodge you at times.


They usually ovr level you by 2 levels, i was lv52 and some where level 53 to 54.



the level scaling is the best of its kind in borderlands 2 :thumbsup:


seraph grenade are insane


Edited by Thor.
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I was playing COD MW3 with my brother, and I went kamikaze and stormed a building with a few snipers in it. I tossed a flash-bang and then a grenade and killed them... but the grenade killed me also. :P


Oh well, 3 kills. And those snipers were punks.

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Borderlands 2 is a always epic death moment lol :thumbsup: 90% of the time if your death isn't epic, you haven't died yet lol.

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Borderlands 2 is a always epic death moment lol :thumbsup: 90% of the time if your death isn't epic, you haven't died yet lol.

that would be a great New-U station quote lol


EDIT: Quote Stolen Thor ;)

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Star Wars Battlefront 2:


The rebmower:


I dug the game out on the weekend for nostalgia's sake, played a few games on Hoth in split screen, I was playing as the Empire, with my two less experienced rivals as rebels. Naturally I stole a Snowspeeder, the game's only flying vehicle that can be used in ground fights; I was merrily flying around mowing down bots, when one of the rebs locks me up with a missile launcher, I dodge rocket #1, rocket #2 knocks me down to about 10% hull, and I decide that with rocket # flying towards me already, that I'm going to Valhalla, and that I'll die a warrior's death in battle. So instead of evading, I gun it, I come flying in guns firing at head height, rocket launcher guy runs away, I fly straight into him, kill him, keep flying along mowing down bots, fly STRAIGHT INTO THE REBEL SHIELD GENERATOR at maximum speed, die, and then the missile hits the generator a moment later and destroys it. It took me about 5 minutes to get my laughter under control.


Speed kills:


After Hoth the next map was one of my all-time favourites, Kashyyyk; a big open sprawl more akin to a Halo map than a BF2 map, I load up a STAP(single-trooper-assault-platform) AKA speeder bike, with 5 land mines on the nose, and then hop on it. One of the rebs, now a clone, is in a tank with reb #2 riding shotgun, instead of fighting them in a tank, I simply mount my Single Target Asplodin' Projectile aka speeder bomb and prepare for unconventional warfare; I approach the tank at maximum speed(177 KPH) hit a ramp just before, and soar into the air, the tank sees me coming via my screen and spins around to find me hurtling straight at them at maximum speed, I plough headlong into the front of the tank, KERBLAMMO! all the mines explode, the speeder explodes, the tank explodes, and in hilarious BF2 style my dead droid carcass goes sailing through the air for about 50 metres before rolling along and fetching up against some rocks. As I said then, "I REGRET NOTHING!!!!"

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The original Call of Duty, it was the start of the game, I threw a random grenade, it hit a chimney, bounced off a roof and landed back in the middle of our team, I wasn't very popular.

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