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A vendor NPC doesn't unlock the door of his shop.


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Then AVAST is clearly not working as it is supposed to do. I do suggest you uninstall it and rely on Windows security and why do I know it is working and doing what it is supposed to do? Well i don't but we used it in our department and provided it to 3 different communities we where responsible for with computer support and if we used it, the ones taking the decisions that it is that security program that we will use must know it is doing its job.


UAC is there to protect you against ransomware and similar stuff. You do not turn it off, as you add exceptions to it and that sounds easy but it is a pure hell to find out how to do it. Well it was not direct the subject I was aiming at but still: Read this: [/size]https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1236609 or peek at this search


What I was aiming at is a section in Windows security: Allowing an app access to the users folders


Lets see how to make AVAST to ignore OBSE but how did you manage to run CSE without OBSE in the first place or did you use OBSE and wanted to switch to xOBSE?

I used the previous OBSE (021 or something like that) when playing and making mods. And I want ti switch it to xOBSE.

Anyway, I restarted my PC again and I installed the old obse, which works. So I still have to look what you sent me. If I can't make AVAST ignore xOBSE I will replace it with something else.

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Well it is easy, use Windows security... :wink:


xOBSE is also v 021 as it is 21.8 now and it is damn good you sorted it out. :smile:

So, if xOBSE is version 021, why do I need to install it?



The last version of OBSE from Silverlock is 0021.4 ... the xOBSE team has taken that to version 0021.8 with their fixes and improvements.

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I did write what Idle said about it at the forum yesterday somewhere.


It has some bug fixes and faster and better handling if you ask Idle... It is like comparing a BMW 2021 with an Audi A4 2013... ;) Which one would you prefer? ;)

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I did write what Idle said about it at the forum yesterday somewhere.


It has some bug fixes and faster and better handling if you ask Idle... It is like comparing a BMW 2021 with an Audi A4 2013... ;) Which one would you prefer? ;)

I don't know. I have only driven Reanult 406 and some Toyota.

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Well, it was a metaphor anyway... I do have a Audi A4 but not from 2013 but from 2011. OBSE was last updated 2013 and xOBSE 2021, and that is the point with that Metaphor


Edited by Pellape
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The reason why enb v0.259 is not uploaded to Nexus is that the author wants to have it at one single spot.


The ENBoost package consist 4 different files and they are ini files for enb v0.259, nothing else as the enb 0.259 is the core. You simply put everything from Wrapversion direct to your Oblivion folder and I think the readme say so as well. If you do not use my batch files, CSE will now crash, so be ready for it if you try something else.


ENBoosts 4 files are different depending on your setup and that is if you have 64-bit OS and which GraphicCard you use. Windows 10 is 64-bit and our modern computers are 64-bit as well and how do you know? Well a 32-bit computer cannot have nor use more RAM than 4Gb because it is what the sum of power of 2 is -> 32 - So what sum is 2 power 64? Well a lot more.


An old story about this is between 2 old asian lords or whatever they now where. One of them asked the other to get some rice corns and how many asked the other? Well if we use this chessboard and place 1 and square 1, 2 at square 2 and 4 at suare 3 and 8 at square 4 and keep double it for every square, that is how much rice I want. I think the final sum was more rice corns then what was available in Asia at that time. That is what effect power and the digital world have, always double for each step forward and nothing in between.


And you know which card you use for your graphics right? Well I have an AMD here at my GFs flat and Nvidia at mine. Who else makes them? Well Intel but their cards are useless for games.

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So what is a ini? It is just a textfile with settings that an exe or dll can read and so can our own mods as well if we tell them to in a script. :) Put the right ini file in the same folder, the Oblivion holder.

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