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A vendor NPC doesn't unlock the door of his shop.


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If you did read the thread you also know why as I do explain why. The files rename DLLs, that are not needed in game as they slow the game down. The CSE specific DLLs slows the game down for me as OBSE loads them as well when it started the game. So for me, the game starts much faster with Oblivion.bat then it did before. It is all in that thread if you read it.


If you do not notice any differences, then you did not have the issues that I had. Do you really want to run CSE specific stuff in the background while running the game, when the game do not need it?

Edited by Pellape
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So Oblivion.bat is obse.exe? And if I want to run the CSE, should I click on the new bat file (CSE) or the old one (Launch CSE)?


I also have some more questions concerning the quest:

I managed to complete it, but Dahlabhi still follows me, even though is is specifically set that he will do so as long as the quest stage is bellow 100.


The second question is about the reward: I made a misc item that increases your attributes, as long as you carry it, but I can't seem to get it work. I followed the example of the Scales of Pittyless Justice to make a script, but still it doesn't work.

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Well read the bat file.

@echo off
rem Starting Oblivion 
rem Oblivion.bat

cd "<Your path>\Oblivion"
ren CrashRpt1403.dll CrashRpt1403.dlx
ren CrashSender1403.exe CrashSender1403.exx
ren dbghelp.dll dbghelp.dlx
ren DevComponents.DotNetBar2.dll DevComponents.DotNetBar2.dlx
ren GlobalInputMonitor.dll GlobalInputMonitor.dlx
ren ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.dll ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.dlx
ren lame.exe lame.exx
ren ObjectListView.dll ObjectListView.dlx
ren d3d9.dlx d3d9.dll
obse_loader.exe -notimeout
@echo on

The bat file, the Oblivion.bat in this case have 16 lines - What does it do at line 15?


Send the file to me and I try to figure it out. That NPC is following you as he most likely have a package that tells him too... ;) You need to give him a new package at stage 100 I guess.

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You 've got mail.


The game seems to be working a bit more smoothly, though Ihad a couple of CTDs.


For the record, I had to uninstall AVAST and install AVG in its place. The new anti-virus thought at first that xOBSE was a virus, but gave me the option of making an exception for it (something that AVAST did not).


I had to install an anti-virus program, because I couldn't select the Windows Security. There is no "manage setting" option.

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Window Security have its own settings and it is possible to control everything in it but it is hopeless to find where so when I need to add exceptions or need to allow an app to have access to my home directory I need to google it every time. It is so damn odd so it is even impossible for me to remember how to do it. In that way Windows Security sux. But now when you run AVG, you did disabled Windows Security?


By the way. Resend the file as it was not included in the last email. It might have been so that your AVG did delete it as it is something in that email about AVG. Try to zip it...

Edited by Pellape
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