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A vendor NPC doesn't unlock the door of his shop.


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You must add the topic with

addtopic <topic>

And where? Well anywhere really. Either as a result in one of its dialogues or in that script you just added.


Read here about Addtopic


If it is in the GREETING, do not use the Add Topic section in a dialogue winow, the one on the far right side as then use the result instead. Why? ---> Addtopic Bug but if it is not a GREETING, just ignore this crap and use one of the 3 ways to do it:

  1. In the script
  2. In the result of a dialogue
  3. At the Add Topic window
Edited by Pellape
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I added a addtopic that will or should get available when you click the quest giver. I have not tested it as you have to do it. ;)


I also took a peek at the quest, which have 3 stages, 10, 20 and 100 but I cant find anywhere what will change each stage. I think it should be added at the result script when the player accept the quest, changing its stage there.

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