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HHHHEEEEYYYY! Totally original mod request/suggestion


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(Please do direct me to a mod/addon if there IS currently one similar to what I'm requesting)


I haven't done a mod/addon search because it's a madhouse, recently though I had the idea for a mod while playing Arena. Basically I dare anyone to create a mod that involves replacing the BGM/audio of any of the next gen Elder Scrolls game with the Arena MIDI bgm/audio.


Thinking into it, I'm guessing there is already some type of audio mod/addon for TESO or Skyrim SE for me to implement this, but I doubt there is one that includes changing ALL of the audio to it's MIDI "counterpart" lmao.


To recap, a mod/addon to basically make Skyrim SE/TESO have only MIDI bgm and soundFX from Arena. Also, suggesting a separate mod/addon for the same but audio replacement from Daggerfall and Morrowind if the first request is doable.


Second recap, tbc, I don't know anything about mods but I'm pretty sure it would be better if the mods/addon specificly, separately, and only replace the audio rather than be mods/addons for "customizing" the audio. Know what I mean? Worst case scenario if the dialogue is affected in some cases or makes things overly complex, then this mod/addon should default all dialogue to subtitles. Lastly, I think if it is not possible to not affect dialogue, it's not gonna fly with the terms of service for TESO.



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