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A vendor NPC doesn't unlock the door of his shop.


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Ahh, sorry I did forgot to add it. I write this:

ScriptName ELSDahlabhiRefFollowScript

; short ELSDahlabhifollow
Short DoOnce

Begin Onactivate

	If ( DoOnce == 0 )
		AddTopic ELSDahlabhiQuest
		Set DoOnce to 1

When you click hos, he gets activated, Damn I forgot to include Activate in the end as otherwise he will not show you anything, no dialog nor nothing.. I upload a new file.


This is what it must look like:

ScriptName ELSDahlabhiRefFollowScript

; short ELSDahlabhifollow
Short DoOnce

Begin Onactivate

	If ( DoOnce == 0 )
		AddTopic ELSDahlabhiQuest
		Set DoOnce to 1

Edited by Pellape
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Well the topic is added and then I get to decide if I am going to help him. But even if I say yes, nothing happens, despite the fact that the next stage is ready.


Furthermore, I still have problems with xOBSE, even though it is included in the Avast apps. I don't know why, but, until recently, I needed to restart my pc twice or more times before I could install xOBSE and the problem would be solved. Today I tried five times, but I still can't play the game. Only use the CSE.


I haven't been able to make the Windows Security accept the app, because there is no "manage settings" option in the Virus & Threats Protection folder.

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Run the game as I described here, with my batches and also run obse_loader.exe as administrartor but there is also 13 different ways to run a program as administrator but do it or keep restarting your PC.


You need to add code to the result window when accepting the quest. Lets say you are at stage 0 right now and want the quest to get to stage 10, just add:

Setstage QuestName 10

to the result window in the YES section. If you have a stage where the player will not accept to do this quest, lets say stage 90, then add the same code in the NO option with

Setstage QuestName 90

Quests can be so confusing, so there for I make the quest first with a flow control program and looking at the flow while making the quest do help me to know where I am in the progress.


How to make quests to work is described here and I strongly suggest you read it and click the links as it will describe it all. I do not say it is easy and therefor the guide was made in the first place, to make it less confusing.

Edited by Pellape
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I have read what you say in the thread (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9545218-couldnt-resist-installed-cse/&do=findComment&comment=89753773) and I still don't understand what do I have to do. I suppose I have to write these things somewhere, but where?


I also can't find that launch.bat thing.

Edited by Dimitrisgb
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Did you read the entire thread as I do describe it in detailed what you have to do. Read it all and if you do not still know what to do in the end, I will do it in another way. :wink:


Well you need to create the bat thingies your self with Notepad or Notepad++ - Read the whole thread.

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I don't understand where should I write these:



If you have the game on a different drive than C: you must add it in the textfile like this and lets say you have the gave at your E: -drive

cd E:\Oblivion

If you have a space in your path, you must add 2 "" around the path.

cd "G:\Program Files\Oblivion"

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Yes. One is to execute CSE and the other to Execute Oblivion. CSE uses DLL files that slows down the game, so that is why I made those 2, to turn DLLs on and off. OBSE loads every damn DLL it finds, no matter by auto, so we must hidet ENB from CSE and hide the CSE specific ones when we wanna play the game. If you read every line, it is obvious which DLL's we are talking about.


You can name those 2 files to whatever you want but I suggest

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