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Next xbox always on drm confirmed


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Hello everyone it looks like its true and confirmed, and doubled confirmed. it looks like the next xbox will indeed have always on drm from this statement "DEAL WITH IT" According to their attitude they don't care what the the fans think of this always on drm and plan on following the footsteps of Simcity.


It looks like they have already dug the next xbox grave in my opinion







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lol it does so have drm, where did you hear that. it might not be what Microsoft evil drm which is always online. Its more the way disk based drm. You couldn't play a ps3 game on pc now could you.

Lol some people never research before they comment.

just saying :whistling:

And the ps4 isn't even out yet, if that was the case i am all for a no drm console lol, Ubisoft is a good example with rayman origins. Another win for Sony if that was the case lol. Such negativity against no drm lol.

I have hopes you're comment is true, but i highly doubt it with a intelligent thought, track record. :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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You seem to think its what the developers want, if the drm is to restrictive like always online, you are starting a reputation for being to aggressive against the "customer", the negative reviews is a good example. If you want to keep your fan base, this type of drm is not a good thing. EA would've sold allot more games if they didn't have that super restricted crap drm.

read the comments and see for yourself, and the ratings. Allot of people are already angry do to this move. Will it hurt "sales" in the long run, yes.

Sony is pro gamer, Microsoft seems like it ain't


Also why do you think ea is worst company of all time, same reason. Does microsoft want that reputation, it looks like its on its way doing so.


You know the saying, the customer is always right, i couldn't resist. :teehee:



In other news......


Hmmm i found this article, its claiming it was a misconception of the tweet Orth sent ?????????


What do you think what this means, is it true or is it still a rumour, or won't happen at all because of the backlash???




Its still up in the air ?????

Edited by Thor.
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Xbox already has a form of always online drm it's called Xbox live. Not only Sony have to have it to go online but u have to pay for it. Imagine if u had to have it to play a game offline too lol
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Xbox already has a form of always online drm it's called Xbox live. Not only Sony have to have it to go online but u have to pay for it. Imagine if u had to have it to play a game offline too lol


thats not drm that just an online system, the nextbox is said to not run games or app when not connected to the internet.


so basically the nextbox becomes a useless brick when it doesn't have the internet

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You didn't actually get what I was saying. If the PS4 has a drm that producers don't like for it being weak, or gets in the way. Then the producers will have their devs work on only one console.


Chances are that console won't sell well with a system like that, no point in making games for a machine with a tiny user base. Anyway always on DRM didn't stop Ubisofts games getting pirated, why would it stop Xbox pirates? DRM only hurts honest customers, it makes no difference to pirates because they never have to deal with it.

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I'm not even vaguely impressed. I used to be a proud flag-waver for the Microsoft system, but right now the only thing making me even look at it is it's catalog of exclusives, which tend to be excellent. But even with that, my next-gen console will be a Sony PS4. I don't care what it costs, what it looks like, the technology going into it is very solid, and so is the game lineup, while significant improvements in the controllers remove my one gripe; the Dualshock 3 was a step in the right direction, but it's still absolutely woeful for racing games; the triggers, which serve as your pedals, are hideously imprecise, making the sort of delicate car control that's required in some sports such as Rally and Drift, much more difficult.

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I'm not even vaguely impressed. I used to be a proud flag-waver for the Microsoft system, but right now the only thing making me even look at it is it's catalog of exclusives, which tend to be excellent. But even with that, my next-gen console will be a Sony PS4. I don't care what it costs, what it looks like, the technology going into it is very solid, and so is the game lineup, while significant improvements in the controllers remove my one gripe; the Dualshock 3 was a step in the right direction, but it's still absolutely woeful for racing games; the triggers, which serve as your pedals, are hideously imprecise, making the sort of delicate car control that's required in some sports such as Rally and Drift, much more difficult.


I was planning on buying both but if M$ go down this route then I won't go near it, I don't care how many exclusives they have. Even the best connections go down every now and again, the same goes for servers at the other end.

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