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Getting back into Skyrim need help finding good mods


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So after 1 or 2 years, I've decided to get back into Skyrim and mods, however since it's been so long almost all the mods I had before are outdated. I was wondering what are the go to or "essential" mods for pretty much everything related to Skyrim from graphics to gameplay to weapons to ENB presets and all of that jazz. I'll be rolling a mage character this time as well if that helps. Thanks again.

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The major mods I would never go without are Mighty Magick, Frostfall, and ACE - Combat Skills (and of course the Unofficial Patches, which no game of skyrim should be without).


for gameplay and graphics improvements I would suggest following the S.T.E.P. guide.

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Hi there and welcome back, I think there is another thread floating around here somewhere about the Mods you just can't live without, if you can find it, I'm sure it has some useful tips for you. This said:


SkyUI - replaces the game's UI with a way more user-friendly one. It'll save you tons of time sorting stuff in your backpack. Recently it even started to offer a buff and debuff timer for the effects that are currently influencing your character.


Extensible Follower Framework (EFF for short) - is a mod that helps you manage your followers. You can make them essential, manage their outfits and equips and adapt their level to come closer to your own. It also offers an option to let your follower relax while they are waiting for you (i.o.w. they will sandbox in the cell and not just stand around next to you) as well as one to let them sandbox in the current cell upon dismissal. The latter is nice, if your prefered follower usually lives somewhere in the woods and you don't want to go looking for him again after you had to dismiss him for some reason. The mod can be controlled through a comfortable menu and works rather well in my case.


Amazing Follower Tweaks - is another one for followers. It offers a lot of nice options for your followers, such as special animations and allows you to manage your followers equip in greater detail than EFF. On the downside the control-menu is painfully slow and I had the feeling that my game suddenly ran much more smoothly after replacing it with EFF.


Convenient Horses - helps you to manage your horses, adds a horse-call and whistle, allows you to change your horse's stats and allows your followers to ride their own horses too - which I personally like very much, because I always feel bad if they have to follow me on foot.


Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases are very well done survival mods, if you are into that sort of thing.


If you are playing a mage you might want to look out for a mod that allows you to tailor your own clothing, otherwise you are condemned to buy unenchanted robes or find them in loot if you wish to add out-of-the-ordinary enchantments to them. Unfortunately I can't recommend a good one to you, but there seem to be several around.


I hope this helps for the start.


Edited for typos.

Edited by Anska
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Looked through my mod list and picked some I really like:


  • Dungeon Quest Awareness - might be a bit spoiler-ish, but I love it. It adds notes to dungeons and locations related to quests so you don't go trundling in there before you get the quest. It'll say something like Random Dungeon (Quest - Falkreath) when you discover locations that are quest related.
  • Even Better Quest Objectives - changes quest descriptions to be more, well, descriptive as to where you need to go, instead of just blindly following a quest marker on your compass.


  • The Paarthurnax Dilemma - gives you a choice, I won't say more :)
  • The Choice is Yours - again, gives you a choice whether you want to accept certain quests that were previously just added to your quest log willy-nilly.
  • Immersive HUD - lets you hide the HUD and crosshair when you don't need it, as well as toggle the compass on/off. I also like pairing it with Less Intrusive HUD.
  • Unread Books Glow - does what it says on the tin. Also adds an asterisk to unread books.


  • Bowlegged Jump Animation Fix
  • No Spinning Death animation + no twitching dragon death animation
  • Better Turn Animation only one pose - you'll want to delete the shout specific animations as they're not really working :)
  • YY Anim Mystic Knight - adds different animations for sneaking, standing, magic and one-handed swords. Some animations might be seen as slightly feminine though. The installer allows you to pick and choose which animations you want.


  • Consistent Older People - makes some skin changes to old folks to make the head-body transition better.
  • Acquisitive Soul Gems - prevents trapped souls from going in the wrong soul gem. No more grand soul gem with a petty soul in it!
  • Shooting Stars - adds, well, shooting stars to the night sky.


  • Diverse Priests - gives the priests of different divines colored robes.
  • Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel - adds new weather patterns
  • Realistic Lighting Overhaul - better interior lighting
  • Lanterns of Skyrim - adds lanterns to towns and along the main roads
  • Wearable Lanterns - lets you either hold or wear a lantern
  • Height Adjusted Races with True Giants
  • Alternate Start - Live Another Life - I really hate the vanilla beginning. If you want a close to vanilla start, choose "I am camping in the woods".
  • Ars Metallica - smithing enhancements
  • Run For Your Lives - makes townsfolk run inside when dragons attack
  • Bring Out Your Dead - adds graves for NPCs who die
  • Gildergreen Regrown - lets you see the Gildergreen regrow properly if you choose the non-violent path
  • Harvest Overhaul - you get more stuff when harvesting
  • Duel - Combat Realism - makes enemy AI better and changes combat, imo, for the better. Maybe a tad too much blocking going on :)
  • Grass on Steroids - taller and denser grass with a twist: it can actually improve your FPS while still giving you more grass than vanilla.


For more mods, check out the STEP project or Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited.

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For graphics, you might want to try these:

  • AMidionBorn Book of Silence (Major retexture of armor and weapons sets)
  • Enhanced Night Skyrim (try colored galaxies for best look)
  • Vibrant Auroras (works very well with Enhanced Night Skyrim)
  • WATER (makes water look more like.... water not slime)

A few others you should try out are

  • Bathing Beauties/Beefcakes luxury suite (with A Classier BB Suite, Music and Dancing in..., and Underground Bathhouse)
  • Cerwiden -SMART Healer- AI Configurable Companion (an NPC who's a lot more than an arrow sponge / pack mule [LYDIA} includes a backstory and side quest) Highly Recommended
  • Nicoroshi's Creations (several new weapons scattered around Skyrim)
  • Nire's Honeyside,Proudspire,Hjerim (retextures of the player homes)
  • Cooking Expanded and Babbette's Feast (dozens of new recipies)
  • Follower Trap Safety (essential.. keeps followers from setting off traps)
  • Imersive Armors ( new craftable armors which are also found on npcs)
  • Be A Milk Drinker (milk, juices with added effects, and cheeses)
  • B77 Bows Start (adds a longbow and arrows to the warden's chest at the start of the game)
  • Lost Art of the Blacksmith (includes lock pick and arrow smithing)

For other mod suggestions try http://www.skyrimgems.com/ and the video series Skyrim Mod Sanctuary by Gophervids (some of the earlier ones are out of date, but he goes in depth on various mods and how to install them.

Edited by yk0520
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I can't play without



Immersive Armours

JaySus Swords


Dragon Combat Overhaul


Amazing Follower Tweaks

Wet and Cold

Better Followers

Cloaks of Skyrim

Winter Is Coming Cloaks


Fur Hoods HD

HiRes Legible Road Signs

Lanterns of Skyrim

Light Armour Hoods

Lore Friendly Light Armour Vanilla Hoods

Lush Trees and Grass

MECRs Classic Nord Shields

Nirnroot Normalized

No Arrow in my Body

Point The Way

Quieter World (Dungeons & Wind)

Riverwood ExpandedV12

Lake Expanded

Run For Your Lives

Selective Quivers

Skyrim Flora Overhaul (Overgrown)

Skyrim Project Optimization

SkyTEST Realistic Animals and Predators


there are other mods I use, but those are the main ones

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's from my tracking list.

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