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A vendor NPC doesn't unlock the door of his shop.


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This is odd. It works perfect when I try it. :/


  • I put a copy of the key in the shop between the counter and the wall and I had to sneak in and steal it and it works perfect at both sides of the door.
  • I watched Melina the shop owner when she walked out and she locked me inside the shop 21:00 so I stayed there over night and she came and unlocked it at 08:00.
So Dimitris... What is going on with your game??

No idea. I can't imagine what's causing it.

What if I have the door already unlocked and the vendor locks it at night?

I 'll try it.

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She does.


If you unlock it, it will stay unlocked until she use the key again. It works like this for every thief and stealing is my specialty. :wink:


When the NPC locks the door, the thief unlocks it, enter and cleans the place and walks away and the NPC will never notice it so it unlocks the already unlocked door and the next night, they lock it again.


She walked passed me when she locked the door, as she did not notice me, which some NPC's do, well they cannot see my thief but they can sense that it is someone in their house but she ignored that and just left. I do not know exact what makes some NPC's to sense my thief though...

Edited by Pellape
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Looks like I made it. All I had to do was to have the door unlocked in the first place.

The NPC locks the door when she leaves and when she goes to sleep and unlocks it when she wakes up.

Not exactly at 8 a.m. but still.

I will keep testing the mod to be sure.

Thanx for the tips.

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You are most welcome and as I said in email, I am looking forward to test the final mod when you publish it. :)


The unlocking occurs when she arrives to the door as she starts to walk toward it 08:00, not unlocking it 08:00 sharp. So she will always be late, for both unlocking and locking it as all other NPC's are, well at least when we look and study their behavior.

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This settlement is a part of something bigger with some dungeons. I was thinking of adding the settlement to amother mod, but I decided not to create extra number of mods.

I am tempted to add a small quest, but seeing that my game has a bug with scripts, I don't think I will.

Maybe I will do some tests.

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Yes, keep the number of mods down really. :)


What bugs?? Could you describe what is happen when you script in your game? Do you use the new OBSE that also fix some minor bugs in the 7 year old OBSE? It is now called xOBSE and do you use the EngineBugfixes and all unofficial game fixes and ENBoost???

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But we did solved the bed issue, didn't we? The door works as well. Do not let those 2 issues stop you really. Just keep testing and trying as you said:




Maybe I will do some tests.


Yes - Do that. :) If you break it, I help you fix it... ;)

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